Phl Ramp Walks On Christmas Eve?

Dog Wonder said:
Sorry the dog isn't a football fan. More interested in eating trash and licking itself. That is where it gets inside information from U management.
[post="231653"][/post]​ this is funny...thanks. :lol:
CaptianBoomer said:

I agree with 4merresrat about the terminations......Of course there have been terminations for cause that have stuck. But the majority of terminations that don't stick for whatever reason are because the unions do have some pull getting some deadbeats their jobs back. Its like the murderer who gets off because of a technicality. He is still a murderer, there is no punishment because of the technicality.

I watched many an employee who was a deadbeat and should have been terminated for cause get a hand slap or nothing because management was afraid of the union. If the union would turn their backs on a deadbeat or two, it would put the fear back where it belongs.



The company is not afraid of unions or leaders...most terminations stick, and only the few, if there is mitigating circustances that can be "proven" do you win a grievance. And the union rep has to be super smart and in order to be able to articulate and win an argument that has validity, otherwise, the grievance is lost. There is more than one person on the company side that makes the decision, not the person who hears the argument. That's why arguments should be written out. If the argument is not in written form , the company manager who heard the grivance puts their own "spin" on the case, and Labor relations won't over turn the termination. Neither will an aribitrator without mitigating.

This is not an assumption, speculation, assertion, or some ideaology......this is a pure fact!

Only IF the company does not have their "ducks in a row", does an "underperforming employee" win a termination....very, very rare.
hadEnuff said:
For those that do not have enough class and integrity to do their job when they were scheduled to work that resulted in the interruption and inconvenience to innocent customers that paid money to travel, then I only wish and hope that those same individuals get screwed twice as badly next time they make a purchase and try to get the company to wrong a right. They deserve exactly what they have dished out and if the can't take the heat get the he!! out of the kitchen!!!!!!!!! Union or no union it simply comes down to what is right and wrong and unfortunately some people just never learn and understand but then it would take some effort and intelligence!!!! Hope they all had as great a Christmas as the one they screwed over which includes their fellow employees!!!! If you don't like the truth then that is just too bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the really unproductive ones it usually hurts!!!!!!!!

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