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Jan 10, 2010
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Obama unduly favors Islam again, calls ‘entrepreneurship summit’ with Muslims

(Because muslim appeasement is working so well for us already?)

Source AFP: The White House on Friday announced a "summit on entrepreneurship" to build economic ties with the Islamic world, part of President Barack Obama's outreach to Muslims.

The White House said it has invited participants from more than 40 countries over five continents for the April 26-27 conference in Washington.

"The summit will highlight the role entrepreneurship can play in addressing common challenges while building partnerships that will lead to greater opportunity abroad and at home," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.

Link: http://tinyurl.com/yg6lfqe

Just a refresher, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution http://tinyurl.com/yg3mu5m used to include something called the Establishment Clause which states:

The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion, or non-religion over religion.

But then again, what would a supposed "constitutional lawyer" know or care about the Constitution. To him it should be "living document" meaning whatever he wants it to be.

Our ecomony is in the toilet much to the delight of muslim countries and he wants to talk about entrepreneurship to people who can only export hate, dependency and death?

No entrepreneurship summit for Americans.
No real jobs being created for Americans.
How much will this gambit cost U.S. taxpayers?
What proportion of the U.S. national debt is now related to Islam?

But that ever-growing “Muslim world,” or Dar al Islam, continues to receive hundreds of millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding courtesy of the White House. Taxation for Islamization.

Besides their entrepreneurs usually don’t last long. Ka-boom.
Are economy is "in the toilet" because of GWB, and his dislike for banking regulations....................PERIOD !!!

(just a lil' FYI for you..."bud".

Don't forget where our oil comes from. We need to have good relations with the Muslim world.
Are economy is "in the toilet" because of GWB, and his dislike for banking regulations....................PERIOD !!!

(just a lil' FYI for you..."bud".


Are economy???? Get a grip. lol
Are economy is "in the toilet" because of GWB, and his dislike for banking regulations....................PERIOD !!!

(just a lil' FYI for you..."bud".


You show your basic ignorance of history with such statements. Presidents have little to do with economic cycles or the ability to alter them. Speed up or slow down the cycle perhaps, but significantly alter it? Not Really!

Think about Liberal Icon FDR and all the new deal legislation and programs we are saddled with to this very day and their impact on the Great Depression? Hitler, Mussolini & Hirohito are the gentlemen who lifted us from depression by starting WWII.

Money policy, NOT Herbert Hoover caused the Great Depression and the subsequent changes in money policy have grown the economy, witness the "Regan Revolution". These examples are but two of many that show who really runs the country and that is the Federal Reserve Bank, the largest unaudited financial institution in the world,

Before we put even one more regulation on any industry why don't we the people demand that the Fed be audited since it is their money policy that hurts or help those of us in the Supermarket instead of the stock market?
Are economy is "in the toilet" because of GWB, and his dislike for banking regulations....................PERIOD !!!

(just a lil' FYI for you..."bud".


So Obama triples or quadruples the deficit and its GW fault.....you kill me..... :lol:
"Are/our"...my bad !

So, the fact the banks were allowed to give mortgages to people who had no business getting them, coupled with the fact that the banks KNEW that said "deals" were guaranteed to fail.........................(but hey,.....what did they care, they got their money, or Knew they'd get BAILED OUT),...........had nothing to do with the current crappy economy ??

"Are/our"...my bad !

So, the fact the banks were allowed to give mortgages to people who had no business getting them, coupled with the fact that the banks KNEW that said "deals" were guaranteed to fail.........................(but hey,.....what did they care, they got their money, or Knew they'd get BAILED OUT),...........had nothing to do with the current crappy economy ??


Off topic.....anyways the Dems had themselves neck deep in the mortgage fiasco (Barney Frank ring a bell?) and are still encouraging the same behavior so give it rest already. They bailed out Fannie and Freddie and are worse off today and asking for more bailout money.

Move on.