I shake my head in dismay at the events of the past week in Tulsa. To me it represents lip service and creative accounting at its best. The two combined equals ten bucks worth of logo plastered on the side of a couple of airplanes. They marvel at the savings without regard to the cost. What does it cost per year to have topped out mechanics attend endless meetings, who's name bear concocted acronyms? The appointment of mechanics to think tank departments, company/union liaisons, and the addition of very expensive coordinators and managers that did not exist before this initiative. Furthermore, how could management of any company team with a union that has for many years epitomized the wasteful use of labor by removing accountability, resulting in the loss of its member’s dignity. The TWU has proven it’s not qualified to run M&E’s business. The Tulsa base, what in the early 90’s was very productive by standards has morphed into a very well organized and expensive joke. Management should manage and the union should negotiate to improve pay and benefits.