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Pilipino Reservation Agents

Consider this, their stats are higher than ours, they all started at the same time, there were no "oldies" to sit near or ask questions, they are getting monitored by alot of people at the same time.

Yes, alot of us started here as a career, but that too has changed, it was outsourced to people with a different goal in life. Just because it is a stepping stone does not mean they intend to do a bad job, and dont have a sense of humor and dont know American slang.
Awa Contract said:
I was just there for 2 weeks and stayed in one of the suburbs outside of Manila and from what I saw and learned while visiting 180 per month is less that the average office worker makes there.  And to the person that says there is a middle class, it sure managed to stay hidden from view what I saw was those that have (weathy by thier standards) and poverty.  I saw no middle class at all.  I saw working people living thier lives out in a room the size of my laundry closet and they were the lucky ones.  You would think that if a company the size of US Airways was to take the work out of America and away from Americans they would at leat make a dignified effort to improve the lives of the people that country.  Apparently any type of morals is to much to expect from this company, instead they choose to enslave these people so despart for a hand up and willing to work for it.

barbeetantrums said:
How many native Filipinos say "let me give y'all a piece of my mind"? Somebody is having fun on the Information Superhighway. 😛

Why, don't we have the right to say "let me give y'all a piece of my mind". Would you rather we speak our language here? You'd have to get an interpreter to understand us while WE can understand you, hands down. I guess, by just our posts here, we have proven that we can reach your level.

What do you mean by "native" Filipino? As far as I know, I'm a Pilipino since birth.
barbeetantrums said:
How many native Filipinos say "let me give y'all a piece of my mind"?  Somebody is having fun on the Information Superhighway.  😛
If your numbers are correct, then US is paying 80% more than the average income. Sounds like middle class for that nation, not slavery. I believe that your characterization of the country may be accurate for some remote rural villages, but not the norm for urban areas. The comparison to US wages is apples to oranges.

That being said, my experience has been universally poor with non-domestic US agents. When one considers the lost income to the company due to poor work, people taking their business elsewhere and the cost of domestic employees to correct errors, these low salaries may not be cost effective.
I was not that urban - I stayed in Quezon City and used the taxi systen to go to several of the communities. You should travel there for yourself sometime. The people there are the best.
I don't have a problem with anyone from foreign countries earning a living, but-----I am an American and I believe in keeping American jobs in America. I will not ever buy another car made in another country, nor will I suport a company that takes jobs away from Americans to give to other countries. We give enough in financial suport to other countries. Where were those countries when we had a disaster in New Orleans and the hurricanes that just passed through??? Did any other countries send suport??? I think not and I'm tired of helping other countries who cannot help us in return. I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.
let me give y'all a piece of my mind.. I ask to be cursed by passengers who cant find a better fare, or who are having trouble booking online with that freakin' website. it's even sadder that i have to work in a totally different field with only 1 freakin' month of training. and FYI, our calls are being monitored and we have to meet (impossibly high) metrics (handling time) while keeping up with the quality. otherwise our asses will get creamed and we lose our jobs and it's back to the streets hunting for whatever job there is.

