Piedmont A/C in CLT

Since your a LOVER of USAIRWAYS.......US-Airways lover......maybe you should go back in time and review the "heritage" of this airline and look at those past liveries and then you tell us what the planes should look like.

Just using your post to jump in here....I think that the only paint going on any airplane should be the new, combined U paintjob..the white one. This is a BIG waste of moneys.

I had the chance to talk with Parker prior to the merger, and before the announcement of the "heritage" program. He was asking everyone in the room which airline they came from, which base, etc. I chimed in that the PI merger was almost 20 years ago, and that after 2 BKs and 911 it was the true concern of the employees to get on with it and stop with the romance of the past. That little comment stopped any further questions of past attachments...I am sure he already knew about the program by then.

In all honesty, it is a wonderful idea, though inappropriate considering the financials of both the company and the employees.

Get on with it, the NEW U that is. Everything else is just fluff.

It's going back to the paint shop.

12:38 pm | US Airways repainting Piedmont jet
[email protected]

US AIRWAYS PHOTOThe US Airways plane with the Piedmont Airlines paint scheme will head back to the shop because the blue stripe on the aircraft is too light, a company spokeswoman said today.

The Airbus A319 aircraft, one of four planes designed to honor four of US Airways' predecessor companies, is already in service. A photo of the plane ran on the front of the Observer's Business section today.

Following the company's annual shareholder meeting in Charlotte, spokeswoman Elise Eberwein told the Observer that the plane will be repainted a darker shade of blue to match the color of Piedmont planes from the 1980s.

The plane will be dedicated in late June in Charlotte, Eberwein said.

Piedmont was the dominant carrier in Charlotte and other N.C. cities before USAir bought the company in 1989.

I say again-
At least they (management) admit that mistakes were made and will rectify them, unlike former AL, U, Uair, Uairq management.
ok seriously, can yall not be happy with anything??

If it isnt heritage liveries its uniforms, or beverage choices, or any other petty item. Do you realize the cost associated with changing the paint job yall areB*tching about? Why not just accept the jesture and appreciate it.
ok seriously, can yall not be happy with anything??

If it isnt heritage liveries its uniforms, or beverage choices, or any other petty item. Do you realize the cost associated with changing the paint job yall areB*tching about? Why not just accept the jesture and appreciate it.

Look.... the gesture is certainly appreciated but on the other hand can't you understand the passion of former employees of inherited airlines that want to identify with these aircraft? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to match colors. Hell, I could have taken a sample to home depot and made a better match on the color.

It's a bit like inheriting a large sum of money from your mother and in her honor you decide to hang a picture of your Aunt over your mantle. Sure they look similar but it defeats the purpose.
grow the hell up 700. its not an insult to the employees. So they were painted wrong. there is an article in usa today and it states that the a/c is going back to the shop to darken the blue.
Take your own advice

All the US Airways Heritage planes on the east side were wrong.

PSA smile not wide enough.

AL plane wrong cheatline and logo too small.

PI plane color way off.

Someone is making six figures in charge of operations, they should get it right the first time.

It never should have came out of the shop painted wrong in the first place.

Three strikes and your out in my book.
ok seriously, can yall not be happy with anything??

If it isnt heritage liveries its uniforms, or beverage choices, or any other petty item. Do you realize the cost associated with changing the paint job yall areB*tching about? Why not just accept the jesture and appreciate it.

No, they can't. You're getting a good example of why one merger didn't go so smooth. Petty BS. The planes are red the speedbird's dead..waahh..waahh...waahh. I am so glad I don't have to hear this crap anymore.

Eye (running and ducking) :p
ok seriously, time to put things in perspective "smile not wide enough" ok, i could see thinking that that it unfortunate, but not enough to take the aircraft out service and pay for an adjustment. the plane had a fricken smile on it, maybe its only 4" wide instead of 6", does it REALLY make a difference?

Bring it on, i hear the flaming coming...
oh my god so all three had to go back to the shop! lol whos designing them! go to airliners.net folks! its good that they are making the effort though its one of the first times ive felt like they care about what thier employees think
Piney is right and I agree with 700. It is way off and it shouldn't have ever come down to paint going on the plane without a thorough understanding of what the color scheme was. It was pizz poor planning and the end result shows. Actually I think they're painting the wrong planes to begin with. They should be painting the 757's the Heritage logo's. It doesn't look right on those small A319's.
Was the logo ever presented in that color in print material? That kind of rings a bell. Maybe that is the problem. Honestly, it really seems inconceivable to paint the whole plain wrong. Could there be more to this story, considering all the other little screw ups?

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