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Obama Scandals

Are you completely nuts?


CheneyBushRummy lied, repeatedly, to his own cabinet, to congress, to the American people, the UN, to the entire world about the reasons for invading Iraq.

They are still lying about it today. That's a little longer than a couple of weeks.

They not only didn't provide the US forces adequate, basic equipment they needed, they withheld the armored vehicles they needed when they were required to occupy Iraq in order to fulfill the CheneyBushRummy ego trip "on the cheap".

CBR Ripped thousands and thousands of guard and reservists, meant to be available for emergencies, from their lives, families and productive work and sentenced them to multiple, extended tours of duty. At untold cost to them, their families, and the US economy.

Ultimately sent ~5000 US service members to their deaths, maimed another ~ 30,000 or so, and then went cheap on the care they needed when they came home AFU.

Not to mention the $2-3 trillion borrowed from people who hate us, and the trillions more that will be borrowed from them to pay the interest on that.

Or, the 100,000 or so dead innocent Iraqi civilians, killed, all in the name of exporting democracy, and our " ideals ", to a people who didn't want them, and culturally, wouldn't know what to do with them.

Or the destruction of an entire country's infrastructure.

We have a name for that

I'll spell it out for your denseness...

We call that state sponsored terrorism, when other people/countries do it.


They are still lying about it...

I have been told I am nuts by various people. The voices in my head tell me to ignore them.

Calm down sparky. Perhaps my post was poorly worded. The point I was trying to make was that if you murder 1 person or 100 people the people are all still dead and you are still murdered regardless of how many lives are on your hand.

Yes, the scope of Bushs catastrophe is far broader in scope and one could argue premeditated in manner as opposed to Obama who's is smaller and a cover up after the fact but they both screwed up. One big, one less big. I don't like the idea of using small because that seems to trivialize the lives of the four who died.

That was to dell, etal

Re his claim the bushies didn't lie about "theirs"

You are right

Dell, South, and the rest foaming at the mouth over the Obama Scandals...

Re Benghazi, they should have said that an American diplomatic mission had been attacked, and 4 people died, and been upfront from the beginning... Allowing time to get the facts vs announcing what they thought maybe

Re the IRS. That was wrong.

Re the AP. Distasteful, but a government does also have a responsibility to a wide spectrum of people, from agents involved in operations to the public, to protect classified info.

Doesn't make it ok, or right, but is an historical fact that all administrations have basically the exact same type of scandals. They always stem from the governments' natural tendency to amass power and protect its empire. Napalitano's "Lies Your Government Told You" explains the concept well, tho not specifically in regard to "scandal" .

No, I am not suggesting that makes it ok... But these issues also do not rise to the level of, say, The Bay of Pigs, The Tonkin Gulf, illegal wiretaps, Kent State, Iran-Contra, Valerie Plume, or the massive misdirection of power known as the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq. To mention a few.
Hee Hee. Missed a few posts in between. I have Dells on ignore so he posts are hidden. Carry on.
The towers came down on 9/11/01. The Iraq war started on Mar 20, 2003. Bush had 1 1/2 years to build the military he needed to go an invade Iraq. Sadam was not going any where so Bush could have taken longer had he needed. Seems a few people in his administration thought it wold be a walk in the park. I recall some delusional putz talking about being welcomed as liberators (by a culture diametrically opposite our own).

WWII was a war you entered into with the military you had. We were hit on Aug 7 (similar to 9\/11) but the war was already in full swing in the pacific and in Europe so we had to go when we did. There was no luxury of waiting around till we built up a military.

Rumsfeld was a narcissistic SecDef. And he, along with Cheney and the rest of the Bush Admin screwed the pooch on Iraq in a big big way.

The really crazy part is that in 1984 Cheney conducted an interview in which he predicted exactly what would have happened had H Bush removed Sadamn from power and invaded Iraq. That is the one part of the equation that makes no sense to me. Cheney knew what was going to happen and let it go forward any how. Why?

But they tried to kill his Daddy.
Hee Hee. Missed a few posts in between. I have Dells on ignore so he posts are hidden. Carry on.

Hee hee....musta been off when I mention getting your butt canned.......
I would hate to think that he sold out 5,000 lives for a few dollars. I know there are some cold hearted "SOB's" out there but that would be a new low for me. I fear you she correct about Cheney though.
You go to war with what you have at hand.....tell me of a war that was perfectly planned.

And you are willing to entrust control of your healthcare to this same gov't.

