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PilotAction US Airways & American Airlines Trial & Other News Update


PilotAction Merger News for US Airways & American Airlines: October 20, 2013

American, US Air execs hush-hush on whether a deal is in the works

American Airlines CEO Tom Horton and US Airways CEO Doug Parker sat down with The Dallas Morning News editorial board on Friday. American Airlines Inc. and US Airways Inc. face a Nov. 25 trial that could derail their planned merger. But might there be a settlement in the works?

See Story: http://www.dallasnews.com/business/airline-industry/20131018-american-us-air-execs-hush-hush-on-whether-a-deal-is-in-the-works.ece

The Risk/Reward Potential Is Looking Better for American Airlines

See Story: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/10/19/the-riskreward-potential-is-looking-better-for-ame.aspx

Cramer's Lightning Round - I'm Steadfast On The Airlines (10/18/13)

See Story: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1755662-cramers-lightning-round-im-steadfast-on-the-airlines-10-18-13?source=yahoo

Why US Airways-American merger is good for us

See Story: http://www.statesmanjournal.com/article/20131019/OPINION/310190012/Why-US-Airways-American-merger-good-us

APA Update (Dollars and Sense): October 18, 2013

I'd like to address a couple of items that relate to APA's financial situation; specifically, our fiscal year 2014 budget and membership dues and our flight pay loss methodology.

APA's Fiscal Year 2014 Budget and Membership Dues: During its regularly scheduled spring meeting in May, the APA board of directors approved a fiscal year 2014 budget based on a return to 1 percent dues as soon as American Airlines concludes Chapter 11 restructuring. At that time, airline management expected to exit bankruptcy and consummate the American Airlines–US Airways merger in early fall.
APA's fiscal year 2014 began July 1, 2013, so if management's expectation had proven accurate, the additional one-half percent dues would have remained in effect for only a few months. The lawsuit by the Justice Department, several state attorneys general and the District of Columbia has obviously delayed American Airlines' exit from restructuring.

The APA Constitution and Bylaws, Article III, Section 6.H. . stipulates that during contract negotiations and bankruptcy proceedings, membership dues will increase by one-half percent to compensate for the additional costs APA incurs. Consequently, the half-percent dues will remain in effect until American Airlines completes its restructuring to cover our bankruptcy-related expenses, which continue to be significant.

Flight Pay Loss Methodology: During last week's regularly scheduled fall meeting, the APA board of directors voted to approve R2013-37, Rev. 1, "Pay to Max of 90 Hours Flight Pay Loss for APA business," which acknowledges that "the prime directive behind the payment of flight pay loss and expenses for Association work is that those who serve the Association should neither lose nor gain income." FO Todd Hooper, ORD domicile vice-chairman, introduced the resolution; CA Sam Mayer, LGA domicile chairman, seconded it. This resolution also acknowledges that APA "needs a streamlined, definable, and accountable pay loss protection methodology that is both fair and equitable to all board members and the membership." The vote reduced the PTMAX cap from 97 to 90 hours. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with this resolution so that you may better understand the rationale behind APA's flight pay loss methodology for pilots who perform official union work.

Also, please note that we have posted the minutes from the July and August board of directors meetings for your reference. We will continue posting the minutes on a timely basis as board meetings take place. Committee reports from the fall meeting are also posted.

If you have any questions about current dues, flight pay loss, meeting minutes or any other matter pertaining to APA's finances, I encourage you to contact me.

Thank you.

APA Update #2 (Reserve Pilots Flying on Days Off): October 19, 2013

One of the new features in the 2012 CBA is the ability for a reserve pilot to volunteer to fly on days off. Section 15.L (DOTC) of the 2012 CBA in several places concerning sequence pick-up states:

"at Company option, eligible reserve pilots volunteering to fly on a DFP. DFP will not be replaced."

A reserve pilot desiring to fly on days off will be considered by the company and may be, at the company's option, awarded such flying. This flying may be a regular sequence or a premium pay sequence.

The value of flying performed on days off is paid above reserve guarantee.

If a reserve pilot voluntarily accepts a reserve assignment that begins on a reserve available day and continues into that pilot's days off, the flying performed on the reserve available day(s) is treated as regular reserve flying and the flying performed on days off is paid above guarantee.

Similarly, if a reserve pilot picks up flying on days off that flows into a reserve available day(s), the flying performed during the reserve available day is treated as part of that pilot's regular reserve flying and the flying performed on days off is paid above guarantee.

