Ron Paul seems to be unable to grasp the reality we live in. He lives in some alternate world. We wouldn't have declared war with Japan because in his view, we deserved it. In his view we wouldn't have help defeat the Nazi's and Europe would have fell to the Third Reich. Then what?
Men have been waging war for centuries and self declared neutral countries were not excluded from being taking over just because they stuck their hand out first.
Watch for the Ron Paul surprise.
It is no coincidence that we've had nearly 100 years of Central Banks and nearly 100 years of wars.And this is why libertarians do so well in elections. Their beliefs ignore the realities that the rest of us live in.
Watch for the Ron Paul surprise.
It is no coincidence that we've had nearly 100 years of Central Banks and nearly 100 years of wars.
We haven't tried a non interventionist foreign policy since before this so no one alive knows if it will work. What we will find out is the same thing that brought every other Empire did. Eventually the empire becomes impossible to support financially and it collapses under its own weight. Like USSR, Great Britain, Romes, Etc etc.
The time to change these policies is now not after we no longer have the money to continue business as usual ad that's the reality of things.
just suppose it were the other way around:
Would WE consider this action an act of War id Iran did this to the US?
That would be an Israel/Europe problem. As POTUS I'd be more than happy to SELL Iran the goods to rebuild themselves. Give them a good price too. Otherwise they can haul their oil to market (Assuming anyone is left) on camels. We start drilling and building nuke plants here plue perfect the green technology and the whole ME can pound sand. Lord knows they have enough of it.
Countries typically do this sa as to AVOID going to war.
Everyone dodged the question. IF Iran did to us (Froze Assets) would we view it as an act of War and IMO the answer is a resounding YES! That was all I asked.
Why not start the thread "The 2012 Nuclear War" now and get ahead of the game?It will happen.
Some bunker busters are nuclear.
A resounding yes? Iran stormed our embassy, sovereign US soil, and took our diplomatic staff hostage. That's an act of war yet we did not go to war with them. So I would make the argument that we would not view freezing of assets as an act of war. History would back me up on that.