Nobody Knows

BoeingBoy said:

I have no idea about anyone but pilots. Pre & Post-US/PI merger the Empire pilots got the same - Empire DOH on the F28 and merger date otherwise. Ironically, long after the F28's left, there is a single provision remaining from those days as far as I know - the former Empire pilots are furloughed by their Empire DOH.


Gee, I thought US (and, by extension, its predecessor companies) "ALWAYS" give DOH. What you described, Boeing Boy, is very different.
Okay guys--just saw someone called him"Dave" it's Doug Parker. Anyway, as you all know I'm a former U employee--retired--and now at HP. All I have to say is just sit tight. You're in for a wonderful ride. I have loved my time at HP. The management--Susan Graham and those managers in res--namley Robbi and more are terrific. Doug Parker and Joe Beery--the only VP I know personally--are top notch people. Supervisors in res are truly careing people and really work hard with the agents to get us --as Emeril would say HAPPY. I am not worried in one little bit. They will take care of everyone for the good of the airline. They are very capable people and even remember names of agents. I personally can email anyone in the company and get a reply back in good time. They take agents suggestions and really research them.
I have a lot to loose--or win in this situation but I'm not worried. Sooo, let's just sit back and enjoy what will happen. Let's not bicker and fight--we all remember what happened with the PI PSA US merge. This will be different. It sure feels good to be able to not worry and get all nervous about the future--at my age it doesn't do any good anyway.
It feels good to be able to send people to U these days in res. Since I pretty much know the system if someone is going someplace that HP doesn't fly I send them to U.
Have a good day and just wait and see. :up: :up: :up:

Good sentiment. There'll be lots of time to hash out all the seniority integration issues. As long as everyone keeps their eye on the ball that counts - the operational performance of both airlines - everything will be OK.

And that brings me to....

StraaightTaalk said:
Gee, I thought US (and, by extension, its predecessor companies) "ALWAYS" give DOH. What you described, Boeing Boy, is very different.

Being at a point in my career where whatever happens with this integration won't affect me, I can argue either side. Just as in several threads there have been mention of DOH, DOH with fences, or some type of slotting - all presented as fair.

As far as the PI/Empire merger, one could argue that the Empire pilots got "stapled", since they got merger date for everything but the F28. On the other hand, one could argue that they got DOH - just not on the bigger equipment they didn't bring to the merger.

I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder - what seems emminently fair to one person seems terribly unfair to another. That's why I've always said that a truly fair integration probably means just about everyone finds something a little unfair to point to.