At this point, the company has not completed programming for a reserve pilot to fly on days off for straight pay, but the capability for reserve pilots to fly on days off for premium pay has been implemented. Again, the flying on days off, whether for regular pay or premium pay, is paid above guarantee.

APFA Merger Update: October 19, 2013

AA Bankruptcy / AA-US Antitrust Lawsuit Update

American and US Airways along with the DOJ made a joint submission yesterday to the Court outlining proposed procedures for the antitrust trial. The parties are mostly in agreement, including on the following dates. The parties agreed to file pre-trial briefs, limited to 50 pages, on November 15. The trial is scheduled to be held on November 25-27, December 2-6, 9-10, 13, and, if necessary, 16-20. The parties agreed to file proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law five days after the last day of the trial. Closing arguments are planned for January 6, 2014.

The parties also agreed to various procedures regarding the exchange of information before the trial, the marking of confidential information, and how witness testimony will be taken. The parties could not agree on two issues. The airlines requested a limit of 400 exhibits while the government requested a limit of 800. The airlines also requested a limit of 30 hours for each side to examine witnesses while the government opposed any limit. The Court should be expected to enter an order shortly resolving those two issues and approving the agreed upon procedures and schedule.

PilotAction Merger News for US Airways & American Airlines: October 21, 2013

Addington DFR Trial Court Order (Two Interesting Points): October 21, 2013

A two-day bench trial is set for October 22 and October 23. Trial will begin at 8:30 a.m. each day and end at 5:00 p.m. There will be breaks in the morning and afternoon as well as lunch breaks. This means there will be approximately 12 hours of trial time. That time will be divided equally between Plaintiffs and USAPA. Any time consumed by US Airways Inc. will not be counted against Plaintiffs or USAPA. Each party is free to use its six hours as it sees fit, but opening statements should be no more than ten minutes each.

The Sandra Day O'Connor United States Courthouse
Courtroom 601
401 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

American Airlines, Inc. and AMR Corporation seek “to participate as amicus curiae during the course of this litigation.” (Doc. 196). USAPA opposes the motion but offers no convincing reason why the Court should prevent such participation. Therefore, the request will be granted.

Surprise, surprise – Judge Lane approves the American Airlines plan of reorganization

Lane said that if AMR and American “reach a settlement of the DOJ Action, the Debtors shall file a motion with the Court seeking approval of the Debtors’ execution of and entry into such settlement.” As part of that review by Lane, the judge “shall determine whether the settlement would materially and adversely affect the treatment of holders of Claims and AMR Equity Interests under the Plan” and require a new vote on the plan by those stakeholders, the order said.

See Story: http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/2013/10/surprise-surprise-judge-lane-approves-the-american-airlines-plan-of-reorganization.html/

US Airways’ Top Line Results Will Fly Higher On Capacity Expansion

See Story: http://www.trefis.com/stock/lcc/articles/210563/oct-23-us-airways-top-line-results-will-fly-higher-on-capacity-expansion/2013-10-21

Unions ask permission to file brief in US Airways-American Airlines antitrust case

See Story: http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/2013/10/unions-ask-permission-to-file-brief-in-us-airways-american-airlines-antitrust-case.html/

US Airways Expands International Reach at Charlotte Hub

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-airways-expands-international-reach-120000457.html

Map: US Airways' European destinations

See Story: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/10/21/4404847/map-us-airways-new-international.html#.UmYQ3vmTjTo
[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]On Tuesday, October 21st, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane singed AMR's POR, but with a caveat that prevents the Plan from being executed. Lane said that if AMR and American “reach a settlement of the DOJ Action, the Debtors shall file a motion with the Court seeking approval of the Debtors’ execution of and entry into such settlement.” As part of that review by Lane, the judge “shall determine whether the settlement would materially and adversely affect the treatment of holders of Claims and AMR Equity Interests under the Plan” and require a new vote on the plan by those stakeholders, the order said. [/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]The question by most people who have a desire for the proposed AA-US Airways corporate combination to proceed is when could the deal be executed? There are three scenarios all of which have a different timeline that could affect the merger's closing.[/background]

1. DOJ and State AG's withdraw their lawsuit:[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)] It takes about two weeks for the combined business enterprise to execute a complex confirmed POR and complete the financial transaction.[/background]

2. The Defendants win the antitrust lawsuit:[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)] Closing arguments are scheduled for January 6, 2014 and U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said she would issue or Order on January 10, 2013. If the Defendants win the lawsuit than AMR's confirmed POR and merger could be executed in about two weeks or by the end of January.[/background]

