Res Judicata said:They are powerful. Look at the time total since you birthed your fake union and divide out how many pay periods that is, now multiply that by the pay difference from your last check and you'll see a loss of a couple hundred thousand dollars staring you in the face. . For what? To end up with a list that is going to look a hell of a lot more like the Nic than DOH. Seems crazy to me but the. Again, you think you've got a respected, powerful and effective union when nothing could be further from the truth.
I don't give a rat's patootie about how "powerful" my union is. I want my union to get my colleagues a fair shake, and Nicolau was egregiously unfair. I would not be the least bit surprised to see a slotted list of some sort, but it will likely be a damn sight better than what you jerks insistd on.
Was it worth being the lowest paid captain across the Atlantic? Sure was. Every nickel of it.