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Creeping Sharia?...


Apr 18, 2009
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So it appears that our Panderer in Chief, DOJ, and State Dept all continue favoring Islam over any other religion so much so they are taking a stand in the promotion of it.

What happen to the separation of church and state???

Instead of posting the Obama speech, front and center on the White House site, the Obama Administration posted this video of “Muslim Americans Serving in the U.S. Government.â€￾ It’s simply sickening. Do you ever see the White House producing and promoting pandering videos about Christians proudly serving in the U.S. government? Jews? Zoroastrians? Wiccans? Hari Krishnas? Clearly, the Obamaniks are promoting a certain religion.

Bashir tells us her father was born in "Northern Palestine." What the heck is "Northern Palestine"? There is no such thing in Gaza or the so-called "West Bank." There's only a Northern Israel, which is where her father was born, inside the Green Zone. Since the Obama administration left that in the video, they're apparently letting us and the Muslim world know that they accept and buy into Palestinian claims that ALL of Israel is "Palestine." :blink:

The White House use of taxpayer funds to promote Islam is a clear violation of the Constitutional separation between church and state. The Establishment Clause clearly prohibits the use of federal dollars to promote religion, including and especially a specific religion.

Apparently Obama considers finds it acceptable that America has no separation between mosque and state. Only church and state. That's how it's enforced, anyway, by our "Justice" Department.
So it appears that our Panderer in Chief, DOJ, and State Dept all continue favoring Islam over any other religion so much so they are taking a stand in the promotion of it.

What happen to the separation of church and state???

Instead of posting the Obama speech, front and center on the White House site, the Obama Administration posted this video of “Muslim Americans Serving in the U.S. Government.â€￾ It’s simply sickening. Do you ever see the White House producing and promoting pandering videos about Christians proudly serving in the U.S. government? Jews? Zoroastrians? Wiccans? Hari Krishnas? Clearly, the Obamaniks are promoting a certain religion.

Bashir tells us her father was born in "Northern Palestine." What the heck is "Northern Palestine"? There is no such thing in Gaza or the so-called "West Bank." There's only a Northern Israel, which is where her father was born, inside the Green Zone. Since the Obama administration left that in the video, they're apparently letting us and the Muslim world know that they accept and buy into Palestinian claims that ALL of Israel is "Palestine." :blink:

The White House use of taxpayer funds to promote Islam is a clear violation of the Constitutional separation between church and state. The Establishment Clause clearly prohibits the use of federal dollars to promote religion, including and especially a specific religion.

Apparently Obama considers finds it acceptable that America has no separation between mosque and state. Only church and state. That's how it's enforced, anyway, by our "Justice" Department.
You should know by now, that with this crowd currently in control, separation of "Church & State" only apllies to anything relating to Christianity. This is not surprising at all.
