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AL Govenor

Now, if he were a Muslim and said "So anybody here today who has not accepted "MUHAMMAD" as their savior, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother" it would not be an issue, unless people complained and then they would be labeled "Racist" by the Libs and the NAACP !

Tell me I'm wrong Libtards !

Islam is routinely criticized for such extreme views on a regular basis but western religions get a pass. There definitely is a double standard.
Islam is routinely criticized for such extreme views on a regular basis but western religions get a pass. There definitely is a double standard.

Sure they are ! Thats why your Prez. and the Demorats are afraid to call "Man-Caused Disastesr' by what it really is ....................."Islamic Terrorism " !

"But what if the suicide bomber is a female? Isn't it sexist to use "man-caused disaster"?


You need to peddle your snake oil somewhere else..............I ain't byin' it !
I just call it terrorism. Had not heard the man made disaster BS before. I agree that is pretty stupid. Kind of like the 'homicide bomber' term but what ever. It is obvious you do not like Obama, I get that.... hell we all get that. So get your party to serve up viable candidate for 2012 and move on. The rest of us had to suffer with Bush for 8 years so I really do not see what the big deal is, but I am sure you will tell us.

This still has nothing to do with a Alabama state governor saying that if you do not believe as he does, you are not equal to him. That is a violation of his oath of office and it violates the separation clause of the COTUS. While I know he is not alone in his arrogant beliefs, at least the other politicians have the intelligence to keep their mouth shut.
I just call it terrorism. Had not heard the man made disaster BS before. I agree that is pretty stupid. Kind of like the 'homicide bomber' term but what ever. It is obvious you do not like Obama, I get that.... hell we all get that. So get your party to serve up viable candidate for 2012 and move on. The rest of us had to suffer with Bush for 8 years so I really do not see what the big deal is, but I am sure you will tell us.

This still has nothing to do with a Alabama state governor saying that if you do not believe as he does, you are not equal to him. That is a violation of his oath of office and it violates the separation clause of the COTUS. While I know he is not alone in his arrogant beliefs, at least the other politicians have the intelligence to keep their mouth shut.
Thank god we have atheists acting like religion police to watch over us when a politicians say something stupid.

What ever did we do before without them?

To use your own tired line: "Wake me when something exciting happens".
I was just looking at some numbers. In 2009 the US lost a little over 30,000 people in traffic fatalities. Add to that about 15,000 people killed in homicides and you have a little over 45,000 people a year that will die in one of only 2 ways (out of countless other ways to die). The official number of deaths in Viet Nam was 47,000.

That is pretty jacked up in my opinion.
Let me guess. "Libtard" is your own invention. Made up originally by you.

Or was it your cranium to derriere conjoined twin dapoes?

You stand corrected.................................again !


"Any society that must always be liberated by the blood and sweat of others, yet are too arrogant and stupid to realize that they owe their entire existance to others! "

"A libtard wants to live in a fantasy world (in which life is the way that they WISH IT WAS) as opposed to dealing with life the way it actually is. "

You two obviously live in your own world, and that is really a tasteless cartoon.

Maybe if Zippy didn't live in a state, where he was shopping at Walmart for bullets an hour before the shootings, these things might not happen.
You two obviously live in your own world, and that is really a tasteless cartoon.

Maybe if Zippy didn't live in a state, where he was shopping at Walmart for bullets an hour before the shootings, these things might not happen.

Truth hurts?

Actually it was only original the first time I said it.

But then you had to go and steal the same picture a second time.

No original thought, and running out of original stuff to steal and claim as your own?
Actually it was only original the first time I said it.

But then you had to go and steal the same picture a second time.

No original thought, and running out of original stuff to steal and claim as your own?
All your so called original thoughts have already been parroted before by your lib buddies. Once again you fall flat.