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Obama Scandals

I dunno dell...good question. It's just that us doggone inquiring mind liberals are still trying to fathom how 4 deaths are outrageous yet 5,000 are hunky dory.
I do not know that I care about the numbers so much. Go to one of the families of the four who were killed in Benghazi or a family from a soldier killed in Iraq or Afghanistan and I am pretty sure they all will feel the same.

Bush and Cheney clearly lied and got us involved in a $3 trillion of wars that cause the death of over 5,000 soldiers. Obama and Clinton seemed to have screwed up and the result was the death of 4 people and then lied to cover it up.

Bottom line is politicians lie.
I dunno dell...good question. It's just that us doggone inquiring mind liberals are still trying to fathom how 4 deaths are outrageous yet 5,000 are hunky dory.

I think it has to do with the fact that the soldiers in Iraq weren't denied backup as were their Brothers in Benghazi and then dishonored by some lame lie over a two or three year old film which was the lie for well over 6 weeks by the Obama administration.

No one here is discounting the Iraq war dead....just you.
How is it a cop out?

None of you said a peep about scandals when Bush was in office, now you attack Obama at every turn.

Thats hypocrisy!

Can you tell me if Clinton or Bush had a scandal and held off releasing it until after the election?
I think it has to do with the fact that the soldiers in Iraq weren't denied backup as were their Brothers in Benghazi and then dishonored by some lame lie over a two or three year old film which was the lie for well over 6 weeks by the Obama administration.

No one here is discounting the Iraq war dead....just you.

Are you completely nuts?


CheneyBushRummy lied, repeatedly, to his own cabinet, to congress, to the American people, the UN, to the entire world about the reasons for invading Iraq.

They are still lying about it today. That's a little longer than a couple of weeks.

They not only didn't provide the US forces adequate, basic equipment they needed, they withheld the armored vehicles they needed when they were required to occupy Iraq in order to fulfill the CheneyBushRummy ego trip "on the cheap".

CBR Ripped thousands and thousands of guard and reservists, meant to be available for emergencies, from their lives, families and productive work and sentenced them to multiple, extended tours of duty. At untold cost to them, their families, and the US economy.

Ultimately sent ~5000 US service members to their deaths, maimed another ~ 30,000 or so, and then went cheap on the care they needed when they came home AFU.

Not to mention the $2-3 trillion borrowed from people who hate us, and the trillions more that will be borrowed from them to pay the interest on that.

Or, the 100,000 or so dead innocent Iraqi civilians, killed, all in the name of exporting democracy, and our " ideals ", to a people who didn't want them, and culturally, wouldn't know what to do with them.

Or the destruction of an entire country's infrastructure.

We have a name for that

I'll spell it out for your denseness...

We call that state sponsored terrorism, when other people/countries do it.


They are still lying about it...
I think it has to do with the fact that the soldiers in Iraq weren't denied backup as were their Brothers in Benghazi and then dishonored by some lame lie over a two or three year old film which was the lie for well over 6 weeks by the Obama administration.

No one here is discounting the Iraq war dead....just you.
You go to the war with the army you have, not the one you might want or wish to have = Offense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to troops in desparate need of armored vehicles

Seems that in the case of an OFFENSIVE invasion...you'd better damn well go to war with the absolute best equipment for your troops. I guess you're right...they didn't deny backup...they just sent in about 10% of the number of troops that the military advisors recommended. BUT....4 deaths is atrocious and 5,000 are no big deal.

You go to war with what you have at hand.....tell me of a war that was perfectly planned.

And you are willing to entrust control of your healthcare to this same gov't.
Jim Bridenstine:

The president’s Justice Department sold weapons to narco-terrorists south of our border, who killed one of our finest.

The president’s State Department lied about Benghazi with false information provided by the White House.

The president’s attorney general authorized spying on a Fox News reporter and his family for reporting on a North Korean nuclear test.

The president’s Justice Department confiscated phone records of the Associated Press because they reported on a thwarted terrorist attack.

The president’s Treasury Department uses the IRS to target political opposition.

The president’s Health and Human Services secretary pressures insurance companies she is supposed to regulate to promote ‘Obamacare,’ which is the same law she uses to force citizens to pay for abortion inducing drugs against their religious liberties.”

He then went on to say that the president’s “dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to suggest that he is not fit to lead.”

The only problem is that his vice president is equally unfit and even more embarrassing,” Bridenstine concluded.
Obama is the one who pumped it all up Pal.
Ever check his pro gun stance?
Tea Party you fear? You sound paranoid.......aren't taking any prozac or related anti-anxiety meds are you?

You sound biased against the first civil liberties organization which formed to teach black slaves how to arm and defend themselves against your party....ain't that a beech?

DHS has supplied itself enough ammo to fight the Iraq war for 25 years......who they worried about here?
I bet you support that shiit too.

I wonder if the pipsqueak would want to see my NRA life membership along with my ATP certificate? It also makes me wonder if a person with such biases would overstep his limited authority given to him by the gov't.

Go Bruins? That explains it.

The boy has bought himself an nra card

And an atp

You go to war with what you have at hand.....tell me of a war that was perfectly planned.

And you are willing to entrust control of your healthcare to this same gov't.

More important is why you go to,war

Our Constitution says the president may request troops in the event of insurrection, rebellion or invasion, not because the leader of some country halfway around the world that the pres' buddies once supported has become a pain in the ass, and an embarrassment.

Iraq was not connected to 9-11, nor to Al Qaeda

Saudi Arabia was

Bin Laden was Saudi

Most of AQ leadership was Saudi

Most of the 9-11 hijackers were Saudi

Most of AQ money came from Saudi sources

So the genius invades, and occupies, Iraq.

Wrong country

What would the American people have said had they been honest enough to go on TV, in front of Congress, and said "we don't like this Saddam Fella' anymore. We used to, but he doesn't do what we tell him anymore. So what we are going to do is invade Iraq, and occupy it. This is going to cost a lot of $ so we are going to,raise your taxes effective immediately, a lot, to pay for it. A lot of your friends, sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers are going to die. A lot more are going to come back with everything from PTSD to missing limbs, terrible disfiguring burns, to permanent brain damage. We Are going to have a draft. No deferrals or exceptions this time. We are also going to kill 100,000 innocent Iraqis, and destroy the lives of the rest. This will go on for at least ten years. If we want to enforce the establishment of a democracy that we approve of, maybe 50. BTW, Iraq had nothing to do wit 9-11, no meaningful contact with AQ, and we can find no actual evidence of WMD, or any way to deliver them."

Instead, they are still lying about it

The towers came down on 9/11/01. The Iraq war started on Mar 20, 2003. Bush had 1 1/2 years to build the military he needed to go an invade Iraq. Sadam was not going any where so Bush could have taken longer had he needed. Seems a few people in his administration thought it wold be a walk in the park. I recall some delusional putz talking about being welcomed as liberators (by a culture diametrically opposite our own).

WWII was a war you entered into with the military you had. We were hit on Aug 7 (similar to 9\/11) but the war was already in full swing in the pacific and in Europe so we had to go when we did. There was no luxury of waiting around till we built up a military.

Rumsfeld was a narcissistic SecDef. And he, along with Cheney and the rest of the Bush Admin screwed the pooch on Iraq in a big big way.

The really crazy part is that in 1984 Cheney conducted an interview in which he predicted exactly what would have happened had H Bush removed Sadamn from power and invaded Iraq. That is the one part of the equation that makes no sense to me. Cheney knew what was going to happen and let it go forward any how. Why?

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