Obama unveils sweeping measures against gun violence

What it means is the next time someone walks in with 2 revolvers and starts shooting the place up, we'll be looking into banning those also !

I heard Obama is cutting an EO to make it a requirement that you show a perp how many you have in your clip before defending yourself giving the perp legal options if he survives.
Random Thoughts on Gun Control legislation and Executive Orders issued by Furher Obama.

1. Just because you pass a law or issue Executive Orders doesn't mean people will obey even all or part of it - We saw this behavior during Prohibition. We see it now with the Insane war on drugs

2. How many will refuse to comply? Preferring to buy weapons on the black market?

3. If the NRA goes bonkers how many of their members will fail to comply?A mere 10% of nearly 5 Million members means 400,000 new prison beds required.

4. How much will it cost? Will the Furher open up interment camps like the US did for the Japanese during WWII?

5. How many armed confrontations will there be between the forces of the Furher and 2nd Ammentment Patriots? How many will die in the fight for Liberty?

Another more interesting thing to consider is what will happen when the Federal Gun Thugs start brining people to trial? Do you think there are 12 people who would convict? That out of a given jury pool there aren't at least one per jury who would "hang" the jury?

Did you also know that Jury Nullification is a long held legal tradition dating back before the COTUS?

Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict of "Not Guilty" despite its belief that the defendant is guilty of the violation charged. The jury in effect nullifies a law that it believes is either immoral or wrongly applied to the defendant whose fate they are charged with deciding. [size="+1"]When has jury nullification been practiced?[/size]
Jury nullification appeared at other times in our history when the government has tried to enforce morally repugnant or unpopular laws. In the early 1800s, nullification was practiced in cases brought under the Alien and Sedition Act. In the mid 1800s, northern juries practiced nullification in prosecutions brought against individuals accused of harboring slaves in violation of the Fugitive Slave Laws. And in the Prohibition Era of the 1930s, many juries practiced nullification in prosecutions brought against individuals accused of violating alcohol control laws.
More recent examples of nullification might include acquittals of "mercy killers," including Dr. Jack Kevorkian, and minor drug offenders.

Furher Obama can do a great man things. However he can't order us to comply and we can nulify any and all verdicts or at least hang the juries. There is nothing Obama can say or do in reality to stop gun violence.
I heard Obama is cutting an EO to make it a requirement that you show a perp how many you have in your clip before defending yourself giving the perp legal options if he survives.
I promise to keep my home defender locked up in a gun safe in the basement with a trigger guard and only use bird shot..

:p no really... :p
Yes and no. I have served on two juries. On one we had someone who did not understand that her opinion of the law was irrelevant and that she had top decide the case based on the law as it was written and not as she wanted it to be written. It took us two days to explain the way the law worked. We were getting ready to ask the judge for an alternate to be seated because she was not following the law. Hanging the jury based on a different perception of the facts is something different from hanging the jury because you do not like the way a law is written. I believe you will find it more than difficult to hang a jury because there is one person who does not like the law.

As for nullification, that would have to be a unanimous verdict and I think that is also unlikely to happen. Very many in this country believe that there needs to be regulations placed on the access to guns.

Not to fear. No one in this country seems to be willing to do anything substantive in regards to gun control. People will die each year. The left will say something needs to be done, the right will say nothing needs to be done and the stuff that is done will amount to nothing.

I just hope it never happens to me or those I know. The rest of you.... oh well.
Yes and no. I have served on two juries. On one we had someone who did not understand that her opinion of the law was irrelevant and that she had top decide the case based on the law as it was written and not as she wanted it to be written. It took us two days to explain the way the law worked. We were getting ready to ask the judge for an alternate to be seated because she was not following the law. Hanging the jury based on a different perception of the facts is something different from hanging the jury because you do not like the way a law is written. I believe you will find it more than difficult to hang a jury because there is one person who does not like the law.

As for nullification, that would have to be a unanimous verdict and I think that is also unlikely to happen. Very many in this country believe that there needs to be regulations placed on the access to guns.

Not to fear. No one in this country seems to be willing to do anything substantive in regards to gun control. People will die each year. The left will say something needs to be done, the right will say nothing needs to be done and the stuff that is done will amount to nothing.

I just hope it never happens to me or those I know. The rest of you.... oh well.

Thank God you were there. She could still be out in the woods on the interpretation.
Yes and no. I have served on two juries. On one we had someone who did not understand that her opinion of the law was irrelevant and that she had top decide the case based on the law as it was written and not as she wanted it to be written. It took us two days to explain the way the law worked. We were getting ready to ask the judge for an alternate to be seated because she was not following the law. Hanging the jury based on a different perception of the facts is something different from hanging the jury because you do not like the way a law is written. I believe you will find it more than difficult to hang a jury because there is one person who does not like the law.

As for nullification, that would have to be a unanimous verdict and I think that is also unlikely to happen. Very many in this country believe that there needs to be regulations placed on the access to guns.

Not to fear. No one in this country seems to be willing to do anything substantive in regards to gun control. People will die each year. The left will say something needs to be done, the right will say nothing needs to be done and the stuff that is done will amount to nothing.

I just hope it never happens to me or those I know. The rest of you.... oh well.

William Penn got his land grant as an indirect result of Jury Nullification. There is a great deal of "people power" still left despite Obama & Bush's best efforts and over the next few years we shall see. You may want to check out the web site of the Fully Informed Jury Association for more information.

And just by way of clarification the points I made were random musings. Things I've thought about over the recent weeks.

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