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No Word From The Nmb Today

OK, if you don't want to announce amfa's ineptness, go ahead then and brag about their abilities....well?
"Did you ever wonder why your posts are constantly ripped on? Maybe because they're barely intelligiable, and they drive home the fact that your as base a twu moron as they come."

And you spell like an inspector...did you mean biased?...HAHAHA..dummie!

Holy crap, I hope you don't speak the way you type. I know the definition of a bigot as defined by a liberal, and that is a conservative that wins a debate against a liberal. That is the way you come off!
Nightwatch said:
"Did you ever wonder why your posts are constantly ripped on? Maybe because they're barely intelligiable, and they drive home the fact that your as base a twu moron as they come."

And you spell like an inspector...did you mean biased?...HAHAHA..dummie!

The person you are refering to is the reason that some bulliten boards have ignoring capabilities. I don't read the morons dribble. :down:
Nightwatch said:
"Did you ever wonder why your posts are constantly ripped on? Maybe because they're barely intelligiable, and they drive home the fact that your as base a twu moron as they come."

And you spell like an inspector...did you mean biased?...HAHAHA..dummie!
Man 'o man Nightbitch,

Here I thought your were just an idiot, but your not! Your a complete idiot! Hee, Hee, Hee!!!!

How's this plate of Cold Crow al'a Mode' taste? Mmmm, Mmmm!!!!! Don't forget that twu sauce!!!

Lesson #1....... for your feeble twu mind:

Base (b`as) adj bas-er, bas-ist 1. Morally bad; contemptible. 2. Lowly; menial: base slavery 3. Inferior quality or value. [LLat. bassus, low]. -Base'ly adv, -Baseness n.

Also....Badly mistaken, inaccurate, or unprepared. [Gk. basis.]

You fit in all the above, along with your "Bubba Club" twu buddies.

Now that you've had your lesson for today in twu stupidity, and you've choked down all that yummy Cold Crow ,its time to take your nap after you have your milk and cookies. :blink: :lol: :blink: :lol:

Any more to add? I can't wait.......
Nightwatch said:
Just one quick question Sackman, who helped you with that?

You did moron!!! If it wasn't for twu dupes like you, I would never be as motivated to see your twu type back on the floor. Just a matter of time until your twu is no more at AA.

Now, you got anymore lessons you want me to teach you???

I've got plenty of Cold Crow for you if you have not had your fill.

Here is my middle finger, rising up to greet you........ 😛
Are you gay? Heard you were guess speaker at the GLEAM Team meeting @ AFW.

I do understand you having all that Crow close and handy, I've seen it dealt to you pretty often here.

One more quick question Sackman, what do you charge to haunt a house?...HAHAHA!
Nightwatch said:
Are you gay? Heard you were guess speaker at the GLEAM Team meeting @ AFW.

I do understand you having all that Crow close and handy, I've seen it dealt to you pretty often here.

One more quick question Sackman, what do you charge to haunt a house?...HAHAHA!

Awww, just like a twu moron to come back with the gay crap. Is that all you got in gramps? Real weak, but that's what happens when you sit on your brain too long.

I am having some Crow huh? Not served by you geezer, your game needs a little more work before that happens.

One Halloween, I'll come haunt your house for free, make sure your home for the fun. 😛h34r:
Hackman said:
Awww, just like a twu moron to come back with the gay crap. Is that all you got in gramps? Real weak, but that's what happens when you sit on your brain too long.

I am having some Crow huh? Not served by you geezer, your game needs a little more work before that happens.

One Halloween, I'll come haunt your house for free, make sure your home for the fun. 😛h34r:

How does one stay away from the gay crap after seeing your picture? And I'm home everynight, no need to wait for Halloween. B)
well,SCABman you aren't suspose to be reading my posts anyhow soooooooo
SCABman go hold dan,dans hand "the scarificial lamb" of amfa (PUKE) & try to keep up with nightwatch HAHAHA i think he has your # PUNK!! btw what happen to your line about TWU at the end of your babblings? dan take that w/him too..
try to educate your own before critiquing mine post PUNK. besides y'all know what i'm saying......the TRUTH, the TWU TRUTH!!!!! so go whine on your loco bb's somewhere in SCAB land & don't forget this SCABman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
have someone read you the bottom line of NIGHTWATCH post, it says it all PUNK
O & SCABman you do the spell check :lol:

Damn, did ole Hackman ever cornhole you - and on a public forum. Hey I know, maybe you could have that literary genius: Scabsucker come to your rescue!
hey green dude get back on your meds. i think SCABman is the that got raked pretty good. btw you never did answer my ? where do you church at? or do you use it as a cover? huh? yeah, that's what i thought & y'all never did answer the ? about the NMB new date. can't spin it huh? O yeah we don't want to talk about that do we. lets say 10/4/04 NMB says NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O yeah baby spin it :up:
remember this green dude>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>............
tell the PUNK in afw to read "NIGHTWATCH" bottom line....TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!
Nightwatch said:
How does one stay away from the gay crap after seeing your picture? And I'm home everynight, no need to wait for Halloween. B)
Are you sure your not workin' the street corner at night there in MCI? A twu crossdresser with a laptop, now thats original. Scabby the twu retard must be pimping you cheap. :huh:

Your life is scary enough Nightbitch. I don't think you can take anymore horror after what you blind twu true believers in MCI got coming this fall. Maybe your wife Lilly can get a job.

Where do I, (as you so eloquently put it) church at? - is nunya business. As far as the new date for the NMB decision, I feel bodes well for the AMFA. In fact, I would not be surprised if they decided to redefine just exactly who should be eligible to vote in an aircraft mechanics representational election. In other words, pear down the dilution that the TWU supports. What else could they be doing? Anyway, the longer the NMB takes - looking at all the evidence, and the realities of the job classifications included with AMTs can only shed light on the BS of having these loosely related job classifications included in our representational vote. In short, enjoy your time in the TWU while you can - cause the ride will be over sooner then you think...

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