3. The DOJ, the State AG's, and the two companies reach a settlement:[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)] Per Judge Lane's October 21st order if the parties reach a settlement, the Debtors will be required to file a motion with the bankruptcy court seeking approval of the Debtors’ execution of and entry into such settlement. As part of that review by Lane, the judge “shall determine whether the settlement would materially and adversely affect the treatment of holders of Claims and AMR Equity Interests under the Plan” and require a new vote on the plan by those stakeholders, the court order said according to the Dallas News. [/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]For AMR's initial (merger) POR and Disclosure Statement management suggested and Judge Lane agreed that the company would mail out the Plan and Disclosure Statement by June 20, 2013 with all votes received by July 29, 2013. The Debtors proposed and the court agreed that there would be an August 15, 2013 confirmation hearing where Judge Lane would be asked to confirm the POR (assuming that unsecured creditors and other stakeholders vote in favor of the plan), which did in fact occur. Then the two companies scheduled the POR to be executed on August 29, 2013, but this was superseded by the Justice Department filing their antitrust lawsuit.[/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Therefore, if there is a settlement with the DOJ AMR would need to draft a new POR and Disclosure Statement, have a hearing where Judge Lane would determine whether "the settlement would materially and adversely affect the treatment of holders of Claims and AMR Equity Interests under the Plan," and then mail the plan and disclosure statement to the creditors for approval. From the time there is a settlement, if negotiated, and the POR/Disclosure Statement is mailed by AMR to the time the POR is executed/merger closes could be about 3 months. Thus, if there is a settlement in mid-November then the two companies could close their merger before the end of February, 2014.[/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Meanwhile, both AMR and US Airways' stock, AMR's bonds, and US Airways' Put/Call Ratio remain bullish with US Airways' equity continuing to hit 52-week highs.[/background]

PilotAction Merger News for US Airways & American Airlines: October 22, 2013

US Airways Adds Europe Flights at Charlotte, World's Fourth-Biggest Hub

See Story: http://www.thestreet.com/story/12076560/1/us-airways-adds-europe-flights-at-charlotte-worlds-fourth-biggest-hub.html?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO

As it awaits trial over American merger, US Airways expected to report increase in 3Q profit

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/earnings-preview-us-airways-profit-171631728.html

AMR & LCC Equity Comparison: October 22, 2013

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=LCC+Interactive#symbol=lcc;range=1d;compare=aamrq;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logsc

Q3 2013 US Airways Earnings Conference Call (Live): October 23, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. ET

Webcast: http://www.usairways.com/en-US/aboutus/investorrelations/webcast.html

3Q13 State of the Airline (Live) – Tomorrow

TEMPE (US Daily) - Tomorrow, US Airways will announce financial results for the third quarter of 2013. CEO Doug Parker will host employees at the quarterly State of the Airline meeting at CHQ in PHX at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT; the meeting will also be webcast. Listening rooms will be set up around the system for those who will be at work.

Webcast: https://wings.usairways.com/uswings/news/sota

PilotAction Merger News for US Airways & American Airlines: October 23, 2013

US Airways Reports Record Third Quarter Pretax Profit

Record pretax profit of $367 million excluding special items

Highlights of US Airways Group, Inc.'s (the Company) third quarter 2013 results:

-- Revenue growth of 9 percent led to a record third quarter pretax profit excluding net special items of $367 million - a $174 million, or 90%, year-over-year improvement.

-- The Company continues to make significant progress in its merger integration planning with American Airlines. Both companies are preparing for a vigorous defense of the merger, with the trial scheduled to begin on Nov. 25.

-- During the third quarter, the Company repaid in full the prepaid miles loan issued in connection with its Barclays affinity credit card program at its face amount of $200 million. As of September 30, 2013, the Company had $3.9 billion in total cash and investments, of which $350 million was restricted. This is up $1.1 billion from the Company's third quarter 2012 total cash and investments balance of $2.8 billion, of which $347 million was restricted.

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-airways-reports-record-third-120000799.html

US Airways Restates Merger Focus While Beating Estimates

See Story: http://www.thestreet.com/story/12077308/1/us-airways-restates-merger-focus-while-beating-estimates.html?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO

USAPA Update on Addington DFR II Trial: October 23, 2013

Day one of the Addington II trial began at 08:30 MST, October 22, in Phoenix. After brief opening remarks from the attorneys representing the plaintiffs, USAPA and USAirways, the plaintiffs began their case.

