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Obama Scandals

Ben Gazzi....has LEFT the BUILDING !

And just the FACT that....THAT is what's happening...AND it's FROSTING your 'cookies, and driving you insane (although your ALREADY INSANE), I mean the EUPHORIA of it all, is DAM near TOO much for me to BEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't fret, Barry-O ! This will haunt Hitlery, well past 2016!
Don't fret, Barry-O ! This will haunt Hitlery, well past 2016!

NO Fret here...m'boy, cause' you Clown REPUGS have NO ONE/NADA/ZIP,......NOTHING that even could beat Joe Biden !

AND,.....(Not that the GOP would even consider THIS)...You have NO Women that could run, and WIN,...whereas we have two US Senators who(besides H C)if they threw thier bonnets in the ring could beat anything (men of COURSE) that you've got right now ! !
Don't bet on it....the real issue was where was Obama while soldiers died?

I have it on good authority that he was clearing some brush in the rose garden. I mean, that was a good enough reason to forgive his predecessor, who was responsible for over 4,000 American deaths.
I have it on good authority that he was clearing some brush in the rose garden. I mean, that was a good enough reason to forgive his predecessor, who was responsible for over 4,000 American deaths.

5,000 American deaths.
"Hiding under his bed because as a Muslim, he couldn't...."

You are kidding, aren't you?

Or just really that ignorant?

(I didn't say stupid... And I know when to use each...)
"Hiding under his bed because as a Muslim, he couldn't...."

You are kidding, aren't you?

Or just really that ignorant?

(I didn't say stupid... And I know when to use each...)

Remember, George Stephanopolus had to remind him he was Christian .
quite entertaining to watch the board libtards joke about their heros scandals when all the time if it was a repub POTUS they would be screaming bloody murder had that track record.

The Bush administration will leave the annals of presidential disrepute several times thicker than it found them. There’s Iraq, the hospital visit to John Ashcroft, the US attorney firings. But historians will note that those are only the beginning of the Bush administration scandals. Does the name Jeff Gannon ring a bell? Boxgate? What about the anti-prostitution AIDS tsar who purchased the services of—wait for it—the D.C. Madam? The Daily Beast has put together 20 of Bush’s greatest forgotten scandals.

Interior Department officials "frequently consumed alcohol at industry functions, had used cocaine and marijuana, and had sexual relationships with oil and gas company representatives."

Sex and Shoplifting
1) In March 2006, Claude Allen, Bush's top domestic policy aide, was arrested when he tried to return items he had shoplifted from Target for cash refunds. Allen, who made $161,000 a year, blamed stress from Hurricane Katrina.

2) In 2005, bloggers pricked up their ears when a reporter named Jeff Gannon asked a softball question at a Bush press conference. Some sleuthing turned up nude photos of Gannon—real name: James Guckert—on male escort websites.

3) Randall Tobias, Bush’s AIDS tsar, mandated that organizations must oppose prostitution in order to receive American aid. It later emerged that Tobias purchased services through the notorious D.C. Madam, though Tobias maintained he only bought “massages.”

4) The Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service would not seem to be the sexiest government agency. But a departmental investigation last year found that officials had “frequently consumed alcohol at industry functions, had used cocaine and marijuana, and had sexual relationships with oil and gas company representatives.”

Where’d the Money Go?
5) When testifying before Congress in 2007, L. Paul Bremer, the former head of reconstruction in Iraq, was unable to account for as much as $12 billion—about half of his budget—as the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority between May 2003 and June 2004. According to a report by Rep. Henry Waxman, contractors brought bags to meetings in order to collect shrink-wrapped bundles of money.

6) In 2004, Pentagon auditors found that Halliburton had not adequately accounted for $1.8 billion of the bill it sent to the United States government for its work in Iraq and Kuwait.

7) Also that year, Bunnatine Greenhouse, the Army Corps of Engineers' chief contracting officer, charged that KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, unfairly received billions of dollars worth of no-bid contracts in Iraq. Greenhouse was demoted in 2005.

8) In 2002, Canadian citizen Maher Arar was detained at an airport in New York and spirited away to Syria, where he was tortured and held for 10 months by his captors before being returned home. Canadian officials investigated Arar's case, declared he was innocent, and paid him $9 million in compensation. American officials refused to admit the mistake and instead kept Arar on a terrorist watch list.

9) Army Captain James Yee, a Muslim chaplain in Guantanamo Bay, was hooded, shackled, and detained in solitary confinement for 76 days on charges of espionage. Within a year the case against Yee had collapsed and the Army tried to save face by charging him with hoarding pornography.

All the President’s Wordsmiths
10) In an email to friends, Danielle Crittenden, the wife of White House speechwriter David Frum, bragged that her husband had written Bush’s famous “Axis of Evil” line. The e-mail leaked to Slate, causing a minor scandal.

