DL did dump defined benefit pensions a few years back for all but the pilots. They moved them to cash balance plans.
As for DL capacity changes, WT, they dropped capacity to Florida quite a bit actually. Instead of 287 seat 764's from ATL to FLL all day, they move those aircraft to the int'l ops. They've also moved some, if not all domestic 763ER's to Int'l. Thet's what's funding the int'l growth. Backfill is being made up by re-introducing the Song 757's to regular mainline fleet.
As for making money during bankrupcy, I don't know any carrier that showed consistent profits during bankruptcy...cost of legal services alone tends to eat through cash pretty quickly. As for "respected name". DL's name is respected like a little brother...sit in a focus group of customers..."Oh, Delta, yeah they're ok when we can't fly AA or UA or need to go to Florida." That's where Delta falls in the customer's eyes WT. They're a second tier carrier...