Egypt Revolution?

So what you saying the reason egypt is in such turmoil now is because of aid given by the USA? And what would be the outcome if no aid where given? Your link show no correlation of "propping up" in the face of ????

I know what you are trying to say. But im not so sure there is a direct cause and effect or that cause and effect your stating is valid.

It would ludicrous to think that Billions upon billions of dollars paid to a corrupt government government in Egypt had no effect on their policies or on Mr Mubarak's staying power. The open question would be to what extent did those billions effect how things were run.

As a nation, we have a pretty well documented record of propping up third world despots around they globe in order to further our interests real or imagined.

You can also spin this the other way around and put the sudden outburst of revolutions to be the direct result of establishing fledgling democracy's in Iraq & Afghanistan by the Bush administration. Generally speaking it is my position that we as a nation stay out of the affairs of other nations to the greatest extent possible.
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It would ludicrous to think that Billions upon billions of dollars paid to a corrupt government government in Egypt had no effect on their policies or on Mr Mubarak's staying power. The open question would be to what extent did those billions effect how things were run.

As a nation, we have a pretty well documented record of propping up third world despots around they globe in order to further our interests real or imagined.

You can also spin this the other way around and put the sudden outburst of revolutions to be the direct result of establishing fledgling democracy's in Iraq & Afghanistan by the Bush administration. Generally speaking it is my position that we as a nation stay out of the affairs of other nations to the greatest extent possible.

I know what your saying. But how realistic is it? Should we live in a bubble and ignore the outside world? European countries who tried to save themselves in WW2 by calling themselves "neutral" found themselves either drawn in or taken over by the aggressors.

Should we not have engaged ourselves in WWI with Japan as as an Allie, only later to establish an embargo on them that resulted in the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Should we have stayed out of helping Britain to protect themselves from Nazi aggression?

Would we have been insulated from aggression as Japan and Nazi Germany continued on their quest for world domination

The end result would have been ugly and I think that's why when conflicts pop up, we get dragged into it. History has shown how easily a nation or leader can wield great power for destruction.

What our mistake had been is giving aid to countries without preconditions. Everyone knew Egypt has had problems with their leadership, but failed to persuade them to do anything about it.

There world we live in has always evolved, hiding in a bubble wont stop it from changing. We can either be in the forefront, or sit back and let others make those changes for us.
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Islamist Group Is Rising Force in a New Egypt

CAIRO — In post-revolutionary Egypt, where hope and confusion collide in the daily struggle to build a new nation, religion has emerged as a powerful political force, following an uprising that was based on secular ideals. The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group once banned by the state, is at the forefront, transformed into a tacit partner with the military government that many fear will thwart fundamental changes.

“There is evidence the Brotherhood struck some kind of a deal with the military early on,” said Elijah Zarwan, a senior analyst with the International Crisis Group. “It makes sense if you are the military — you want stability and people off the street. The Brotherhood is one address where you can go to get 100,000 people off the street.”

Surprise surprise...just as predicted and vehemently denied by the liberal left, we were told "this is what democracy looks like." The truth was all along that the vacuum of the uprising has been filled with the worst of the worst. Muslim Brotherhood strict Islamic law now Egypt gets to welcome Shariah Law at breakneck speed. Egypt no looks more like Iran.

Egypt women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'

A leading rights group says the Egyptian army arrested, tortured and forced women to take "virginity tests" during protests earlier this month.
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  • #19
Islamist Group Is Rising Force in a New Egypt

CAIRO — In post-revolutionary Egypt, where hope and confusion collide in the daily struggle to build a new nation, religion has emerged as a powerful political force, following an uprising that was based on secular ideals. The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group once banned by the state, is at the forefront, transformed into a tacit partner with the military government that many fear will thwart fundamental changes.

“There is evidence the Brotherhood struck some kind of a deal with the military early on,” said Elijah Zarwan, a senior analyst with the International Crisis Group. “It makes sense if you are the military — you want stability and people off the street. The Brotherhood is one address where you can go to get 100,000 people off the street.”

Surprise surprise...just as predicted and vehemently denied by the liberal left, we were told "this is what democracy looks like." The truth was all along that the vacuum of the uprising has been filled with the worst of the worst. Muslim Brotherhood strict Islamic law now Egypt gets to welcome Shariah Law at breakneck speed. Egypt no looks more like Iran.

Egypt women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'

A leading rights group says the Egyptian army arrested, tortured and forced women to take "virginity tests" during protests earlier this month.
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And just as in IRAN, so goes EGYPT....The Beginning Of Extremist Islamic State

Muslim Brotherhood advocates Egyptian modesty police

Officials of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's leading Islamic group, have called for the establishment of a Saudi-style modesty police to combat "immoral" behavior in public areas in what observers say in another sign of a growing Islamic self-confidence in the post-Mubarak era.

Issam Durbala, a member of the Brotherhood's Shura council, told the Egyptian daily Al-Masri Al-Youm on Sunday, that he supported the establishment of a virtue police, or Hisbah, which had existed in medieval Islamic societies to oversee public virtue and modesty, mostly in the marketplace and other public gathering spaces.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner! Or would it be Caliphate?

Egypt's New President: Our Capital 'Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing'

I'm going to take a wait and see. Hopefully, they will keep the peace with Israel. I still remember the Yom Kippur War in Oct 1973. Sadat was assassination as a direct result of a peace treaty he signed with Israel.


"The attackers would eventually come to be identified as Islamist nationalists associated with the Muslim Brotherhood under the name of Islamic Jihad.

The group was subsequently found to have hatched the assassination plot with Al Gamaa al-Islamiyya, a Brotherhood offshoot that would , in the mid-1990s, develop ties with al-Qaeda and be chiefly responsible for the 1997 terrorist attack in Luxor on Nov. 17, 1997, when six men dressed in black attacked tourists visiting the famous site in Upper Egypt. Sixty-two men, women and children were killed.

Among the group’s leaders: Ayman al-Zawahiri, subsequently al-Qaeda’s Number 2. Zawahiri was tried and imprisoned for three years for his role ion the plot, then expelled from Egypt."

Egypt is at a crossroads, let's hope they don't make a u-turn back to 1973.
The brotherhood has already made public statements that the peace treaty is done, they've already shut off gas lines and some trade with Israel.
Its not going to be a good thing.
The brotherhood has already made public statements that the peace treaty is done, they've already shut off gas lines and some trade with Israel.
Its not going to be a good thing.
Head to the bunker and stock up.

At least you have your next gloom and doom scenario to fret over for while. I know the 2011 Depression, and Birther thing never really gained traction.

Head to the bunker and stock up.

At least you have your next gloom and doom scenario to fret over for while. I know the 2011 Depression, and Birther thing never really gained traction.

Good to see you around once again JAFI.
Lots of things get kicked down the road as you should be aware of. Look at Euro, I can't accurately predict things when progressives constantly look the other way, but be assured......the merde will hit the ventelateur sooner rather than later.
As for your savior BHO, several books and investigative venues have proven he is a bald faced liar as far as his past and comeuppance. So the birther thing wouldn't surprise me as being true some time down the road.

Have a nice day.
Good to see you back.
Egypt is a sovereign nation. As such they are allowed to elect whoevever they choose whether the US likes them or not. Egypt's issues with Israel are between Israel & Egypt.

This is what a non interventionist Foreign Policy looks like.