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First Response From The Nmb

Checking it Out said:
When you attempt to close the door to freedom of speech you also limit the availability of choice? If Amfa is so democratic than why do they attempt to squash the the most important part (knowledge) without this you are unable to make an informed decission! I feel sorry for anyone who is willing to put blinders on and not look at all the available information!

You have alot of nerve bringing up free speech rights....

Check this Out and Inform us all about TWU's defense of individual FREEDOM OF SPEECH! And how the TWU promotes "CHOICE".

Hey Dave...give us an update on your "right to work" stance, or your "TUL is overmanned" explanation to he members here.


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De-cision 2004 said:
Now wasn't that clever?

Good thing most people on this board will notice the "De-ceite" by "De-cision 2004".

I give you a C+ for effort and an F for no honor.

I did smile just a little. Pat yourself on the back.
One of the terms AMFA uses in their logo is Knowledge (applies to facts or ideas acquired by study, investigation, observation, or experience)

When someone ceases to learn or attempts to restrain someone from learning, than you are attempting to restrain there ability to make an informed decision.

AMFA sites like the-mechanic or air-mechanic have been around for many years! The-mechanic is a one-way propaganda site. It either edits or does not post the comment! Air-mechanic is interactive but limits the member like Cobra, (by the way was my alias their)!

How can an organization like AMFA claim knowledge as part of the logo when they don't even preach the meaning?

I believe, it's in the best interest of everyone to refrain from posting on both these sites!
Amfa Informer said:
One of the terms AMFA uses in their logo is Knowledge (applies to facts or ideas acquired by study, investigation, observation, or experience)

When someone ceases to learn or attempts to restrain someone from learning, than you are attempting to restrain there ability to make an informed decision.

AMFA sites like the-mechanic or air-mechanic have been around for many years! The-mechanic is a one-way propaganda site. It either edits or does not post the comment! Air-mechanic is interactive but limits the member like Cobra, (by the way was my alias their)!

How can an organization like AMFA claim knowledge as part of the logo when they don't even preach the meaning?

I believe, it's in the best interest of everyone to refrain from posting on both these sites!
The only reason you want people to quit posting on those sites is because you twu stoolies cannot control the flow of information on those sites.Therefor since you cannot control the information you are going to act like a little spoiled child and go home since we will not play the game your way. Get a grip on that pathetic life of yours. You claim you want us to participate but only participate how the twu dictates we should. And you still cannot understand why we wnat to rid ourselves of the twu :shock:

If i remember correctly the twu stoolie bulletin board at insolidarity.com ran a bulletin board discussing issues in the twu and had to shut it down because it got away from them and were exposed for what they really are.
Poor ole Davey loves the control with his admin duties on his site. Give the guy a break, it's his one shot in life to be somebody, even though he knows it's a losing route to take.
Johnny Lunchbox said:
Poor ole Davey loves the control with his admin duties on his site. Give the guy a break, it's his one shot in life to be somebody, even though he knows it's a losing route to take.

You really got him on that one.
Hey Gumbie (AMFA uninformed)

The AMFA can not be the downfall of our profession.

The worthless twu has all ready been awarded that prize. :up:

You should know this or have you been living under a rock when the last concessionary package was shoved up your arse by your company union. :shock:
Checking it Out said:
HO-HUM, Anyway,

Out of the four sites you mention who is most likely to censor a post?

And who has the highest percentage of postings censored?

When you attempt to close the door to freedom of speech you also limit the availability of choice? If Amfa is so democratic than why do they attempt to squash the the most important part (knowledge) without this you are unable to make an informed decission! I feel sorry for anyone who is willing to put blinders on and not look at all the available information!
Suppressing freedom of speech?

Do you mean like trying to force a President to sign a letter to his members that was not written by him?

Do you mean like removing a Treasurer for criticizing the union on the internet?

Come on CIO, you really are delusional!
I'm going to have a hotdog warmer for sale in the near future...please see me at Local 12.
Amfa has made 4 attempts to extend the time to review the cards submitted to the NMB. The most recent, came out on the 16th. The NMB has made it clear. Amfa has until the 22nd to file any objections. The intimidations from Amfa is not working with the NMB.

I'm surprised Amfa hasn't posted the responses from the NMB. Are they hiding things from the Organizers. Are they worried the lies they have spoken are going to haunt them?

AMFA’s phone bill has increased dramatically in the last few weeks! Have you received your call?
So what's your point CIO? There's going to be an election and there is nothing the EVIL TWU or AA can do to stop it! Ohh that's right! TWU supporters want management to vote in this election,because the TWU is a COMPANY UNION! :down:
Actually Amfa has solicited management and several have filled out cards! Along with stock clerks!

I believe since the TWU has not submitted anything at this time your statement is a lie! Have you been drinking to much amfa kool-aid? Don't know what the truth is anymore?

At this point if an election was going to be held the NMB would have announce it! It is becoming more apparent Amfa seems to have failed to file the necessary cards to have an election. I suspect their won't be an Election! The TWU will be here for many years to come!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Actually Amfa has solicited management and several have filled out cards! Along with stock clerks!

I believe since the TWU has not submitted anything at this time your statement is a lie! Have you been drinking to much amfa kool-aid? Don't know what the truth is anymore?

At this point if an election was going to be held the NMB would have announce it! It is becoming more apparent Amfa seems to have failed to file the necessary cards to have an election. I suspect their won't be an Election! The TWU will be here for many years to come!!!!
cio, you were the one that said AMFA would not file because there were not going to be enough cards. Well, there are enough cards. I guess you missed the Tulsa twu stewards meeting where they were told that they should not say there will not be an election BECAUSE THERE IS going to be an election!

Stay behind your curtain. Deny the truth. AMFA has been busy auditing the inflated list of eligible names that AA gave to the NMB. I guess you agree with DEAD PEOPLE being eligible to vote on the upcoming election. Typical.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!


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