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Nov/Dec 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Res Judicata said:
They are powerful. Look at the time total since you birthed your fake union and divide out how many pay periods that is, now multiply that by the pay difference from your last check and you'll see a loss of a couple hundred thousand dollars staring you in the face. . For what? To end up with a list that is going to look a hell of a lot more like the Nic than DOH. Seems crazy to me but the. Again, you think you've got a respected, powerful and effective union when nothing could be further from the truth.

I don't give a rat's patootie about how "powerful" my union is.  I want my union to get my colleagues a fair shake, and Nicolau was egregiously unfair.  I would not be the least bit surprised to see a slotted list of some sort, but it will likely be a damn sight better than what you jerks insistd on. 
Was it worth being the lowest paid captain across the Atlantic?  Sure was.  Every nickel of it.
Pi brat said:
But every period since Feb 8th has you AF/Os making even less than the east guys that upgraded. I'm guessing that someone looked at the east retro pay reports, hence all the desert dogs coming out of the woodwork.
That would be an interesting analysis.  
Since a fair amount of east pilots were flying the 757/767, there was already pay parity for them since the "get go."  And the pilots on the A330 were paid more than any of the west pilots.  Then, when one takes into consideration, as you suggest, all the upgrades that occurred ONLY because the Nicolau was not in effect, that reduces the pay disparity even more....and those left seat upgrades will keep those pilots well ahead of their west counterparts for many years.
Yeah....it REALLY was worth it!
luvthe9 said:
That would be very good news, even better if he would take Hummel and Bradford with him.
I got an e-mail with an attachment that says that Beebe is taking the position of "general secretary" of Hong Kong AOA whatever that is.He seems to like jobs with cool titles maybe he will change the title to Supreme High General Secretary of everything.
All the best,
 And still NIC free , has to be tearing you up.

luvthe9 said:
You must be very proud, we all lost on the MOU, funny how the company is picking and choosing what parts to implement. keep up the good work, still the lowest paid in the industry. And still NIC free , has to be tearing you up.
The final outcome no matter what it's called will be alot closer to the NIC than it will be to DOH/LOS and you will have wasted the last 5 years on LOA 93.
That's gonna tear you up when it happens. 
Metroyet said:
A lot of these East guys are head over heals in LOVE with their misery. Pathetic.
Misery??? I couldn't be more pleased! Just got a raise, more vacation, 60% more retirement contributions and I'm flying the A330. This got anything to do with sour grapes?
luvthe9 said:
Hard to figure this group out on the MOU, yes money a step up, the deal is signed yet the company is not fully honoring it, this group should be outraged.
I'm not happy about it. The USAPA President relayed our displeasure to Kirby and we will take things to the next level if the company doesn't honor the contract. I am not so angry and so blind as to do something stupid...like authorize the roll call vote and recall union officers. If the recall is successful, I will support the West candidate for President of USAPA before I will vote for McKee or any of his buddies. 
A320 Driver said:
Misery??? I couldn't be more pleased! Just got a raise, more vacation, 60% more retirement contributions and I'm flying the A330. This got anything to do with sour grapes?
That's good and hopefully your Christmas was just as enjoyable.

What worries me is that the friends I know on the east (third listers) are saying you guys are in full meltdown mode and on the verge of physically attacking one another. It concerns me because you are in control of our union and the thousand pound gorilla (APA) is already in the room.

luvthe9 said:
Hard to figure this group out on the MOU, yes money a step up, the deal is signed yet the company is not fully honoring it, this group should be outraged.
[SIZE=10.5pt]So you would have us fighting these liars and thieves at LOA 93 rates? Of course they are going to try and screw us, but at least we captured a lot of improvements, not just pay. The battle continues, and we are at least "out of the hole."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Let me guess, you and McKee could have done it better? Yeah, just like the stupidly executed work action. I am "outraged" we had those simpleton fist pounders at the table for 4 years. We got squat. And now, we just got 1.6B in improvements and you guys want to recall the Officers because your female private parts hurt. RR[/SIZE]
Reed Richards said:
So you would have us fighting these liars and thieves at LOA 93 rates? Of course they are going to try and screw us, but at least we captured a lot of improvements, not just pay. The battle continues, and we are at least "out of the hole."
Let me guess, you and McKee could have done it better? Yeah, just like the stupidly executed work action. I am "outraged" we had those simpleton fist pounders at the table for 4 years. We got squat. And now, we just got 1.6B in improvements and you guys want to recall the Officers because your female private parts hurt. RR
Your boys are history, thought you were quitting the board.
A320 Driver said:
 If the recall is successful, I will support the West candidate for President of USAPA before I will vote for McKee or any of his buddies. 
Imagine McKee calling for a strike because he gets a 51% authorization vote. 
Beancounter said:
That's good and hopefully your Christmas was just as enjoyable.

What worries me is that the friends I know on the east (third listers) are saying you guys are in full meltdown mode and on the verge of physically attacking one another. It concerns me because you are in control of our union and the thousand pound gorilla (APA) is already in the room.

I haven't seen any meltdowns. I just got off of a trip and it was business as usual. The universal opinion among those I worked with was that the CLT and PHL reps are out of control. All said they voted NO. We'll see...
luvthe9 said:
Your boys are history, thought you were quitting the board.
"your boys.'  says it all. What a bubba gump thing to say. Straight from McKee.
I have been very clear when I am leaving this board.  You don't pay attention.  RR
A320 Driver said:
I haven't seen any meltdowns. I just got off of a trip and it was business as usual. The universal opinion among those I worked with was that the CLT and PHL reps are out of control. All said they voted NO. We'll see...
Trouble is not enough will show up to vote.  RR
A320 Driver said:
Misery??? I couldn't be more pleased! Just got a raise, more vacation, 60% more retirement contributions and I'm flying the A330.
And I could care less about junior kids, nice I got mine attitude.
Reed Richards said:
"your boys.'  says it all. What a bubba gump thing to say. Straight from McKee.
I have been very clear when I am leaving this board.  You don't pay attention.  RR
McKee has nothing to do with this, the pilot group is fed up with Hummel and his lies plain and simple, he dug his own grave.
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