Obama's Gun Grab

townpete said:
Exactly, gutless furball.
Says the bot who is willing to send other peoples' kids to do what he wouldn't, and is afraid to move about the safest place in the world without a gun...

Ifly2 said:
I was talking about her stuttering stammering touchy feely "smackdown"

Kyle was a great soldier, did his job superbly and with dedication. He deserves to be and has been honored for that, and I agree. It is awe-inspiring to observe, or learn about, a true master of his craft.

That sorta' goes without saying.

Mental issues?
He describes his "issues" returning to the "real world" himself, etc., in his own book.

We need heroes. Every society does, and he is a good one.

Your alter-ego petey-bot posted a video of a stammering, stuttering, touchy feely "speech" and called it a " smackdown " of some kind. Like I said, that explains a lot, and none of it is impressive.

She did at least admit that there is not necessarily even a correlation between gun ownership and decreasing violent crime, much less causation. That, she didn't to her credit even try to claim or associate, unlike the "information services" and NRA Story line bot programmers.

Obama's response was adult, caring, concerned, rational, reasoned and Defended And Affirmed Her Right To Gun Ownership.
A week kneed attempt at absolving an obvious slur on a man who was murdered while trying to help others.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Hurt your feelings?

There was no slur

It was all true

God have mercy?
Like he did for Kyle?

Whatever god is, it ain't no fairy god mother, and that ain't how it works

Not ever in the whole 6000 years of the universe

Ifly2 said:
Hurt your feelings?

There was no slur

It was all true

God have mercy?
Like he did for Kyle?

Whatever god is, it ain't no fairy god mother, and that ain't how it works

Not ever in the whole 6000 years of the universe

Not in the least.
You are the shmendrik, not I.   
delldude said:
Ifly2, on 08 Jan 2016 - 1:57 PM, said:
You talking Chris Kyle?
On his worst day on this planet he was a bigger and better man than you'll ever be.
Yep, but no self-righteous "liberals" could ever admit that to themselves.
He was a better shot thsn I, that's for damn sure.

In my eyes, in every way that matters, my grandfather was a "better man" than nearly anyone I can think of.

He'll never be famous though.
Ifly2 said:
He was a better shot thsn I, that's for damn sure.

Wow! What high praise, especially from someone who was admittedly "not trained for combat" like yourself, and even begrudgingly afforded to a "mere" SEAL/Sniper. One can only imagine his soul's far more at peace with your "warrior" blessing.  Sheesh! Mindless liberal arrogance truly knows no shame nor boundaries of any kind...sometimes; words just fail me.
"In my eyes, in every way that matters, my grandfather was a "better man" than nearly anyone I can think of." Perhaps in your "next life" you should try to become one yourself. You've mentioned service with the USN, the very same folks that bring forth and host the SEALS. What was YOUR excuse?
Ifly2 said:
Blah blah blah blah blahhhhhhh

Don't be so self-deprecating and instead do yourself good service by at least trying to address the actual issues. Any liberal trying to get all personally pretentious against any SEAL is just too much a sadly-self-constructed and obvious joke to do other than laugh at.
Everyone doesn't worship warriors

Then there is the "marine" out there in Oregon
Ifly2 said:
Everyone doesn't worship warriors

That's fully understood. Liberals despise them and feel somehow threatened by their very existence...even while they willingly place themselves in harm's way for your sake.
You couldn't have better offered us all any more immediate and fully accurate "selfie" pic of yourself had you tried.....
No one said anything about despising anyone, except you

Respect is one thing

Worship quite another

Got a dictionary handy?

Your local middle school will have an appropriate one you could probably take a peek at

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