Throughout the day, there were two 20-minute breaks and an hour break for lunch. Otherwise, for the majority of the day, the following PHX based pilots were called to testify by the plaintiffs and were cross-examined by USAPA.

Jeff Kootnz
Ken Holmes
John Scherff
Brian Stockdell
Johan DeVicq
Afshin Iranpour

At 16:05, the plaintiffs rested and USAPA made a motion to dismiss. The motion was taken under advisement by Judge Silver and a rebuttal was made by the plaintiffs regarding that motion. At 16:30, USAPA called Negotiating Advisory Committee Chairman Dean Colello to the stand. His testimony was heard until 16:55 when the Judge adjourned for the day.

The Court will reconvene at 08:30 MST, today (October 23), at the Sandra Day O'Connor U.S. Courthouse, and continue with Dean Colello and more USAPA witnesses. We expect the trial to conclude today at 17:00 MST. The final court transcript will be in the Legal Library, and distributed as a Legal Posting as soon as possible.

PilotAction Merger News for US Airways & American Airlines #3: October 23, 2013

USA Today: Full text - Mayors' letter implores Justice to end merger suit

See Story: http://www.usatoday.com/story/todayinthesky/2013/10/23/full-text-mayors-letter-implores-justice-to-end-merger-suit/3170249/

Emanuel, peers pledge support for airline merger

After the 2008 presidential election, President Barrack Obama appointed Emanuel to serve s White House Chief of Staff

See Story: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/chi-mayors-support-usairamerican-merger-20131023,0,6518987.story

Oklahoma AG plans to weigh in on the American Airlines-US Airways case

Oklahoma Attorney General E. Scott Pruitt served notice Wednesday that Oklahoma will be filing a “friend of the court” brief in support of the merger of American Airlines and US Airways. “This amicus brief may be joined by other state Attorneys General.”

See Story: http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/2013/10/oklahoma-ag-plans-to-weigh-in-on-the-american-airlines-us-airways-case.html/

US Airways reiterates total system capacity increase guidance of 3.5% for 2013

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-airways-reiterates-total-system-164304965.html

Q3 2013 Us Airways Group, Inc Earnings Conference Call Replay

See Story: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1763342-us-airways-group-inc-discusses-q3-2013-results-webcast?source=yahoo

Delta proves that consolidation drives up ticket fares

See Story: http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2013/10/23/delta-earnings/?source=yahoo_quote

PilotAction Merger News for US Airways & American Airlines #4: October 23, 2013

Dallas and other cities are right to urge DOJ to allow the American Airlines and US Airways merger to go forward

The bottom line: The DOJ is arguing theory with low fares as the only measure of consumer benefit while the rest of us are arguing that low fares mean nothing if airline is not strong enough to add routes or even survive. The mayors and airlines have this right. The merger should go forward.

See Story: http://dallasmorningviewsblog.dallasnews.com/2013/10/dallas-and-other-cities-are-right-to-urge-doj-to-allow-the-american-airlines-and-us-airways-merger-to-go-forward.html/

US Airways Flight Attendants Echo Merger Benefits After U.S. Mayors Issue Appeal to Justice Department

See Story: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/us-airways-flight-attendants-echo-merger-benefits-after-us-mayors-issue-appeal-to-justice-department-228963661.html

Greg Stanton, Rahm Emanuel, other big-city mayors ask feds to drop suit against US Air-American merger

“Without this merger, American and US Airways will be at a permanent competitive disadvantage to Delta and United, each of which has been allowed to build superior route networks through mergers that were cleared by the Justice Department, the latter under your watch,” the mayors letter reads. “The long-term prospects of American and US Airways will be imperiled.”

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg were not on the letter. New York and L.A. are home to American hubs. I’m waiting to hear back from those two mayors on the merger matter.

See Story: http://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/news/2013/10/23/greg-stanton-rahm-emanuel-other.html

More Bipartisan Opposition to Obama Administration’s Move to Block Airline Merger (Including Rahm Emanuel)

I previously noted the dwindling support for the Justice Department’s deeply flawed lawsuit and recommended two real pro competitive policy reforms Congress and the president ought to pursue. President Obama’s most important constituency, organized labor, has strongly opposed the merger lawsuit since its filing. As the ranks of opponents from both sides of the aisle grow, it is becoming unclear what the Obama administration hopes to accomplish by continuing forward with its misguided attack on the American Airlines-US Airways merger.

