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October Surprise?

Job #'s FINALLY dipped below 8.0 % on...O C T O B E R 5th, 2012, to 7.8%.
I DEMAND that You assign your ABSOLUTE BEST...'SPIN job' to this report !!!!!!!!!!!

the ' Bear.

U-6 is still flat at 14.7%, Bears. That's the number that really matters to me -- unemployed + underemployed.
So when Romney uses the > 8% figure ad nauseam, they were not real or accurate. Thank you for clearing that up.
So when Romney uses the > 8% figure ad nauseam, they were not real or accurate. Thank you for clearing that up.

No, they were around 14%.....Obama admin who is on record as a group of pathological liars see it differently much as you.This makes me think you are a pathological believer.
What number do you believe? And from who?


Argued this issue ad nauseum with Tech 2101....maybe you should look them up.

Obama wants to live by the statistic he may well suffer the consequences of azzwhole sampling.
What number do you believe? And from who?

John Ransom

Magically and providentially, Obama has enjoyed the largest one-month drop in unemployment since he got elected thanks to the greatest single month of job creation since 1983- all just weeks before ballots hit for his reelection bid.
“The U.S. unemployment rate dropped below 8 percent for the first time since the month President Barack Obama took office,” reports the Associated Press “a surprising lift for both the economy and his re-election hopes in the final weeks of the campaign.”
Yeah; we’re all REAL surprised by this.
According to the AP, Jack Welch, the retired former CEO of General Electric, said on Twitter: "Unbelievable jobs numbers ... these Chicago guys will do anything ... can't debate so change numbers."
For those of you who doubted Obama’s godly credentials, shame on you.
“To be made a saint in-a the Catholic church,” said Father Guido Sarducci, “you have to have-a four miracles. That's-a the rules, you know. It's-a always been that-a. Four miracles.”

What number do you believe? And from who?

SAVE YOUR BREATH, as (in this case as) it refers to dell. !!
Guys(on here) like dell/eolesen(WHO I've Cyber-known for YEARS) are GOOD guys, and I RESPECT them, AND thier right to thier opinion .
Now having said that Glenn, they ARE acting like HYPOCRITC's as you've pointed out.(+8%..Wonderful.......-8% Fraudulent) !

It was the same on BULL-SHITE talk Radio today. Talk Radio's BIGGEST ARSE Kissin'-Rush Bimbo WANNABE...Sean Hannity was SCREAMING into his Mic today, TOTALLY Exasperated.
I was LAUGHING sooooo F'n Hard, I had to stop driving and pull over before I got into an Accident.
So in summary Glenn, when you're 'Jousting with the REPUGS on here, try not to mix dell or eolesen in with the likes of a southwindBAG, or a signals, or the rest.

Sparrorhawk is a true Libertarian, and a good bloke as well.

If we add in the july/august and september " + " numbers that you've provided, I'm guessin' that the number would go down in totality. Yes ?....No ?...???????
I'm guessing, after 3 1/2 years of Barrack, a 7.8% jobless rate, sucks in anyone's book !
SAVE YOUR BREATH, as (in this case as) it refers to dell. !!
Guys(on here) like dell/eolesen(WHO I've Cyber-known for YEARS) are GOOD guys, and I RESPECT them, AND thier right to thier opinion .
Now having said that Glenn, they ARE acting like HYPOCRITC's as you've pointed out.(+8%..Wonderful.......-8% Fraudulent) !

It was the same on BULL-SHITE talk Radio today. Talk Radio's BIGGEST ARSE Kissin'-Rush Bimbo WANNABE...Sean Hannity was SCREAMING into his Mic today, TOTALLY Exasperated.
I was LAUGHING sooooo F'n Hard, I had to stop driving and pull over before I got into an Accident.
So in summary Glenn, when you're 'Jousting with the REPUGS on here, try not to mix dell or eolesen in with the likes of a southwindBAG, or a signals, or the rest.

Sparrorhawk is a true Libertarian, and a good bloke as well.

If we add in the july/august and september " + " numbers that you've provided, I'm guessin' that the number would go down in totality. Yes ?....No ?...???????

Six tenths of one percent of American households and the other sample of 850,000 businesses with a 400,000 margin of error and you're all for it?

I'll take hypocrisy over koolaid any day of the week.
So when Romney uses the > 8% figure ad nauseam, they were not real or accurate. Thank you for clearing that up.

Depends on the context. When he's talked about U-6, he's used 14.x%. When he's talked about jobless, it's been the >8% stat.

Fact remains that for all of Obama's tenure, underemployment + unemployment is still > 14%.

All of the indicators are that the economy isn't growing, and adding this many jobs without a growing economy seems to be just a bit odd. You also have a growing number of people *leaving* the workforce, be it retirements, giving up on looking for work, or going back to school. Given September is when universities resume, it's plausible that lots of college grads from 2011 finally gave up looking for work and are now in grad school.
What number do you believe? And from who?

The source in your chart is the BLS? The same group you claim put out bad unemployment numbers....

The same group you say is cooking the numbers. Now you found one you like?

You did notice the trend in that chart from January 2009 until now.
The source in your chart is the BLS? The same group you claim put out bad unemployment numbers....

The same group you say is cooking the numbers. Now you found one you like?

You did notice the trend in that chart from January 2009 until now.

Inaccurate would be the wrong word. Misleading would be better.The BLS is about the only complete source we have. Is the data perfect? Likely not. The one number that stands out and raises far to many questions is the U-6 rate which remained unchanged at 14.7%. So while a short term positive is better than a short term negative, the overall picture remains essentially unchanged.

Another thing within the 528k part timers. Is that 528K individuals with one part time job or 528k of part time jobs with 2 or 3 of them being one person?
The source in your chart is the BLS? The same group you claim put out bad unemployment numbers....

The same group you say is cooking the numbers. Now you found one you like?

You did notice the trend in that chart from January 2009 until now.

Yeah, same group with a sample error of 400,000 on a 830,000 sample.
Sample 6/10 of 1% of all US households.

Hows the koolaid Dude?

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