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And The Benghazi Cover Up Continues !

They on the street over there like just another day.....and Obama is scared to tramp on any Islamic toes.
Benghazi attack suspects identified

WASHINGTON — The U.S. has identified five men who might be responsible for the attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, last year, and has enough evidence to justify seizing them by military force as suspected terrorists, officials say. But there isn't enough proof to try them in a U.S. civilian court as the Obama administration prefers.

The men remain at large while the FBI gathers evidence. But the investigation has been slowed by the reduced U.S. intelligence presence in the region since the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks, and by the limited ability to assist by Libya's post-revolutionary law enforcement and intelligence agencies, which are still in their infancy since the overthrow of dictator Col. Moammar Gadhafi.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz2TxjLJkFY

Why pursue them, so Holder can read them their rights ?
“From what we can tell he went to the residence. From what we can tell, between 5:00 in the evening and when he got on a plane for fundraisers in Las Vegas, he pretty well ignored his responsibilities as commander-in-chief,” Issa relates.
“And by the way, I’m not accidentally saying ‘ignored his responsibilities as commander-in-chief.’ George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney would have required constant, periodic — you know, every hour — reporting,” he explains. “I use George W. Bush because he’s the most recent in people’s memories,” he says. “George W. Bush, if he said ‘use all measures necessary,’ he’d want to make sure we use all measures necessary.” Under the current regime? “Clearly we didn’t use any measures.”
Bush response to 9/11. Finish the children's book.

Bush response to Katrina. Flyover, then back to vacation.
Why pursue them, so Holder can read them their rights ?


I just checked my direct deposit, and my SS check is in there (2K), for May/13.

GOOD JOB, of PAYING those SS TAXES, and "Breaking your BALLS" at work, for this month !

' REST-UP ',
' cause I NEED a repeat performance for June, and Waaaaaaay beyond.

Try and stay focused, and don't-get-'Down' on yourself.
You'll get Yours.
(age) " 7 0 ? " is right around the corner. ; - ) ........ : - )
Any opinion based on the partisan offal that comes from Issa has the smell of bullshit.
Any opinion based on the partisan offal that comes from Issa has the smell of bullshit.

Funny, your boys went out of their way to find dirt on Issa and he come out squeaky clean......they did this from the gitgo....partisan offal......LOL
If O hadn't zigged and zagged, Issa wouldn't be doing what he is doing now.

Blame the source of all the issues......President Jarett.

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