See Story: http://www.openmarket.org/2013/10/23/more-bipartisan-opposition-to-obama-administrations-move-to-block-airline-merger-including-rahm-emanuel/

US Airways net income dips on higher taxes

With American Airlines reporting last week that it had a third quarter profit of $289 million, the would-be merger partners appear to be doing well on their own. But Scott Kirby, US Airways' president, said during an earnings call with investors and media that the tie-up is still necessary. "Strong companies merge all the time and the point of this merger is we will be stronger, we will be able to attract more customers . . . if we're allowed to merge,'' Kirby said. "The fact that we're currently making profits today doesn't change that in any way whatsoever.''

See Story: http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/flights/2013/10/23/us-airways-net-income-dips-on-higher-taxes/3169217/

Parker: If you look at our credit rating, we’re not doing all that well yet

See Story: http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/2013/10/parker-if-you-look-at-our-credit-rating-were-not-doing-all-that-well-yet.html/

US Airways Net Income Dips on Higher Taxes

Standard & Poor's analyst Betsy Snyder said results from US Airways and Delta showed how strong the summer was for the airlines, which are now poised to get a break on fuel — oil prices have fallen 5 percent in the past week. "As long as fuel remains at these levels and demand is there, business travel is there, I absolutely think this is sustainable," Snyder said in an interview. But a fuel spike or setback to the economy could change the airlines' profit picture, she added.

See Story: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/us-airways-net-income-dips-higher-taxes-20655476

US Airways CEO: We want Jerry Orr back

See Story: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/10/23/4408539/us-airways-continues-merger-planning.html#.UmgrM_mTh8E

Things You May Not Know about the US Airways-American Airlines Merger Lawsuit

· US Airways’ “Exceptional” Profitability: Undermining the Justice Department’s “exceptional” profits claim is this multi-year chart which shows US Airways’ pre-tax profit margins from 2008-2012.
· We Should Simultaneously Trust and Distrust Airline Executives: The DOJ relies heavily on American and US Air executives’ public claims to matter-of-factly determine that a standalone American will be able to thrive and compete globally (p. 9). One thought that apparently never crossed the DOJ attorneys’ minds is that American executives would never tell their shareholders they will be condemned to financial purgatory without a merger and that US Airways executives would never tell their shareholders they are going to purchase a debt-laden collector of aircraft fossils.
· DOJ’s Hatred of “Capacity Discipline” Ignores Consumer Benefits: In discussing the 2005 merger of AmericaWest and US Airways, the complaint portrays the deal as bad for consumers (pp. 23-24). Many commentators have focused on reduced competition leading to increased fares on specific routes rather than effects across the network and the travelers who use it. Such a myopic view is wholly inappropriate, assuming the goal of competition policy is to ultimately improve consumer welfare.
· The DOJ’s analysis here is similarly colored by sloppy assumptions based on undergrad textbook understandings of competition policy and industrial organization.

See Story: http://www.openmarket.org/2013/08/16/three-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-us-airways-american-airlines-merger-lawsuit/
Things You May Not Know about the US Airways-American Airlines Merger Lawsuit

· US Airways’ “Exceptional” Profitability: Undermining the Justice Department’s “exceptional” profits claim is this multi-year chart which shows US Airways’ pre-tax profit margins from 2008-2012.
· We Should Simultaneously Trust and Distrust Airline Executives: The DOJ relies heavily on American and US Air executives’ public claims to matter-of-factly determine that a standalone American will be able to thrive and compete globally (p. 9). One thought that apparently never crossed the DOJ attorneys’ minds is that American executives would never tell their shareholders they will be condemned to financial purgatory without a merger and that US Airways executives would never tell their shareholders they are going to purchase a debt-laden collector of aircraft fossils.
· DOJ’s Hatred of “Capacity Discipline” Ignores Consumer Benefits: In discussing the 2005 merger of AmericaWest and US Airways, the complaint portrays the deal as bad for consumers (pp. 23-24). Many commentators have focused on reduced competition leading to increased fares on specific routes rather than effects across the network and the travelers who use it. Such a myopic view is wholly inappropriate, assuming the goal of competition policy is to ultimately improve consumer welfare.
· The DOJ’s analysis here is similarly colored by sloppy assumptions based on undergrad textbook understandings of competition policy and industrial organization.

See Story: http://www.openmarke...merger-lawsuit/

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel when you reprint articles dated August 16, 2013. That was over two months ago. Aren't there enough current news stories for the extensive PilotAction NewsNetwork cut and paste posts of yours?

