you could well get what you want.
It has Always been possible that the price to get the merger passed would be more than what AA and US were willing to pay, esp. regarding DCA. If AA/US were forced to divest even 20 slot pairs at DCA - 40% of what AA brings to the table but on par with what UA gave up at EWR (even though 18 slot pairs was 100% of UA's premerger schedule at EWR), the economics of DCA might not work any more - and with it a big chunk of new AA's east coast network.
It is also possible that there are likely pricing and network related requirements that the DOJ wants as well.
Somebody's Christmas will be what they want - the question is whose.
Make a lot of money if you know whose?
You do have to remember the DOJ or DOT I forget which blocked the first slot swap deal, but after negotiations they all came to an agreement.
This is much more complicated than just giving up slots IMHO. The DOJ has also basically stated that they believe they made a mistake letting some of the other mergers go through.
IMHO, the argument of "A and B did it so why can't we do it" doesn't hold too much water. Each merger is different however with each merger, cities have lost services and jobs have been lost as well.
Maybe someone can show me where:
1)Any of the 3 prior mergers were cities didn't see a downguage in service
2)Jobs were not only not lost but gained?
To me:
1)The creditors are in it for a "quick buck"
2)Most of the unions, especially the pilots union want the merger because of pay increase
3)Parker wants it so he can be "head honcho"
4)Horton will (eventually) get a major payday.
5)Other misc. items not mentioned
I still don't see where the cost savings will be w/out firing people and I don't see Parker & Co. running AA the way it should be run. He's already on record of bestializing services.
If Parker & Co. get to run the show, within a few years, there will be
within a few years many angry employees and pax.