Why wouldnt you be looking forward to a trip on HP metal? I guess I personally am always looking to give great customer service but lately it looks like no matter what we do as long as we are "west" or affiliated with HP we are not good enough. For some. I truly understand the problems with the website and several other problems as I have stated many times here but I get frustrated with" east fa's are the best." I guess its your opinion but just to let you know its not shared by everyone. Bob, even when you are talking about pricing on another thread you state that "east customers" aren't going to stand for it, or that they are more savy.. something to that effect. I cannot tell you how many times I hear thank heavens you are former HP and I know you can help or HP Chairmans refuse to call the Chairmans line because they know platinum line will link them to HP, many PREFER to HOLD(they work while their fons are on speaker fon) than call the CP line. They are more comfortable dealing with agents they know will be able to book their flights without hesitation. Im sure its the same for the east. We arent as knowledgeable about east routing and neither system was set up to accomodate routing from the others flights. Its what many are used to. Many of us westies are transplants from the east and we consider ourselves relatively intelligent. We have many wonderful fa's just as the east does and Im sure each side has its share of bad apples. Many of us are trying to put our differences aside and work together to improve each dept and give better customer service. I know I learn all the time from east agents what their issues have been or how their system works compared to ours and have found many wonderful people. I hope you give HP metal, agents and fa's a chance and you might be pleasantly surprised. Thanks again for staying with US Airways and continued success in all your endeavors. MamaI pray daily to the airline gods for CO to reintroduce service to ACY!
25 minutes from the house
$5.00/day to park.
Good connections out of CLE
Get comped to Platnium
20,000 mile saver awards.
F/A's as polite and friendly as US.
Better on board service in F.
If CO had stayed in ACY I would never made CP on US or given them the chance.
I take my first trip on HP metal on 9/5, so we shall see how it all plays out. Honestly not looking forward to it.