Chip, you did not address what I stated in the other thread before it was closed, so please answer this:
Did or did not Seigel say that if there is no choice but to terminate the pilot pension plan, that the company would not leave the pilot's high and dry, but the pilot's would get the PBGC payout, plus whatever the company can supplement that payment with?
Also, do you really believe that 4000+ pilots are going to vote themselves out of an upper middle class job, that is really a primo position (very white collar BTW)? You may in fact have another position lined up for six figures, but many do not, and will not see that kind of money again. All those pilots over 50 will never ever see the pay they get now, because let's face it, there is job discrimination in the job hunting market, ask anyone laid off past say, age 45. A college degree earned 25 years ago, with no business experience because all you have done is fly will get you to about a $30,000 entry level position if you are lucky in today's job market.
The MEC may very well be unanimous, at least in this vote. Do you really think the silent majority of the pilot group will vote to throw their careers, lives, and houses away? I would like to see most of the mainline pilots make their mortgage payments, car and boat payments, etc on $400.00 weekly unemployment (before taxes) from the state.
Please understand I am asking this on a rational basis, and you seem to be more emotional now than I have ever seen you. While I may not agree with everything you post, I always felt you are entitled to your opinion, here or anywhere else, and have always seen you posts as grounded in facts rather than emotion. Perhaps you need a break from the boards for a few days?