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The Nmb Filings

Decision 2004

Mar 12, 2004
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American Airlines Update – April 22, 2004

AMFA submitted its objections and challenges to the American Airlines (AA) voter eligibility list today, as required by the National Mediation Board (NMB) after denying AMFA’s request for an additional two-week extension. Even though we were unjustly denied the time needed to complete the task, we believe we provided a very detailed and undisputable presentation.

Our total protest calls out for the removal of approximately 2400 ineligible voters, supported by over 22 lbs of documents, which included more than 30 AA employee declarations. The AA voter eligibility list contained the following ineligible voters: 269 Retirees, 140 Resigned, 72 Terminated, 118 Stores Clerks, 363 Fleet Service Clerks, 80 Management, 37 Employees working at other Airlines, and the list goes on and on. The most disturbing are the 16 deceased employees that we were able to identify. It has always been the Association’s position to remove all deceased employees. We find it unconscionable for a grieving spouse to receive a ballot for their deceased love one.

The TWU also submitted their objection to the overly inflated AA voter eligibility list of 18,698. They did not even recognize the 97 duplicates identified by the Company. Apparently they now wish to inflate the list even further by adding 2087 questionable individuals bringing the total very close to 21,000. Surprisingly, the TWU also seeks to remove 78 management workers, unsurprising and as expected, at first glance we have found that 10 of them are not even on the AA voter eligibility list. It causes one to wonder if they even looked at the AA eligibility list. Further examination should reveal even more inconsistencies, which will further support our case concerning probable fraud perpetuated upon the NMB in a desperate attempt to stop this election.

For all those that have helped in the search for the ineligible voters, Thank you, we could not have accomplished this enormous task without you. Now Round Two begins. We have two weeks to discredit the blatant attempt by the TWU to silence your voice.


On behalf of the AA AMFA supporters

Terry Harvey

Assistant National Director
SO,The EVIL TWU says we have almost 21,000 eligible voters. Let's see here. 21,000-16,000=5,000 laid off people! :shock: TWU is now the leader in CONCESSIONS and LAYOFFS!(USING TWU FUZZY MATH THAT IS) :down:

SO,The EVIL TWU says we have almost 21,000 eligible voters. Let's see here. 21,000-16,000=5,000 laid off people! :shock: TWU is now the leader in CONCESSIONS and LAYOFFS!(USING TWU FUZZY MATH THAT IS) :down:

There is only 14000 on the new lists.

That means 21000-14000=7000 laid off workers in our class and craft!

According to the TWU nearly one third of our class and craft are laid off?

If not then how come they are not disputing the most recent seniority lists?

But how could this be? Didnt we give industry leading concessions to "save" jobs?
You guys (and gal) are too blind to see the writing on the wall with this list thing!!! The explanation is right there yet you fail to see it!!

I'm washing my hands with it and say let's let the "chips" fall where they may!!!
twuer said:
You guys (and gal) are too blind to see the writing on the wall with this list thing!!! The explanation is right there yet you fail to see it!!

I'm washing my hands with it and say let's let the "chips" fall where they may!!!
Does that mean we are voting?

I know we are, I just want hear you concede to that fact!

Come on, tell us truth for a change.
Decision 2004 said:
Does that mean we are voting?

I know we are, I just want hear you concede to that fact!

Come on, tell us truth for a change.
No, not conceding yet Decision!! I guess we will have to wait to see what else happens now won't we!! Anything can happen between now and the 6th!! It ain't over 'til it's over!!!

And I think it will be you conceding and not me!! I'm sticking to my guns on this one!! Just a gut feeling!! Don't "spin" it out of control!!!
twuer said:
You guys (and gal) are too blind to see the writing on the wall with this list thing!!! The explanation is right there yet you fail to see it!!

I'm washing my hands with it and say let's let the "chips" fall where they may!!!
Yes we do see the writing on the wall. THE COMPANY AND THE twu ARE ONE OF THE SAME. Even the twu supporters left on the docks are embarased by how blatant the company is trying to protect their lap dog union. Can you tell me again how the cozy little affair between the union and the company is in the members best intrest?? twu..........your misery will be over soon!!!!!!!!

Keep the Faith....VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!
twuer said:
You guys (and gal) are too blind to see the writing on the wall with this list thing!!! The explanation is right there yet you fail to see it!!

I'm washing my hands with it and say let's let the "chips" fall where they may!!!
So your explanation is that the TWU is lying?

And, that lying is a perfectly acceptable means to an end?

Are you agreeing with the TWU that there are 21000 on our class and craft? Or do you figure its the 14000 on the undisputed company seniority list that was recently put out to the members plus a couple of thousand with recall rights?