You want problem brother.
1. Demand that the INTL change the constitution where the membership has the ability to recall INTL officers at a whims notice.
1. Local 562 submitted a resolution to add recall of International Officers at the last Convention. It was never even permitted to be discussed on the floor as the International bundled all the Resolutions they did not want into one motion for rejection. We submitted several Resolutions but concentrated on Electronic ballotting, where all votes would be recorded and the membership could see the results and how their representatives voted. I only recall seeing Locals 501, 567, 565, 562 and 564 from the ATD suport this.
2. Membership needs to approve all INTL officer salaries.
3. Election of all INTL appointments! period.
3.All officers are elected, the rest are employees. We proposed that the Division Directors (appointed) are elected by representatives from that division.
4. Membership participation as observers at all Presidents council meetings and negotiations! period!
5. TWU forum for membership with password protection. No alias's and solution based. Membership participation and engagement.
5. Local 562 has had that for around two years, its on the website.
6. E-mail tree to forward all information.
6. Local 562 has had that for nearly three years.
7. Membership approves union Arbitration panel member.
8. Tie INTL salaries to membership compensation.
8. It is, but the formula only takes into account increases, not decreases.
9. Tie dues collection to length of negotiations. Gives union incentive to get a T/A.
9. Sure fire way to get even more concessionary agreements. A COLA or language like we proposed for Article 47 would be more effective at gaining timely agreements.
10. Negotiating committee required to present full text T/A at local membership meetings prior to Presidents Council voting on whether T/A moves forward for system-wide vote. The membership approves or rejects T/A prior to presidents vote. President doesn't vote on their beliefs.
10. So you want to vote on being able to vote on a TA? I agree with getting full text and I think that Full text should mean "Full Text" and no language in there that says that the details will be worked out later.
Getting back on Topic. Back in 2001 we were trying to get a more detailed Scope clause (modeled on the Pilots contracts) put in place. At the time Art Luby spoke about how System Protection was about the best we would likely ever get. As long as they have to keep the workers they have to keep the work. The shortcoming of this strategy is that the protection erodes through attrition. I believe we now have around 2000 Title I without system protection and that number grows daily, thats probably the biggest threat to Tulsa, not a handful of 757s sent to Timco, because its a number that will continue to grow unless we move the date up in Negotiations.
I'm not so sure that the TIMCO move is AA testing the waters, I think its more AA spending as much money as they can. With a lot of optional work such as cabin upgrades still being performed in Tulsa and OT at the max its clear that management is spending like money is not a problem. Later, down the road, they will cite how their maintenance costs(due to doing everything at once) are skyrocketing and try to use that to get concessions. IIRC the company has sent work out before, to Delta. From what I hear Delta is pretty much in the same boat as AA, they have more of their own work than they can handle as well.