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Obama ends Pilots hand gun program

No, pre 9/11 no one thought this would happen or was possible. No one thought anyone was that stupid as to take a plane full of passengers and crash it into a sky scraper.

Post 9/11 we all know it is possible. Do you think anyone on an aircraft is going to go down with out a fight? Are you going to sit on your hands on a hijacked plane? Are you really that stupid? The folks on UA 93 found out what was happening and they ended it. That is what will happen on any plane that someone tries to take over.

It's not a matter of trusting the pilot with a gun. It's a matter of not believing a pilot could do anything in a confined cockpit with a intruder who is also armed. At that point it is too damn late. It is more window dressing that will do noting to make the airways safer.

I sure hope you are pretty.

You only focus on flight 93??? They only did what they did because they were made fully aware of what was happening after the other planes have already crashed! My God you are ignorant!

Answer me this:

Did the passengers of flight 11 choose to rush the cockpit?
Did the passengers of flight 175 choose to rush the cockpit?
Did the passengers of flight 77 choose to rush the cockpit?
You only focus on flight 93??? They only did what they did because they were made fully aware of what was happening after the other planes have already crashed!

Exactly you dolt. They found out. Now we all know. I sure as hell know that if I see someone trying to get into the cockpit I'm going after him. And I guarantee I will not be alone. Are you going to sit there on your hands?

Nothing like 9/11 ever happened before. The people on the other flights assumed standard hijacking procedures. No one will ever assume that again. Well, may be you will since you think someone will actually make it to the cockpit. Apparently with a plane full of people like you they will since you seem to be indicating that you will believe that the hijackers will do what they say and everyone will be OK. You have two choices ... attack or sit back and watch. Which will you do?

I sure hope you're pretty
Exactly you dolt. They found out. Now we all know. I sure as hell know that if I see someone trying to get into the cockpit I'm going after him. And I guarantee I will not be alone. Are you going to sit there on your hands?

Nothing like 9/11 ever happened before. The people on the other flights assumed standard hijacking procedures. No one will ever assume that again. Well, may be you will since you think someone will actually make it to the cockpit. Apparently with a plane full of people like you they will since you seem to be indicating that you will believe that the hijackers will do what they say and everyone will be OK. You have two choices ... attack or sit back and watch. Which will you do?

I sure hope you're pretty
Mr. Dolt, your assuming what people would do now, you know what they say about making assumptions right?
First of all , please stop with the HEIL obama message south wind ... i find that truly distastefull ....please , please , try and act civilized ..

secondly , i see that many have forgotten the commuter pilot who pulled out a gun , shot the co pilot in the head and crashed the plane about 10 years ago ..
Bears, Big O might not, but I wouldn't put it past this Congress/Politburo to try. The Porkulus already has language allowing it to usurp a Governor's authority to reject the pork earmarked for their state. .
Mr. Dolt, your assuming what people would do now, you know what they say about making assumptions right?

Let me get this straight You are on a plane and someone is trying to break into the cockpit. FA's have been disabled. You are not going to do anything knowing what could happen? Really? You go ahead and sit in your comfy seat. I'll be right beside the guy who said "lets roll".

I sure hope you're pretty.
Looks like some quick back peddling taking place...go fugure. Anyone taking bets on how Obama back doors this?

Federal Officials Deny Report That Obama Seeks to End Pilot Gun Program
Federal officials are denying a report that the Obama administration is seeking to end a program that allows trained airline pilots to carry guns.

In an editorial published Tuesday in The Washington Times, the newspaper wrote that "President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology."

Sterling Payne, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration, denied the report and said the program that oversees a reported 12,000 federal flight deck officers (FFDO) is actually expanding.
You think that the reporter who broke the story might have gotten it wrong? Nah... that never happens.

Why don't we wait for the dust to settle and see what really happened.

Sure hope you're pretty
What fun would that be? Id be missing out on all the "pretty" compliments from you! :lol:

By all means continue then. 😛 I'll still be here.

BTW, true o false it still does not change the fact that it is window dressing. Also, you have seen some of these pilots. I have spoken with some of them. While some are quite competent the idea of some of them packing heat scares the crap out of me..
If air marshals are not the deterant due to the small number. I wonder how is an even smaller number of pilots with a gun going to deter the terrorist. I say please God take the guns off the planes. I only recall one armed Captain who did scare the bejesus out of me.

Like Garfield said, looks to be too good to be true. Not happening, just some crazed lunatics looking to add fuel to the fire of the hes going to take our gun crowd.
First of all , please stop with the HEIL obama message south wind ... i find that truly distastefull ....please , please , try and act civilized ..

secondly , i see that many have forgotten the commuter pilot who pulled out a gun , shot the co pilot in the head and crashed the plane about 10 years ago ..

I think you are wrong...........it was a wacked out employee who broke into the cockpit...Pilot asked FA what was the problem and the man broke into the cockpit and stated "I'm the problem here".....I think it was a US Air commuter.
I think you are wrong...........it was a wacked out employee who broke into the cockpit...Pilot asked FA what was the problem and the man broke into the cockpit and stated "I'm the problem here".....I think it was a US Air commuter.

Yes you are correct, now imagine how different things could have been if that pilot was armed to protect himself.
If you don't trust a pilot to carry a gun, wtf are you doing allowing him at the controls of a plane carrying 300 people?
Do you just make stuff up to impress yourself?

This is what he posted:

I do not trust a pilot to be able to secure the cockpit and fly the air crat at the same time.

Although you have zero credibility with me, there may be others out there still deciding.

Misrepresenting and mis-quoting will not earn any respect or credibility...

...I hope you are pretty
Do you just make stuff up to impress yourself?

This is what he posted:

Although you have zero credibility with me, there may be others out there still deciding.

Misrepresenting and mis-quoting will not earn any respect or credibility...

...I hope you are pretty

WTH are you talking about this time? :blink:

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