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Obama Scandals

How is it a cop out?

None of you said a peep about scandals when Bush was in office, now you attack Obama at every turn.

Thats hypocrisy!
How is it a cop out?

None of you said a peep about scandals when Bush was in office, now you attack Obama at every turn.

Thats hypocrisy!

Bush may have had his scandals but I don't recollect him hiding out while 4 Americans called for help and died or manufacturing a total lie and attempting to pass it on to the American people.

I think Bill Clinton summed it up about Obama better than anyone else:

“I’ve heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I’ve heard from Obama,” my sources quoted Clinton as saying. “I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever. Obama doesn’t know how to be president. He doesn’t know how the world works. He’s incompetent. He’s an amateur!”
How is it a cop out?

None of you said a peep about scandals when Bush was in office, now you attack Obama at every turn.

Thats hypocrisy!

Its a simple case of my idiot is better than your idiot and if my idiot does something its OK but if your idiot does it, then it is bad.
No he just started a lie that killed over 4,000 soldiers, shall I go on?
Bush may have had his scandals but I don't recollect him hiding out while 4 Americans called for help and died or manufacturing a total lie and attempting to pass it on to the American people.

No, but I DID see him looking under the sofa in the Oval Office for some of those WMD's that "gotta be around here somewhere". Funny...soldiers are dying looking for the WMD's that we were SO sure of that Congress was told "we can't have the smoking gun come in the form of a mushroom cloud". ONE YEAR after he committed our troops to "fight with the army you've got" (gotta love Rummy) in an OFFENSIVE invasion of a country, he's joking about not finding the WMD's.

You all must have got a good chuckle out of that. One month later, Casey Sheehan was killed over there. And the Bush white house went into action to paint his mom as some kind of looney. You guys were more outraged at Cindy Sheehan blocking the road to the Crawford ranch than you ever were about Bush joking about those WMD's.

I'll tell you what - I'll take a guy "hiding" while 4 Americans are killed instead of some lying assed joker kidding about the very thing that was getting THOUSANDS of Americans killed.
No he just started a lie that killed over 4,000 soldiers, shall I go on?

What excuse are you going to use, once BaRack has surpassed Bush ?

"72% of U.S. Casualities in Afghan War Under Obama's Watch"

For the total 2,053 fallen troops in Afghanistan since the United States began military operations in October 2001, 1,484 have died during the Obama administration, meaning approximately 72 percent of U.S. casualties in Afghanistan have occurred during President Obama’s first term.

I know.....................the Taliban are racist !
Yep. Afganistan. That country that aided and abetted that bin laden fellow. The one Bush didn't get. But Obama did. Amazing how you guys can take far fewer deaths in the country that DID do something to us as being worse that 3 or 4 times as many deaths in a country that did NOT do anything to us.
Excuses, excuses ! Will BaRack "EVER" take responsibility for anything? Before he threw his political machine, Main Stream Media, under the bus, I would have doubted it!
Excuses, excuses ! Will BaRack "EVER" take responsibility for anything? Before he threw his political machine, Main Stream Media, under the bus, I would have doubted it!

Wow...confronted with just a couple of facts you shift direction.
No he just started a lie that killed over 4,000 soldiers, shall I go on?

You mean after he listened to the prominent Democrats on the Senate Intel Committee and other high ranking party elites such as :

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, Robert Byrd, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, and Nancy Pelosi among many, many others.

Or after Hillary endorsed it too?

“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.”

Yes, I implore you to go on.......
You mean after he listened to the prominent Democrats on the Senate Intel Committee and other high ranking party elites such as :

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, Robert Byrd, Henry Waxman, Tom Daschle, and Nancy Pelosi among many, many others.

Or after Hillary endorsed it too?

Yes, I implore you to go on.......

Where did any of those democrats add "and we should unilaterally invade to stop him" Of COURSE we knew he had WMD's...have you forgotten the famous shot of Rummy shaking hands as he and the administration of Saint Ronald of Fresno GAVE him the chemical weapons.
I guess you forgot that Colin Powell testified with false information given to him by the Bush Administration, that led both Democrats and Republicans to authorize the use of force.

Gee what about Valerie Palme being outed cause her husband spoke the truth?

On Sunday, Mr. Powell hinted at widespread reports of fabrications by an engineer who provided much of the most critical information about the labs. Intelligence officials have since found that the engineer was linked to the Iraqi National Congress, an exile group that was pressing President Bush to unseat Mr. Hussein.

''It turned out that the sourcing was inaccurate and wrong and in some cases, deliberately misleading,'' Mr. Powell said in the interview, broadcast from Jordan. ''And for that, I am disappointed and I regret it.''

That was a sharp contrast to comments four months ago by Vice President Dick Cheney, who said the administration still believed that the trailers were part of a program of unconventional weapons, and added that he ''would deem that conclusive evidence'' that Mr. Hussein in fact had such programs.

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