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Obama Death Panels

Theres plenty of adequate health care available. I think you are assuming that the lack of free health care is the problem. The quality of the health care is best in the world.

Yeah USA, we're number one, we're number one, that is in expenditure per capita for health care, but as far as quality of health care we rank number 37 by the World Health Orginization.

Guess who's number one, those dam socialist French.

Nice to wave the flag, but there is alot wrong with the US health care system.
Yeah USA, we're number one, we're number one, that is in expenditure per capita for health care, but as far as quality of health care we rank number 37 by the World Health Orginization.

Guess who's number one, those dam socialist French.

Nice to wave the flag, but there is alot wrong with the US health care system.

You WHO study has already been debunked as crap and you are one of the many (lemmings) that fell for it! :lol:

The WHO rankings are based on a constructed index of five factors. One factor is "health level," defined as a country's disability-adjusted life expectancy. Another is "health responsiveness," which includes desirable characteristics of healthcare like speed of service, protection of privacy, and quality of amenities.

Both of these are sensible indicators of health quality, but they constitute only 37.5 percent of each country's score. The other 62.5 percent encompasses factors only tenuously connected to the quality of care and that can actually punish a country's ranking for superior performance.

The WHO healthcare ranking system does not escape political bias. It advances ideological assumptions that most Americans might find questionable under the guise of objectivity. The WHO BS study doesn't assess health care quality, it assesses health care equality, exactly the way any organization on the Left assesses it.

Garbage in, garbage out.
Yeah USA, we're number one, we're number one, that is in expenditure per capita for health care, but as far as quality of health care we rank number 37 by the World Health Orginization.

Guess who's number one, those dam socialist French.

Nice to wave the flag, but there is alot wrong with the US health care system.

True....but same can be said for our Representative Republic......with HC, fixing it in the private sector is the best option....removing fed imposed limits on interstate is a start.
Last thing we need is gov't help.....thats what the root cause of a lot of problems are now.

BTW - you the man....
No one lets anyone die because they cannot pay. That is a lie perpetuated by the pro nanny state left.

2nd person denied trans plant in AZ

You should answer the door, that's reality knocking.

A second person denied transplant coverage by Arizona under a state budget cut has died, with this death "most likely" resulting from the coverage reduction, a hospital spokeswoman said Wednesday.

University Medical Center spokeswoman Jo Marie Gellerman said the patient died Dec. 28 at another medical facility after earlier being removed from UMC's list for a liver transplant needed because of hepatitis C.
I thought you would be happy over this? Death panels came a knocking and now your against it? You really need to make up your mind which side of the fence you sit. :blink:

Did you even read the article?

If you don't want to answer the question all you had to do was say so. No need for the insults.
If you don't want to answer the question all you had to do was say so. No need for the insults.

Show me where you are insulted please:

I thought you would be happy over this? Death panels came a knocking and now your against it? You really need to make up your mind which side of the fence you sit. :blink:

Did you even read the article?

BTW the article has Medicare Death Panels written all over it. You didn't notice that?
Show me where you are insulted please:

I thought you would be happy over this? Death panels came a knocking and now your against it? You really need to make up your mind which side of the fence you sit. :blink:

Did you even read the article?

BTW the article has Medicare Death Panels written all over it. You didn't notice that?

You implied that I would be happy that someone died.

The patient was denied care due to lack of funds (exactly what you said never happened in this country). The supposed death panel would have denied him care based on survivability probability independent of financial status of the facility. This is simply one example of 2 (so far) of exactly what you said never happens in the US. According to ABC news, there are 97 other people who have just been told they will not get the surgery they were OK's for due to a $5 million budget cut for transplants. This has nothing to do with any panel. This is budget pure and simple. Something you said never happens in the US.
You implied that I would be happy that someone died.

The patient was denied care due to lack of funds (exactly what you said never happened in this country). The supposed death panel would have denied him care based on survivability probability independent of financial status of the facility. This is simply one example of 2 (so far) of exactly what you said never happens in the US. According to ABC news, there are 97 other people who have just been told they will not get the surgery they were OK's for due to a $5 million budget cut for transplants. This has nothing to do with any panel. This is budget pure and simple. Something you said never happens in the US.
And who was it that ran out of funds?

Who did not have funds is not the issue. The issue is that you said, and I quote:
No one lets anyone die because they cannot pay.

So far, evidence suggests that 2 people have. You can try and redirect this argument all you want but that will not change the facts.

Medicaid is not solely a Federal program rather a state run program that received matching funds from the Feds assuming it meets the guidelines. Arizona decided to reduce funding due to budget issues. This has nothing to do with the national health care program.

This is all besides the point. The only thing being argued right now is:
No one lets anyone die because they cannot pay.

Two people have died because they did not have the money or insurance to pay for medical care in a country with the greatest medical health care in the world.
Who did not have funds is not the issue. The issue is that you said, and I quote:

So far, evidence suggests that 2 people have. You can try and redirect this argument all you want but that will not change the facts.

Medicaid is not solely a Federal program rather a state run program that received matching funds from the Feds assuming it meets the guidelines. Arizona decided to reduce funding due to budget issues. This has nothing to do with the national health care program.

This is all besides the point. The only thing being argued right now is:

Two people have died because they did not have the money or insurance to pay for medical care in a country with the greatest medical health care in the world.

Yes you are right. Two people died as a direct result of socialized health care. Welcome to your moment of clarity.

When you step in it, you really step in it. :lol:
Yes you are right. Two people died as a direct result of socialized health care. Welcome to your moment of clarity.

When you step in it, you really step in it. :lol:

AZ is the one who cut the funds. This had nothing to do with the health are bill.

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