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NW/DL Merger "Real Possibilty"

OK so the pilots have "master scab list". This does nothing to negate the fact that they work with SCABs daily to release the airplane on schedule. This is a FACT not an OPINION and there is a big difference between the two.
that is true. I just thought it was interesting that this master scab list was really long and detailed.

Nothing to do with the Pilots being all nice and cute with scabs.
No silly scab, I said SCABS not rampers.
Is there a difference? It is amazing how you unionist protect your own even when you are stabbing each other in the back. You go tell the AMFA Cleaners that every ramper that cleans aircraft is a wonderful unionist and not a Scab. While you are at it you can tell all the AMT's still out on strike that every ramper that participates with the pushbacks are stand-up unionist and would never become a Scab. It is one thing for a workgroup to to cross a picket line by choice to perform their usual duties, it might be frowned upon but apparently acceptable. For a workgroup to cross a picket line and perform struck work is out of line. How can you possibly not look at them as anything other than Scabs?
Is there a difference? It is amazing how you unionist protect your own even when you are stabbing each other in the back. You go tell the AMFA Cleaners that every ramper that cleans aircraft is a wonderful unionist and not a Scab. While you are at it you can tell all the AMT's still out on strike that every ramper that participates with the pushbacks are stand-up unionist and would never become a Scab. It is one thing for a workgroup to to cross a picket line by choice to perform their usual duties, it might be frowned upon but apparently acceptable. For a workgroup to cross a picket line and perform struck work is out of line. How can you possibly not look at them as anything other than Scabs?
knew you were just wanting to regurgitate that again.
Really? Come-on Jenny@NW, do tell. Are the NWA rampers Scabs? In the event of a merger with DL, will the DL Rampers be issued a NWA Ramper Scab List?

You run your mouth about unions and do not know ‘diddly’. :blink:
DL M&R is non-union, but were outsourced quicker N’spit. :mf_boff:
how can DL RAMPERS get lists of the scabs when they are non union scab? And why would they want to join a scab union know as the IAM?
Is there a difference? It is amazing how you unionist protect your own even when you are stabbing each other in the back. You go tell the AMFA Cleaners that every ramper that cleans aircraft is a wonderful unionist and not a Scab. While you are at it you can tell all the AMT's still out on strike that every ramper that participates with the pushbacks are stand-up unionist and would never become a Scab. It is one thing for a workgroup to to cross a picket line by choice to perform their usual duties, it might be frowned upon but apparently acceptable. For a workgroup to cross a picket line and perform struck work is out of line. How can you possibly not look at them as anything other than Scabs?

Viva la difference?? ANY on property employee that performs a task previously performed by striking (still on-strike) mechanics represented by the AMFA is a SCAB. Guys like Kev who manage to do HIS job every day and not do the struck work need to be COMMENDED!! Pilots and F/As aren't SCABS for crossing the picket line but their union leaders need to answer some serious questions. By the way...if a pilot so much as even holds a light for one of these SCABs working on his plane I can add him to the SCAB list.
Haven't we hashed this over and over and over and over and over...before???
They don't care if they get in trouble or what. All they are going to do is say "so?" and quit. Look for another job elsewhere. OOOOH they got lots of years vested.... OOOH 2005 or 2006 senoirty....
This might hold true for non-A&P's that work in the industry many of which you will find at your local MRO. As far as A&P Mechanics go it is irrelevant of how long they are at any one particular job. One screw up is enough for the FAA to pull their ticket.
This might hold true for non-A&P's that work in the industry many of which you will find at your local MRO. As far as A&P Mechanics go it is irrelevant of how long they are at any one particular job. One screw up is enough for the FAA to pull their ticket.
That being said, can we call the FAA to pull yours for being so.... Oh heck <Fill in the Blank> ___________!
I'd be kicked off of here if I answered.
This might hold true for non-A&P's that work in the industry many of which you will find at your local MRO. As far as A&P Mechanics go it is irrelevant of how long they are at any one particular job. One screw up is enough for the FAA to pull their ticket.
is this where you go find someone else to sign it off?
One screw up is enough for the FAA to pull their ticket.