11) Part of the self-created mythology of White House speechwriter Michael Gerson was that he composed his speeches in longhand. But as fellow scribe Matthew Scully later noted: “At the precise moment when the State of the Union address was being drafted at the White House by John [McConnell] and me, Mike was off pretending to craft the State of the Union in longhand for the benefit of a reporter.”

No Administration Friend Left Behind
12) First there was Columnist Gate: In 2005, USA Today reported that conservative commentator Armstrong Williams received a $240,000 contract from the Department of Education to promote No Child Left Behind on his television show and to sell other African-American journalists on the legislation. Later, The Washington Post uncovered a similar deal with columnist Maggie Gallagher to promote a marriage initiative for the Department of Health.

13) A Defense Department report in 2006 urged the military to end its practice of paying Iraqi journalists to publish pro-American stories in their newspapers, arguing the tactic would "undermine the concept of a free press."

14) According to The New York Times, Karl Rove scored lobbyist Ralph Reed a lucrative contract with Enron in 1997 to gain his support in the 2000 presidential race.

15) David Safavian, the former chief of staff of the General Services Administration, was convicted of helping Jack Abramoff on a shady land deal as well as concealing a " lavish weeklong golf trip" paid for by Abramoff.

16) As head of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz was forced to resign in disgrace after he helped his "female companion, " Shaha Riza, score a $60,000 pay raise and promotion—and then tried to cover it up.

Down the Memory Hole
17) Bush fundraiser Lurita Doan's gig as chair of the General Services Administration went down in flames when she was accused of asking agency staff to help Republican candidates win elections. Doan denied any wrongdoing. When witnesses said she asked her staff at a meeting, "How can we use GSA to help our candidates in the next election?" Doan claimed she had no memory of the presentation.

18) Though Army microbiologist Bruce Ivins, who committed suicide in 2008, was suspected of being the anthrax mailer, that didn't keep Bush and Cheney from openly speculating that Al Qaeda was behind the attacks and even going so far as to pressure FBI officials to come up with a bin Laden connection, according to the New York Daily News.

Mission Accomplished
19) In 2003, Bush went to a warehouse in St. Louis to give a speech titled “Strengthening America’s Economy.” But the boxes laid out before the presidential podium bore the label "Made in China." The labels were then obscured with white paper. The White House blamed an " overzealous advance volunteer.”

The Last Word
20) The administration ethos was nicely summarized during the investigation in the firing of US attorneys, in a testy exchange between former White House Political Director Sara Taylor and Sen. Patrick Leahy. Taylor: "I took an oath to the president…And I believe that taking that oath means that I need to respect, and do respect, my service to the president." Leahy: "No, the oath says that you take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States. That is your paramount duty. I know that the president refers to the government being his government—it's not."
so 700 all that BS you posted gives Obama a free pass because he's your boy?

Its the truth, yet you didnt complain when Bush's scandals came to light now did you?

In my book that's hypocrisy, I never gave anyone a pass.

More deaths at embassies under Bush, yet you were as quiet as a church mouse, and you dont address the issue, you keep deflecting.
Its Karl.

Look at what else I found:

* 57,700 Floridians are purged from voter rolls as "felons" by George Bush's brother Gov. Jeb Bush 5 months before 2000 election; most are African Americans and not felons at all, costing Al Gore the state and the election.

* Fighting a Florida recount in U.S. Supreme Court, Bush lawyers fly back and forth from Tallahassee to Washington on Enron jet.

* 2000 election is decided for Bush 5-4 by U.S. Supreme Court, which orders a halt to Florida vote recount based on an inapplicable constitutional provision and stipulates that its ruling cannot be used as legal precedent for any other case.

* California runs low on electricity immediately after election of Bush, who refuses to intervene. Texas energy companies including Enron are later convicted of creating false shortages to drive up prices.

* Secret Energy Council: Bush backers including Enron meet after election to re-write U.S. environmental laws.

* White House fights the Government Accountability Office's request for release of Energy Council documents all the way to Supreme Court, and prevails in a 5-4 decision.

* Shortly after inauguration, Bush reneges on campaign pledge to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions.

* EPA and other agencies are staffed with industry insiders who go to work reversing environmental protections in effect since 1970s.

* 60 eminent scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, send an open letter to the Bush administration, accusing it of shutting scientific advisory committees, stacking others with unqualified political appointees, and censoring reports that conflict with the administration's views.

* Bush tax giveaways deplete U.S. Treasury to reward top 1% of taxpayers.

* Bush ignores national security warning that Osama bin Laden is determined to strike U.S. targets.

* Bush sits with schoolchildren for seven minutes after being informed on September 11, 2001 that U.S. is under attack; several days later his administration over-rides the FAA ban on air travel and has bin Laden's relatives and other wealthy Saudis flown out of U.S. "for their safety."

* White House vigorously opposes creation of the 9-11 Commission.