MCI transplant said:
<_< U-----Sounds Like the TWA/aa deal! With a small twist! And if in the future,US decides to get reed of, or down size, PHX, then what???:down:
Not really like TWA/aa because this would be intended to protect HP f/a from any layoffs and keep them at relative seniority on the west coast not steal there jobs like at TWA/aa. We have some senior people from the merger with PSA that may want to transfer west. I know some HP f/a would say they should have relative seniority system wide but I just can't see a HP f/a transfering east with 8 years and have them be senior to someone with 18 years at U. We are very fair at U but I think that might be a little to much to swallow. I just thought I would throw something out there if anyone at HP has some suggestions put them up here, its just talk maybe we can come up with something.
Us/boston said:
Not really like TWA/aa because this would be intended to protect HP f/a from any layoffs and keep them at relative seniority on the west coast not steal there jobs like at TWA/aa.  We have some senior people from the merger with PSA that may want to transfer west.  I know some HP f/a would say they should have relative seniority system wide but I just can't see a HP f/a transfering east with 8 years and have them be senior to someone with 18 years at U.  We are very fair at U but I think that might be a little to much to swallow.  I just thought I would throw something out there if anyone at HP has some suggestions put them up here, its just talk maybe we can come up with something.
<_< What I was refurring to was that with the AMTs (exTWA) we were awarded 100% of our Seniority at MCI, ( former TWA Overhaul Base), and STL, (former TWA Hub)! And 25% at stations where TWA had a major presance. And date of accusation ( 4/10/01) everywhere else! Sounds good, but the two places a.a. has hit the hardest, as far as layoffs, are (you guessed it!) MCI, and STL!!!! :down: Of the 22,000 TWA empoyees we had on our payroll in 2001, guessing I don't think we have 4,000? Is that about right a.a? All I'm saying is be vary careful how you set this up! a.a. did it to TWA! Delta did it to Western! Let's hope we don't have to add to that list!!! :down:
MCI transplant said:
<_< What I was refurring to was that with the AMTs (exTWA) we were awarded 100% of our Seniority at MCI, ( former TWA Overhaul Base), and STL, (former TWA Hub)! And 25% at stations where TWA had a major presance. And date of accusation ( 4/10/01) everywhere else! Sounds good, but the two places a.a. has hit the hardest, as far as layoffs, are (you guessed it!) MCI, and STL!!!! :down: Of the 22,000 TWA empoyees we had on our payroll in 2001, guessing I don't think we have 4,000? Is that about right a.a? All I'm saying is be vary careful how you set this up! a.a. did it to TWA! Delta did it to Western! Let's hope we don't have to add to that list!!! :down:
Point taken. We will watch very closely to make sure everyone especially HP employees are protected.
MCI transplant said:
<_< What I was refurring to was that with the AMTs (exTWA) we were awarded 100% of our Seniority at MCI, ( former TWA Overhaul Base), and STL, (former TWA Hub)! And 25% at stations where TWA had a major presance. And date of accusation ( 4/10/01) everywhere else! Sounds good, but the two places a.a. has hit the hardest, as far as layoffs, are (you guessed it!) MCI, and STL!!!! :down: Of the 22,000 TWA empoyees we had on our payroll in 2001, guessing I don't think we have 4,000? Is that about right a.a? All I'm saying is be vary careful how you set this up! a.a. did it to TWA! Delta did it to Western! Let's hope we don't have to add to that list!!! :down:
Yes MCI, your numbers are pretty much correct. And hopefully HP/US won't cut back on any hub.
I have worked for awa for about 20 yrs. on the ramp. I don't really know a whole lot about the ALLEGHEY MOHAWK thing. I understand it alittle bit, but in our contract it says something about SECTION 3 AND 13 IN IT. If someone can tell me about these sections that would be a great help. Most of the people here in phx just want to protect their jobs and for bidding on job duties. Once again if anyone has any information that would be great. Thanks THOM
You know, I have to wonder....are all of the AA employees totally obsessed with the HP/US merger, or is it just the ones that post on here? From the impression I'm getting from the AA posters on this site, I picture them sitting around at work fuming, wringing their hands and working themselves into a froth over the whole thing. I just don't get it! :rolleyes:
thom said:
I don't really know a whole lot about the ALLEGHEY MOHAWK thing. I understand it alittle bit, but in our contract it says something about SECTION 3 AND 13 IN IT.

Here ya go:

Section 3. Insofar as the merger affects the seniority rights of the carriers employees, provisions shall be made for the integration of seniority lists in a fair and equitable manner, including, where applicable, agreement through collective bargaining between the carriers and the representatives of the employees affected. In the event of failure to agree, the dispute may be submitted by either party for adjustment in accordance with section 13.

Section 13. (a) In the event that any dispute or controversy (except as to matters arising under section 9) arises with respect to the protections provided herein which cannot be settle by the parties within 20 days after the controversy arises, it may be referred by any party to an arbitrator selected from a panel of seven names furnished by the National Mediation Board for consideration and determination. The parties shall select the arbitrator from such panel by alternatively striking names until only one remains, and he shall serve as arbitrator. Expedited hearings and decisions will be expected, and a decision shall be rendered within 90 days after the controversy arises, unless an extension of time it is mutually agreeable to all parties. The salary and expenses of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the carrier and (i) the organization or organizations representing employee or employees or (ii) if unrepresented, the employee or employees or group or groups of employees. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties.

(b.) The above condition shall not apply if the parties by mutual agreement determine that an alternative method for dispute settlement or an alternative procedure for selection of an arbitrator is appropriate in their particular dispute. No party shall be excused from complying with the above condition by reason of having suggested an alternative method or procedure unless and until that alternative method or procedure shall have been agreed to by all parties.

The entire decision can be read here:Allegheny/Mohawk
StewGuy86 said:
You know, I have to wonder....are all of the AA employees totally obsessed with the HP/US merger, or is it just the ones that post on here? From the impression I'm getting from the AA posters on this site, I picture them sitting around at work fuming, wringing their hands and working themselves into a froth over the whole thing. I just don't get it! :rolleyes:
<_< Before this is all over, you will! Believe me you will! :shock:
Why is everyone (for the most part) afraid of DOH? When you are hired you don't jump ahead of those that are already working, and those that are hired after you don't jump ahead of you when they are hired. Fair is fair, you fall exactly where your seniority allows you too, no more, no less. If you have 10 years, you don't jump ahead of someone with 11 years. Except the fact that the time you have is all you have, and make the most of it.