That applies to falsification of records as well, you would do well to ignore the advice of the following jackass quote!

(finman @ Jun 15 2006, 11:20 AM)

Good Lord you guys are lame. I can't believe you're still talking about this stupid lav thing. WHO CARES!!! IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF DEAL!!!. God forbid somebody do something outside the standard practice in order to get a plane out on time. Please explain to me how doing this was dangerous to passengers or to the aircraft? If there is no quantifiable risk in carrying a pale of "lav juice" through the plane, then this is a complete non-issue. Kudos to PTO for having a little creativity; something greatly lacking in a typical union workforce.
Here is that pesky FAR part 43 again 'finny ole boy'!

[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR43.12]

[Page 856]




Sec. 43.12 Maintenance records: Falsification, reproduction, or alteration.

(a) No person may make or cause to be made:
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any record or
report that is required to be made, kept, or used to show compliance
with any requirement under this part;
(2) Any reproduction, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or
report under this part; or
(3) Any alteration, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or report
under this part.
(B.) The commission by any person of an act prohibited under
paragraph (a) of this section is a basis for suspending or revoking the
applicable airman, operator, or production certificate, Technical
Standard Order Authorization, FAA-Parts Manufacturer Approval, or
Product and Process Specification issued by the Administrator and held
by that person.

[Amdt. 43-19, 43 FR 22639, May 25, 1978, as amended by Amdt. 43-23, 47
FR 41085, Sept. 16, 1982]
So does this mean, your scab Hemorrhoid butt will be History, or will you still lurk?…

I’ll check in every now and then with you guys. I certainly won’t be here on a daily basis anymore though. Till I hit the road contracting or get a Scab job at AA anyway. Four working days left.

…Kudos to PTO for having a little creativity; something greatly lacking in a typical union workforce.

Thanks for the back-up Finman. These guys are really unreal. They torch an aircraft then pat themselves on the back and call themselves professionals. I dump a bucket of blue juice down the toilet then the world is coming to an end.

No 'finny ole boy' its you and pto who are lame, he clearly violated FAR part 43 when he signed off on servicing an UNserviceable lav [Code of Federal Regulations]

Sec. 43.12 Maintenance records: Falsification, reproduction, or alteration.
(a) No person may make or cause to be made:
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any record or
report that is required to be made, kept, or used to show compliance
with any requirement under this part;
(2) Any reproduction, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or
report under this part; or
(3) Any alteration, for fraudulent purpose, of any record or report
under this part.

That is real cute local. Boy this lav thing is really crawling under your skin isn’t it? It is a shame that all this riff-raff is for nothing, as it does not apply in this case. First, there was no logbook write up. It was a late call from the ramp. Second, I did enter the discrepancy in the logbook to record the existence of the discrepancy not to “sign off a unserviceable Lac as serviceableâ€￾. In hindsight I did defer it under the wrong code. I deferred the service panel under a MC deferral when it should have been deferred as an MEL. It just so happens there is a MEL for individual components under water and waste. Once again it was the last flight of the day for that aircraft which was going to RON at a repair facility. It was repaired that night so who cares other than you.

If I remember correctly there was already a lav on MEL as inop, that was the reasoning of making sure this lav was working. Would you have grounded that bird over four gallons of blue juice in such a case? I think you would have, no wonder AA is demanding concessions and is performing so poorly in the DOT Stats. I have called plane-change on about five aircraft since I have been here, that is one call I hate to make but I will if I feel it necessary, I will not release a bird if I feel that its airworthiness is compromised. If there is time I will address creature comforts in the cabin such as overhead bins but they are very low on my priority list.

As far as a NW/DL merger goes, that would make AA look like a LCC. :lol:

Does SuperScab even hold an A&P ticket?
As a matter of fact he does.

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