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NW/DL Merger "Real Possibilty"

Well you have to be correct Jenny. The prolonged presence of SCABS in the workplace would only mean continued division among employees. In the airline segment of the transportation industry this would be a death wish.

Airline executives only use SCABS then dump them like day old carp.
if DL andNW were to merge, what aircraft do they have that is compatible? besides the 757-200?

From the Bloomberg News this morning:

...Shares of American parent AMR Corp. rose $1.17, or 5.3 percent, to $23.05 at 1:11 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. Continental shares gained $1.21, or 5.1 percent, to $24.83. United parent UAL Corp. climbed $1.77, or 6.4 percent, to $29.58 in Nasdaq Stock Market composite trading. Shares of Delta fell one-half cent to 77 1/2 cents in over-the- counter trading. Shares of Northwest, which also is in bankruptcy, gained 1 cent to 60 cents.

They seem to have a common stock price. Shouldn't be too hard on the stockholders to merge that.
You want to get rid if all the rampers?

What am I missing here?

"You want to get rid...if all the rampers?"

Reply: Nobody here is asking you to speak The King's English but PUH-LEEZ! Your painful display of English composition is difficult to translate.

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What am I missing here?

"You want to get rid...if all the rampers?"

Reply: Nobody here is asking you to speak The King's English but PUH-LEEZ! Your painful display of English composition is difficult to translate.
Well I think it may be 'King of the hill' English, To be more specific Hanks beer buddy Boomhauer. 😀
simple inference of thought leads us to this point. Well we can still get back on the topic; I believe all the scabs will have NO JOB after the merger goes though.

True - the SCABS will be dumped like a piece of ####. No airline wants them long term...unless forced.
hey Kev, the scabs cant fix planes! remember, they tape it, mel it, or allow it to abort take off or emergence land the plane and pencil whip the log books!
Some do mind though... I've seen a few get on their cases like crazy....
No silly scab, I said SCABS not rampers.

Perhaps "some" do mind but they are obviously a vast minority.

During the strike one repeated observation has been that pilots work hand in hand with SCABs in an effort to keep arrivals and departures on schedule. This fact alone is reason to believe that the pilot union is a joke.
Perhaps "some" do mind but they are obviously a vast minority.

During the strike one repeated observation has been that pilots work hand in hand with SCABs in an effort to keep arrivals and departures on schedule. This fact alone is reason to believe that the pilot union is a joke.
Or could it be that the pilots where merely professionals, doing their job to accomplish the mission?

hey Kev, the scabs cant fix planes! remember, they tape it, mel it, or allow it to abort take off or emergence land the plane and pencil whip the log books!
If you have proof of said pencil whipping, by all means, bring it forth, and I will do all in my power to ensure said individual cant so much as sign off an oil change at jiffy lube. If you dont have any such evidence, than you are simply joining miss kiddy in her over flowing litter box of hate.
If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem.
Become part of the solution by providing evidence we can use to get rid of these "pencil whippers". With no union to protect them, it shouldnt be that hard to boot them of the property, should it?
firs tof all, i dont work for SCAB AIR and secondly I will post how I see fit. Since the SCABS have taken over, it sure is funny how all hell broke lose and yet weekly emergence landings. and add in one aborted take off. yep sure sounds like pencil whippin the logbook to me and the problem never taken care of by them "flawless" scabs
Or could it be that the pilots where merely professionals, doing their job to accomplish the mission?

Reply: The pilots and other employee groups who assist the SCABs have no mission...PERIOD! The remaining unions at NWA are little more than a bad joke.

If you have proof of said pencil whipping, by all means, bring it forth, and I will do all in my power to ensure said individual cant so much as sign off an oil change at jiffy lube. If you dont have any such evidence, than you are simply joining miss kiddy in her over flowing litter box of hate.
If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem.
Become part of the solution by providing evidence we can use to get rid of these "pencil whippers". With no union to protect them, it shouldnt be that hard to boot them of the property, should it?
Become part of the solution by providing evidence we can use to get rid of these "pencil whippers". With no union to protect them, it shouldnt be that hard to boot them of the property, should it?
sorry, I'll have to get PTO on your buttocks but WHERE O' WHERE do you find evidence that PENCIL WHIPPING unionist were protected by the UNION?I belonged to a national union where I was in a situation that still got me fired for something I never did. So from that experience I think its hard to believe that people would be protected by the union for doing something that dumb.
I would think that people who are not under a union, with a mentality of being short term employees are more prone to do pencil whipping.

They don't care if they get in trouble or what. All they are going to do is say "so?" and quit. Look for another job elsewhere. OOOOH they got lots of years vested.... OOOH 2005 or 2006 senoirty....

-my bad experience with a union never deterred me from joining the union at NWA or another place I worked at. I see it as a "good thing". The company tries to step over its boundaries to work you to death (because that's what they want) without my contract I think I would of quit a long time go.

Perhaps "some" do mind but they are obviously a vast minority.

During the strike one repeated observation has been that pilots work hand in hand with SCABs in an effort to keep arrivals and departures on schedule. This fact alone is reason to believe that the pilot union is a joke.

Or could it be that the pilots where merely professionals, doing their job to accomplish the mission?

You know, just about every pilot I ran into pretty much hates scabs. One guy talked nothing more on his layover about how stupid they are and told us how those scabs have this "DUH??? *scratch nuts* " look when the pilots ask them a question.

Have you ever seen the Pilot's Master scab list? It's 74 pages long....with small details of where they scabbed, date of birth, ect. Good luck you guys, because you guys are scabs for life.
sorry, I'll have to get PTO on your buttocks but WHERE O' WHERE do you find evidence that PENCIL WHIPPING unionist were protected by the UNION?I belonged to a national union where I was in a situation that still got me fired for something I never did. So from that experience I think its hard to believe that people would be protected by the union for doing something that dumb.
I would think that people who are not under a union, with a mentality of being short term employees are more prone to do pencil whipping.

They don't care if they get in trouble or what. All they are going to do is say "so?" and quit. Look for another job elsewhere. OOOOH they got lots of years vested.... OOOH 2005 or 2006 senoirty....

-my bad experience with a union never deterred me from joining the union at NWA or another place I worked at. I see it as a "good thing". The company tries to step over its boundaries to work you to death (because that's what they want) without my contract I think I would of quit a long time go.
You know, just about every pilot I ran into pretty much hates scabs. One guy talked nothing more on his layover about how stupid they are and told us how those scabs have this "DUH??? *scratch nuts* " look when the pilots ask them a question.
Have you ever seen the Pilot's Master scab list? It's 74 pages long....with small details of where they scabbed, date of birth, ect. Good luck you guys, because you guys are scabs for life.

OK so the pilots have "master scab list". This does nothing to negate the fact that they work with SCABs daily to release the airplane on schedule. This is a FACT not an OPINION and there is a big difference between the two.

I will agree that SCABs are lower than rhizome. What a strange breed!

There is too our own personal aviation hotline(PTO) whose information sources are very much in question. WTH, when some has an inquiry as to the source of my posted data I at least explain my source. PTO seems to have missed the mark so to speak. LOL

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