* Bush and Cheney finally appear before 9-11 Commission together, and censor report's findings on Saudi involvement in attack.

* Judge Advocate General under Gen. Tommy Franks forbids a Predator Drone direct strike on Taliban leader Mullah Omar in first few hours of Afghan war. The hunt for Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is then delegated to Afghan rebels in Tora Bora. Both terrorists escape and are still at large when Bush leaves office seven years later.

* Drug companies get their way as 2003 Medicare Bill prohibits government from negotiating lower prescription drug prices for seniors.

* U.N. weapons inspectors kicked out of Iraq when they find no Weapons of Mass Destruction; Bush administration uses "mushroom cloud" scare and false story of Iraqi involvement in 9-11 attacks to gain American support for Iraq invasion.

* Budgeted funds for Afghanistan war are diverted to invade Iraq.

* Any questioning of the war in Iraq is labelled "unpatriotic" as embedded U.S. press goes along for the ride.

* U.S. military defends Iraqi Oil Ministry while Baghdad museums are looted of priceless antiquities.

* Iraqi army disbanded by Coalition Provisional Authority head Paul Bremer, over objections of Gen. Garner. This throws 250,000 angry, armed Iraqis out of work, creates insurgency and helps enable flow of foreign fighters into Iraq. Asked later about how the decision was made to disband the Iraqi army, Bush says he can't remember.

* Halliburton (Dick Cheney, former CEO) secures war contracts worth billions of dollars by sealed, noncompetitive bids.

* American troops travel in unarmored Humvees and have to buy their own body armor.

* Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld forced to stop sending "killed in action" condolence letters signed by autopen after an outraged father complains to his Congressman and it comes out in a hearing.

* Abu Ghraib torture photos released.

* Private contractors soon outnumber military in Iraq and operate with far less accountability.

* Valerie Plame outed as CIA agent by White House, in violation of federal law, as payback for her husband Joseph Wilson's op-ed piece disproving Bush's State of the Union claim that Saddam Hussein tried to purchase nuclear materials in Africa.

* Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff Scooter Libby found guilty of obstruction of justice in Plame case; sentence later commuted by Bush.

* White House cites "Executive Branch confidentiality interests" in
withholding information from Congress on the "friendly fire" death of Pat Tillman, former NFL player who joined the Army after 9-11.

* White House advisor Karl Rove pushes anti-gay "Defense of Marriage" constitutional amendment to whip up Republican base and helps tip eleven states for Bush in 2004, after burying his own adoptive gay father in the summer of that year.

* Character assassination of 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry with "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" ads funded by oil interests.

* Ohio voting irregularities hand 2004 re-election to Bush, who is asked if he'll reach out to all Americans. "I'll reach out to those who share our views," he replies.

* "Spending his political capital," Bush attempts to privatize Social Security in 2005.

* Staged town meetings on Social Security allow no dissenting views. The public doesn't buy privatization.

* "Ignite! Learning," a company headed by Bush's brother Neil and party owned by his parents, gets federal funds to place its education product in disadvantaged school districts under the
No Child Left Behind Act, without competitive bidding.

* Billions of dollars go missing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

* Bush fails to increase emergency readiness after being warned by the National Hurricane Center that the levees may break in Hurricane Katrina, August, 2005. A few days later, he says, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."

* New Orleans floods as FEMA mismanages disaster response under leadership of Bush political appointee Michael Brown, who previously ran horse shows.

* Halliburton (Dick Cheney, former CEO) wins post-Katrina contracts with sealed, non-competitive bids.

* Veterans scandal--injured troops return from Iraq to substandard medical care and bureaucracy.

* Eight U.S. Attorneys fired for political reasons; Congressional testimony establishes that Justice Department hired and promoted on political grounds.

* Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigns in disgrace.

* White House refuses to testify to Congress as a year and a half's emails disappear.

* Taliban regains ground in Afghanistan as U.S. military is stretched thin.

* Domestic spying without warrants.

* Guantanamo holds hundreds of "enemy combatants" who are denied fair trials--even though most were never in combat and many were
sold to the Americans for bounties of $3,000 - $25,000.

* Suspension of Habeas Corpus, the right of an imprisoned person to know why he is being held.

* Torture in Guantanamo and overseas secret prisons--gaining false confessions of an link between Iraq and Al Qaeda in order to justify the invasion of Iraq.

* Longtime Bush support of Pakastani dictator Pervez Musharraf despite his feeble effort to capture Bin Laden.

* Cronyism, poor oversight and financial deregulation lead to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

* Secretary of Treasury Paulson demands $700 billion bailout with no strings attached.

* Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) ignores repeated warnings about Bernard Madoff, who is arrested in the largest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history.

* With all three branches of the federal government dominated by one party in lockstep, checks and balances fail; motions by Congressman Dennis Kucinich to impeach the president and vice president go nowhere.

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