Re: UAL's arrogant cheerleaders--
One of the two prime examples, as EVERYBOBY HERE knows!
What a sad, PATHETIC piece of crap you continue to be.
Back to your UAL hole, Pompous Ass! And stay there!
Actually a$$ pimple, I consider myself a critic of the current management. The differance is I'm not some idiot so consumed with hatred for being turned down by UAL that I spin up and show the world just how much of a complete puss and bile infested imbecile who pops off without even having a clue what I'm talking about. Small point, you started it again here with your ignorance WRT UAL 757 fleet. 🙄
Busdrvr Said:
And if it matters, UAL will report a profit in 2006 that EXCEEDS $10 BILLION.
a$$ pimple responded:
Please, PLEASE: Somebody kindly remember this and rub Pompous Ass' face in his ludicrous prediction when January '07 rolls around...
As usual, what an IDIOT!
So I'm guessing that unless UAL losses over $13 BILLION over the last 2 Q's of 2006, you'll be on here delivering your mea culpa? Doubtfull, you'll retreat to the darkness where the rest of the vermin lives. 🙄