I'm trying to think of the wars where WE invaded first. When they were deciding that we needed to take out Saddam...they should have DAMN WELL insured that the fighting forces had the absolute BEST equipment possible...since it was PREEMPTIVE, meaning we were trying to PREVENT something, we should have kept an eye on them as we did silly things like....put armor on the troop carriers. NO...Why....we couldn't wait for the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud - so we gotta deploy...NOW.

Again, I really fail to see how any of you on the right could not be outraged about that. But no....it was slap that yellow ribbon on the back of the Yukon and thank God above that your kid wasn't foolish enough to "volunteer".
I'm trying to think of the wars where WE invaded first. When they were deciding that we needed to take out Saddam...they should have DAMN WELL insured that the fighting forces had the absolute BEST equipment possible...since it was PREEMPTIVE, meaning we were trying to PREVENT something, we should have kept an eye on them as we did silly things like....put armor on the troop carriers. NO...Why....we couldn't wait for the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud - so we gotta deploy...NOW.

Again, I really fail to see how any of you on the right could not be outraged about that. But no....it was slap that yellow ribbon on the back of the Yukon and thank God above that your kid wasn't foolish enough to "volunteer".

Ask any Hawk.................it don't go as planned in any war........I feel your pain.
Ask any Hawk.................it don't go as planned in any war........I feel your pain.

If it were early March 2003 and your son or daughter was in the military...would you be okay with conducting an OFFENSIVE invasion with "the army that you've got" rather than spend an extra month or two making sure that the troop transport carrying them had the best armor available? How about this...Obama lied about Ben Gayzee...he was primping in the mirror in the WH basement and shouted up to order us to "stand down". 4 die. Big outrage.

Apparently a bigger outrage than holding off until September or October to invade Iraq and insuring our troops had armored vehicles, and that their EMPLOYER and NOT their parents might provide the body armor. But one reason given about why we needed to go in by mid March was to avoid the heat of the Iraqi summer. Yessiree...we were so certain that we'd be done in 3 months that we could get in, be greeted as liberators, and get out in about 5 or 6 months. If heat was an issue, then delay the start of the invasion until October. Then you'd finish your invasion without any hot summer fighting days. Instead 5000 are dead, and the best you can come up with is "War....sh!t happens"
If only Bush had a plan with Iraq. Rumsfeld figured 6 months. Mission accomplished on May 1, 2003 yet we still have soldiers and bases in Iraq and probably will for the foreseeable impression. Had Bush not lost focus on Afghanistan and competed that mission, he may have caught OBL and perhaps Iraq may not have happened or at least the military would not have been over over extended with two conflicts.

Plan? What plan?
If it were early March 2003 and your son or daughter was in the military...would you be okay with conducting an OFFENSIVE invasion with "the army that you've got" rather than spend an extra month or two making sure that the troop transport carrying them had the best armor available? How about this...Obama lied about Ben Gayzee...he was primping in the mirror in the WH basement and shouted up to order us to "stand down". 4 die. Big outrage.

Apparently a bigger outrage than holding off until September or October to invade Iraq and insuring our troops had armored vehicles, and that their EMPLOYER and NOT their parents might provide the body armor. But one reason given about why we needed to go in by mid March was to avoid the heat of the Iraqi summer. Yessiree...we were so certain that we'd be done in 3 months that we could get in, be greeted as liberators, and get out in about 5 or 6 months. If heat was an issue, then delay the start of the invasion until October. Then you'd finish your invasion without any hot summer fighting days. Instead 5000 are dead, and the best you can come up with is "War....sh!t happens"

You have absolutely no intel or input into those decisions.....so go pound salt, with all due respect.

If only Bush had a plan with Iraq. Rumsfeld figured 6 months. Mission accomplished on May 1, 2003 yet we still have soldiers and bases in Iraq and probably will for the foreseeable impression. Had Bush not lost focus on Afghanistan and competed that mission, he may have caught OBL and perhaps Iraq may not have happened or at least the military would not have been over over extended with two conflicts.

Plan? What plan?

You also have absolutely no input or idea of the plan at the time, so do yourself a favor and buzz off.
Again and again and again, with Bush!

You sit here and say where was the outcry, from the right, during the Bush years and I'm saying, where is the outcry from the left, concerning the topic we're suppose to be discussing, "OBAMA SCANDLS" !
Again and again with the delusion that Jan 20, 2009 was a magic reset day.

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