Might be this best thing to happen to your work groups as well.
Let's start by stating Parker and Kirby, saved your backsides and took both airlines and turned it into something world class. Don't take it personally but both your airlines were considered, third world 5 short years ago. How they were able to accomplish this is nothing short of miraculous considering, the labor, economic, and fuel issues, the past 5 years. Basically, both airlines should have been chapter 7. Now that doesn't discount some labor issues, borne about by legitimate complaints, but many of those were caused more by past managments, than by the current.
Now that said, the merger of our airlines, brings synergies that are not to be understated, and the potential to thrive will lead to better a work environment for all parties involved. Although Bond McKaskill, handles the seniority issue, it won't make everyone happy, but the opportunity for better work conditions and wages, come from syngeries of both airlines that the stand alone for you guys due to your lcc status doesn't allow for now. Get behind the merger for this alone, Parker and Kirby have never been your enemy, the enemy is economic climate we are all currently involved in.