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Egypt Revolution?

Head to the bunker and stock up.

At least you have your next gloom and doom scenario to fret over for while. I know the 2011 Depression, and Birther thing never really gained traction.

Seems you look at this Muslim Brotherhood thing from your well insulated cave deep down in the republic.
You should be aware Islam is insistent on a second world caliphate and the fellow elected in Egypt and his seconds are on record to reestablish this caliphate in Jerusalem. This bodes well for the US and Israel.
Not to freak you out, but you should be aware that your hero BHO has something like 3-5 card carrying members of the Muslm Brotherhood on his administration.
Have a nice day.
As Islamists Gain Influence, Washington Reassesses Who Its Friends Are

For the Obama administration, as it navigates the tumultuous effects of the Arab Spring, it’s a complicated day, as well. Long-held assumptions about who is a friend of the United States and who is not have been upset, leaving many Americans confused.
“Right now, the United States is kind of in a trance when it looks at the Middle East,” said Akbar Ahmed, chairman of Islamic studies at American University. “Everything has changed.”


More Hope and Change... Three references for the partisan doubters and Bears...




The military was the last wall standing to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood from turning Egypt into Iran: The Sequel.

Yet all we hear about in the MSM today was how Paul Ryan pushes seniors in wheelchairs into moving traffic, and how Mitt didn't pay taxes and killed some woman because her husband lost his job several years earlier....
More Hope and Change... Three references for the partisan doubters and Bears...




The military was the last wall standing to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood from turning Egypt into Iran: The Sequel.

Yet all we hear about in the MSM today was how Paul Ryan pushes seniors in wheelchairs into moving traffic, and how Mitt didn't pay taxes and killed some woman because her husband lost his job several years earlier....

What is it exactly is the US supposed to do? Send in the troops? Have the CIA help facilitate a coup? We have seen the end results in both cases and it's not preety. The truth of the matter is there is very little the US can do.
We could start by putting an aircraft carrier or an Aegis cruiser at both ends of the Suez...
Gotta park 'em somewhere anyway, and it might make the MB think twice about shutting down the canal or moving across the Sinai...
Gotta park 'em somewhere anyway, and it might make the MB think twice about shutting down the canal or moving across the Sinai...

Parking them there just becasue you have to put them someplace does not sound like a good reason. As far as I know Morsi has not made any threats to close the canal. If he were to it would do him more harm than anyone else as the canal is a source of income for Egypt. When it come to the Sinai Eygptian Army operations seem to be directed towards militants.
There also the problem of putting the carrier group in a confined area like that. Makes them far more vulnerable. As I recall part of the reason the stark took out the airliner is because it is not designed for close quarter scenarios like the Med.