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I Make US fly!

I hear you. I have the same problem. UA is really doing a great job with FC these days. I recently sent UA an email about the 2 FC flight attendants working the flight (UA has 2 FA's working FC on a 757)...they responded in less than 24 hours with a personalized email not only thanking me and commending the FA's for great service, but they thanked me for purchasing the fares I do when I travel UA. They even sent me an immediate acknowledgement that my email was received and would be processed. Tempe misses the boat when it comes to the details....the details are important.
Me Too!

If you read a little more carefully you'll note that no I have had it all the way up to my everloving eyeballs with the Highschool rules, terminal cheapness, and the blatant disregard for customers, elite or otherwise.

Half Mini's, Half Assed Web Site, Half assed Customer Relations, will soon create a half assed airline which will eventually crumble under it's own cheapness and half assed customer service and sadly it won't matter how nice the F/A's are.
Why they ever took the 16 oz bottled water away from first class (besides apparent cheapness) is beyond me. Now that customers aren't allowed their own beverages on board it's more important than ever to supply this amenity. HELLOOOOO Corporate?!? :wacko:
Why they ever took the 16 oz bottled water away from first class (besides apparent cheapness) is beyond me. Now that customers aren't allowed their own beverages on board it's more important than ever to supply this amenity. HELLOOOOO Corporate?!? :wacko:

It so freaking ridiculous. On one of my recent flights, the FA announced "Ok, my Chairmans, My Gold, MY Silver, start writing letters because all they have are the big bottles of water and that is what you are getting because I am not filling up these teeny tiny cups a million times." :up: 😀 :up: Those small bottles of water were awesome.
You guys are going to make me start drinking! Yes, Tempe is a different world and ran a different airline. East employees had careers and west jobs. Since HQ is in the west, much of what we will see will probably be of the west variety. Will there be extra perks for preferred or employees? Doubtful. Will their strategy keep them a greyhound in the sky but profitable? Probably. Will preferred have to decide whether the changes are worth still trvlig with US? Undoubtedly. I think many will leave and many like PB will stay because they have no choice. Many will chalk if up to bankrupcy, 9/11 and just keep trvling. Some will revolt and change carriers. Those like PB that stay out of necessity will continue to be vocal. Its a good thing to let them know how you feel but I dont think any BIG changes will come from it. I think we all need to raise a glass to those who try to make things better. Employees and customers alike. I think we are on the same side.
Why they ever took the 16 oz bottled water away from first class (besides apparent cheapness) is beyond me. Now that customers aren't allowed their own beverages on board it's more important than ever to supply this amenity. HELLOOOOO Corporate?!? :wacko:

24 packs of water are $4.99... $3.99 on sale at our stores in WV. I'm sure in the bulk US would buy it would be cheaper.

Do the math... as it's a cheap price for an ever important FC amenity. :down:
24 packs of water are $4.99... $3.99 on sale at our stores in WV. I'm sure in the bulk US would buy it would be cheaper.

Do the math... as it's a cheap price for an ever important FC amenity. :down:

Maybe the I Make US Dry slogan really is appropriate. If they are that cheap, just by Kirkland water...I'm sure that is even cheaper. Maybe Doogie is too busy counting his $9M....
Was HP's old slogan I MAKE HP DRY?

LOL - i hope not because we all know the games and trash that walk through those tempe doors in the morning is enough to make everyone an alcoholic.... Think about it - you can fly at least 3 other airlines if not more for around the same fare- It is VERY true - that UA and AA probably DAL will give you much better first service than US - no doubt... Fly UA and you will see a MAJOR difference...
Was HP's old slogan I MAKE HP DRY?
LOL - i hope not because we all know the games and trash that walk through those tempe doors in the morning is enough to make everyone an alcoholic.... Think about it - you can fly at least 3 other airlines if not more for around the same fare- It is VERY true - that UA and AA probably DAL will give you much better first service than US - no doubt... Fly UA and you will see a MAJOR difference...
Don't they have a board for you UA employees to post on?
Fly UA and you will see a MAJOR difference...

you had to get me started.....thanks a lot....UA's FC is great and their FA's are embarrassed because they think it isn't good enough...I said fly the new US and you'll see what a great product you have...their meals are good on transcons...they serve ice cream sundaes on transcons with whipped cream and chocolate syrup...drink glasses are full all the time, or at least you are asked as soon as it is empty if you want more...any FA passing through FC will stop and ask a FC pax if they need more to drink...they cater to the biz traveler on UA....people can say what they want about whether or not UA will be around, but after last quarter, they show signs of hope...their employees receive tons of memos about the importance of biz travelers...US sends memos out about taking away the small water bottles, not showing the movie on certain flights, using more ice so that you use less soda...nickle and dime...nickle and dime

The employees should realize that Tempe's nickle and dime attitude applies to BOTH the employees and the customers, but not management....