I dont need an assistant I need better pay and benefits
AMTs dont sign for an inspection that the rampers do. Once made aware of a issue AMTs check out the problem and if it isnt in the logbook we put a maintenance entry in the logbook and work the item from there.
No one touches a log book except for maintenance after a pilot makes a pirep.
from RCI and contractors? Further, in many stations without aircraft maintenance, the ramp CC enters the inbound pireps and the action taken into the FMR prior to notifying Tech Svcs and the local contract maintenance: at least that is what was required of me when I was a ramp CC before becoming an AMT.
RCI and Panasonic technicians are licesed A&P mechanics. Years ago they were not.
At JFK, a Class 1 station.....no one except a mechanic touches the log book.
We have done contract work over the years on foreign carriers and only a certified mechanics can sign the log book.
Not only NO for line asm`s but for the bases as well. We gave them the in with the 1995 contract, we must stop the bleeding. I hope you people on the negotiating team are listening. NO ASM`s !!!To me the Line ASMs issue can be summed up in one word NO.
Look at all the fines the company is facing with having people with the training and background required, do you really think that they can afford to give this work to people with no training? Another factor is if they are looking for people with mechanical skills who dont have A&Ps where are they going to find them? $15/hr? They could make more than that working on lawnmowers, what makes you think they would be willing to work nights weekends and holidays for what AA is offering?
Ironically the only mechanics they could get to work for the wages they are offering would be A&Ps because these people already sunk $20 to $30K into getting their licenses and hope theres a future to make their investment pay off. As fewer and fewer people enter A&P school because of the abysmal wage structure even that supply will dry up.
I think if we look at the ASM program thats in place at the OH we would find that a large number of the ASMS are also license holders. We had a guy who downgraded from a mechanic in JFK to an ASM in AFW because he couldnt afford to live in New York on a mechanics wage. Texas on an ASM wage was more affordable than New York on a mechanics wage. So while they can get ASMs in low cost areas, which are essentially""D scale" A&P mechanics its doubtful that an ASM program on the line would work out. To me Line ASMs is a "pie in the sky" issue, not open for discussion in negotiations.
I totaly agree with AMTs signing all log sign offs <_< <_< , but with Rockwell covering maintenance on the video equipment I dont sign for thier work and never will, they must have A&Ps but not sureAs it should be.
I think they do have A&Ps. As to whether they should be on our planes at all.... It depends how the Rockwell contract now over 12 - 15 years running - is structured. Is it their equipment riding on our equipment, or did we buy the equipment and share the revenues?I totaly agree with AMTs signing all log sign offs <_< <_< , but with Rockwell covering maintenance on the video equipment I dont sign for their work and never will, they must have A&Ps but not sure