Keep the quality high? Forgive me, but I have called and gotten that res office and not only is the quality not high, it doesnt exist! I have had numerous maor fiaskos with that office. Just one example. . . I called one day and asked the agent when the next flight to Philadelphia was (this was about 11:00am) he INSISTED there were no more flights that day. Impossible. I kept arguing with him, long story short, I hung up and called back and got another agent, she gave me a list of flights. When I mentioned what happened, she said something to the effect that they are a day ahead and sometimes people forget that in their office. . .Kinda of a major error don't you think?
if you must know, the Philippine National Red Cross sent over some of our doctors, nurses and other personnel in MSY to help out, despite our limited resources. in my college's mailing list, a post has been going around reaching out to Filipino professionals in the US asking for volunteers to help out the Katrina victims. I AM PROUD TO BE A FILIPINO
I sincerely hope that you are not at work now and writing this while on company time. The majority of res agents at usairways do not have access to the internet and even if they did, your activity if done at work, would be cause for being put on a disciplinary level, if not fired.
The res agents at usairways did not receive any more training than 4-6 weeks depending on when they were hired. The job itself is learned while taking calls. There is no way possible to cover every possible scenario while in class. Maybe the main difference is that when we were hired we did not look at it as only a job. Most planned to retire from U and thought of it as a career. In hind sight we should have looked at it as only a job.
We have been subjected to monitoring and metrics for years. Get used to it or leave. The metrics have never been fair or always able to be maintained/attained. Those that put them in place don't do the job and in some cases have listened and sat with reps for a short time to determine how long a call should be and how much time you should have to complete the call.
All res reps have been cussed/yelled at at some time in their tenure. You get used to it and just go on along to the next call.
You are the first line of contact for many of USAirways passengers. What you do and how you do it reflects on the company for many consumers. You must handle the call and if you don't know/can't find the answer you have resources available other than "I don't know" or "let me transfer you". Find the answer (call assist desk/spvr) and you will know for the next caller that asks. Many times the answer is in Sabre, but is difficult to find. Most of us, in the days of past, when it wasn't busy, spent time looking thru the system trying to acquaint ourselves with where you could find information. We kept notes where to find information, not the answers, because it is constantly changing.
Bottom line, for most of the res agents at USAirways, it was a career, one we planned to stay with til retirement until it became all too apparent that we were unwanted by management. They kept stripping away the benefits until there was little to keep those that were proficient and experienced. There is only so long that you want to work night shifts, weekends and holidays with reduced compensation. We stayed with the hope that with many years on the job, we would see better shifts, days off, holidays that never materialized or once attained were taken away.
Now, take that call that has been on hold while you played online posting.
geez,lighten up. you didn't really think i posted that while i was taking a call, did you? where's your sense of humor? :mf_boff: with all due respect, i understand where you're coming from. i am fully aware that US furloughed many of its employees to outsource the job to us. but you must also understand that its not our fault. they came to us and not the other way around. you should blame the management, Dubya, or whoever, and i'm sincerely sorry about what they did to you. we are trying to do our best to the job that was given to us. i am getting used to this. i'll just let all the swearing go in one ear and out of the other. and yes, we do keep notes, read QRM in Sabre, call customer service desk if we have to, and check out the latest industry news. and by the way, it's my rest day and im paying for the time to use this computer with my own money from the legendary "$180/mo." salary.
As I have said before in this topic they are a hard working, and very friendly people. In my 2 weeks there I did not and I mean this DID NOT encounter one rude person. I just wish this company would pay them a better wage. No doubt that with the money they save putting Americans out of work they could afford to. I like the Filipino people and plan on going back there again this coming year.
I don't have a problem with anyone from foreign countries earning a living, but-----I am an American and I believe in keeping American jobs in America. I will not ever buy another car made in another country, nor will I suport a company that takes jobs away from Americans to give to other countries. We give enough in financial suport to other countries. Where were those countries when we had a disaster in New Orleans and the hurricanes that just passed through??? Did any other countries send suport??? I think not and I'm tired of helping other countries who cannot help us in return. I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.

Two points I would like to make.

1. Over 100 other countries offered help to the US after Katrina. Everything from cash to oil to food and supplies to personnel and expertise. Also, the poorest countries (like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Phillippines, Haiti, Guatemala, etc) did offer various forms of assistance. The Bush administration was very slow to accept these offers from the foreigners (Just like it was very slow to get to New Orleans- 4 days). So these countries did offer but since they don't have an abundance of resources, they can't give what they don't have.

2. As far as buying a car made in another country, don't judge a car by the name of it's maker. GM manufactures some of it's cars in Mexico and Toyota manufactures some of it's cars in the US employing Americans. You should ask the dealer where that particular car was manufactured.