John Ransom
Magically and providentially, Obama has enjoyed the largest one-month drop in unemployment since he got elected thanks to the greatest single month of job creation since 1983- all just weeks before ballots hit for his reelection bid.
“The U.S. unemployment rate dropped below 8 percent for the first time since the month President Barack Obama took office,” reports the
Associated Press “a surprising lift for both the economy and his re-election hopes in the final weeks of the campaign.”
Yeah; we’re all REAL surprised by this.
According to the AP, Jack Welch, the retired former CEO of General Electric, said on Twitter: "Unbelievable jobs numbers ... these Chicago guys will do anything ... can't debate so change numbers."
For those of you who doubted Obama’s godly credentials, shame on you.
“To be made a saint in-a the Catholic church,” said
Father Guido Sarducci, “you have to have-a four miracles. That's-a the rules, you know. It's-a always been that-a. Four miracles.”