PilotAction Merger News for US Airways & American Airlines #5: October 23, 2013

US Airways cites government shutdown in lowering a revenue forecast for October

J.P. Morgan cited the change in lowering its estimate of fourth-quarter earnings to 53 cents per share from 64 cents. Analysts surveyed by FactSet were expecting 48 cents per share.

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/news-summary-us-airways-net-201719262.html

US Airways president says shutdown hurt bookings

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-airways-president-says-shutdown-215328739.html

Shutdown Shock: When Uncle Sam Sneezes, US Airways Gets a Cold

See Story: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-10-23/when-uncle-sam-sneezes-us-airways-gets-a-cold?campaign_id=yhoo

US Airways 3rd-quarter profit falls; shares off

"From an operational performance standpoint, it's been a continuing great story," said Robert Mann, an airline consultant based in Port Washington, New York. "On that basis, US Airways can certainly add a lot of value to where American has recently been."

See Story: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-airways-third-quarter-profit-125600536.html

Wolfe Research, Hunter Keay: October 23, 2013

LCC reported EPS of $1.16, above our $1.14 and consensus of $1.12. By our count this was the 18th straight quarterly beat by LCC, the longest streak of any airline we cover. We were lauding DAL for growing EBIT margins for four straight quarters… LCC just completed its seventh consecutive quarter of y/y EBIT margin expansion.

US Airways Group Management Discusses Q3 2013 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

See Story: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1765852-us-airways-group-management-discusses-q3-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript?source=yahoo

State of the Airline, 3Q 2013 Earnings (Webcast Replay): October 23, 2013

Today US Airways announced financial results for the third quarter of 2013. CEO Doug Parker hosted employees at the quarterly State of the Airline meeting at CHQ in PHX.

Listen to Webcast: https://wings.usairways.com/uswings/news/sota

US Airways CEO Shows Basic Humanity, Backs Embattled Charlotte Airport Chief

Give Parker credit for not just going along, out of self-interest, when an obvious injustice occurs.

See Story: http://www.forbes.com/sites/tedreed/2013/10/23/us-airways-ceo-shows-basic-humanity-backs-embattled-charlotte-airport-chief/?partner=yahootix

More Supporters of the Airline Merger Weigh In

It appears that the mayors of Phoenix and Philadelphia have been convinced there will not be the same cuts applied to their airports as were seen in Memphis. And with all the political happenings in this merger battle, it would be reasonable to expect that the airlines at least talked to the mayors. If this is true, some public officials are seeing the airlines' argument as convincing. Since both Arizona and Pennsylvania are among the states suing to block the merger, success in persuading state officials to allow the merger, along with possible concessions on the airlines' part, could go a long way to clearing the road for a settlement between the airlines and state AGs in these two states.

With the support of both the Phoenix and Philadelphia mayors on board, I see a greater chance that the merger can move forward despite the current picture of state AG opposition in Arizona and Pennsylvania.

See Story: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/10/23/more-supporters-of-the-airline-merger.aspx


FORT WORTH, Texas (Oct. 23, 2013) — The president of the Allied Pilots Association (APA), certified collective bargaining agent for the 10,000 pilots of American Airlines, says he is pleased that seven mayors from cities that are American Airlines and US Airways hubs have joined to release a letter today to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder urging him to settle the lawsuit against the AA–US Air merger.

"The fact that these mayors from economically and geographically diverse cities reached a consensus on this issue and took the time to express it publically should leave no question about whether this merger should move forward," APA President Capt. Keith Wilson said. "On behalf of the pilots APA represents, I'd like to thank each one for their support."

In the letter, the mayors cited support from organized labor unions — including APA — as proof that the merger is pro-growth and would foster increased competition. The letter also states APA and other unions "have joined together with the companies to support the new American Airlines. This is unprecedented. Such a constructive approach between employees and management should be applauded by the Administration, not challenged."

APFA Merger Comment: October 23, 2013

Marcus Gluth, APFA Vice President and a Florida resident, along with APFA's Government Affairs Representative Julie Frederick, met with the office of Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

The Florida attorney general is one of the six (remaining) AGs who joined the DOJ lawsuit in its effort to block the AA/US merger. Florida stands to gain tremendous benefits for consumers who will have more choices with seamless connections and increased international flying with a third strong competitor in the new American. The Attorney General’s office was receptive and seemed eager to hear why the employees are supporting the merger. APFA appreciated the opportunity to discuss why we believe it is the best path forward for both of our companies.

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