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If you haven't been getting ready for a strike, you're a ******* ***** **** ******* *********.

(post adjusted appropriately to accommodate those who might my comment as a personal insult or attack on their intelligence/common sense)
If you haven't been getting ready for a strike, you're a ******* ***** **** ******* *********.

(post adjusted appropriately to accommodate those who might my comment as a personal insult or attack on their intelligence/common sense)
Exactly! and, that goes for the INTL as well!
There is no strike in the near future. Spotted another brand new car in the parking lot yesterday. Still had the window sticker in it!!
There is no strike in the near future. Spotted another brand new car in the parking lot yesterday. Still had the window sticker in it!!

The Twu international will never allow a strike....Why even bother they proved that already during the consessions....
I agree there won't be a strike. Mainly because the NMB has said - very clearly and on multiple occasions - that they don't plan to release anyone into the cooling off period for the foreseeable future.

The administration wants new contracts, not a holiday strike at one of the country's largest airlines.
I agree there won't be a strike. Mainly because the NMB has said - very clearly and on multiple occasions - that they don't plan to release anyone into the cooling off period for the foreseeable future.

The administration wants new contracts, not a holiday strike at one of the country's largest airlines.
yes it would be a major diversion during the campaign for 2012.
If you haven't been getting ready for a strike, you're a ******* ***** **** ******* *********.

(post adjusted appropriately to accommodate those who might my comment as a personal insult or attack on their intelligence/common sense)

Now that is the most dead on statement I have heard yet. Bob and the cast of clowns asking for release without prepping the membership for being replaced, stockpiling cash, how to handle their mortgage payments, telling their family they don't have any income, pulling the kids out of college, cars repo'd, etc...is the biggest single issue going forward.

How many will cross? How many former TWA RIF employees will step up? Can AA pull off a NWA-esque line maintenance scheme with maybe Class Is? Who knows?

Bob knows though so I am calm and cool. He has also said we have other levers to pull beside strike but then doesn't AA?

One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time. - RFK
Now that is the most dead on statement I have heard yet. Bob and the cast of clowns asking for release without prepping the membership for being replaced, stockpiling cash, how to handle their mortgage payments, telling their family they don't have any income, pulling the kids out of college, cars repo'd, etc...is the biggest single issue going forward.
How many will cross? How many former TWA RIF employees will step up? Can AA pull off a NWA-esque line maintenance scheme with maybe Class Is? Who knows?
Bob knows though so I am calm and cool. He has also said we have other levers to pull beside strike but then doesn't AA?
One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time. - RFK
Didn't he say your a ******* ***** **** ******* ********* if your not ready for a strike? We're adults, 2/3's of us said NO last year and WE SUPPORT A STRIKE. If your not ready for a strike then your either a ******* ***** **** ******* ********* or on the internAAtional's recession proof escalating payroll.
Now that is the most dead on statement I have heard yet. Bob and the cast of clowns asking for release without prepping the membership for being replaced, stockpiling cash, how to handle their mortgage payments, telling their family they don't have any income, pulling the kids out of college, cars repo'd, etc...is the biggest single issue going forward.

How many will cross? How many former TWA RIF employees will step up? Can AA pull off a NWA-esque line maintenance scheme with maybe Class Is? Who knows?

Bob knows though so I am calm and cool. He has also said we have other levers to pull beside strike but then doesn't AA?

One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time. - RFK

Once again, the halftard responds with some more brilliant insight.
Now that is the most dead on statement I have heard yet. Bob and the cast of clowns asking for release without prepping the membership for being replaced, stockpiling cash, how to handle their mortgage payments, telling their family they don't have any income, pulling the kids out of college, cars repo'd, etc...is the biggest single issue going forward. ]

No, Bob told people to take out loans against their 401K and hold the cash. Brilliant suggestion when the stock market is performing poorly and you expect to remain gainfully employed to make the payroll-deducted repayments.

Not so bright when having no paycheck means you can't repay the note, and get thrown into default. The loan then becomes taxable income, and there's a penalty for early withdrawal, which comes out to around 33% by the time all is done.

It's better than living off a credit card, but not by much. Credit cards will get their money over time. IRS expects it paid in full by April.
I agree there won't be a strike. Mainly because the NMB has said - very clearly and on multiple occasions - that they don't plan to release anyone into the cooling off period for the foreseeable future.

The administration wants new contracts, not a holiday strike at one of the country's largest airlines.
Really? When did they say that? Did the NMB not recently release the Rails?

The administration has the right to impose a PEB if they dont want a strike.
Now that is the most dead on statement I have heard yet. Bob and the cast of clowns asking for release without prepping the membership for being replaced, stockpiling cash, how to handle their mortgage payments, telling their family they don't have any income, pulling the kids out of college, cars repo'd, etc...is the biggest single issue going forward.

How many will cross? How many former TWA RIF employees will step up? Can AA pull off a NWA-esque line maintenance scheme with maybe Class Is? Who knows?

Bob knows though so I am calm and cool. He has also said we have other levers to pull beside strike but then doesn't AA?

One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time. - RFK

Those are the risks you take when you choose to belong and behave like a unionist. If you dont like it or are not prepared to take on the company then you should either go non-union or into management and just accept whatever they feel like giving to you. That seems to be the well worn path many of your pseudo-unionist predecessors have followed, you can join up with Mark Easton and Mark Nelson on the other side, where you belong.

Many of the downside things you mention are already happening to many of our members.

The fact is that we could give AA everything they ask for and AA could still possibly liquidate anyway, and the investment of working all those years on the cheap is gone. The only thing we have to gain by working cheaply, and thats not guaranteed, is that we get to continue to work on the cheap. There is no security in concessions. If we do not get what we need to get now things will never get better. AA is set to bring in $24billion this year. They just ordered over 400 more new aiplanes this past Summer. Every breakroom I see has new furniture, many of the terminals are either new or being remodeled, they are replacing the cabins and modifying the older aircraft and of couse they never miss an incentive payment to management.

Northwest was only a fraction of the size of AA. Yet they still could not get enough mechanics to maintain their full operation and this was only a short time after most carriers laid off thousands of mechanics. The larger the workforce the harder it is to replace it. If AA was preparing for this we would have heard about it, this is a small industry. We even heard little things like how the company was sending management Instructors to Arizona to do the Gen fam class and soliciting retirees from QA to go to TIMCO. If they were amassing a few thousand mechanics we would have heard about it, secondly, with Boeing having made all these committments they will be hiring from the same pool of mechanics that AA would be hiring from. Given the choice of becoming a scab for AA with less benifits and lower pay or working for Boeing where do you think most would go? Another thing, the FAA. Over the last five years the FAA has stepped up its oversight, AA has struggled to remain compliant, the company told the Presidents Council that the company Certificate was at stake. Could you imaging the impact to the operation if they tried to bring in thousands of mechanics who were unfamilair with our equipment and proceedures? The fact is there arent too many out there that have experience on what we have, most of the guys off the street are from Eagle, they may be fine mechanics but it will take time, just as it did for us, to become familair. Years ago they would have been hired as Junior Mechanics without Heavy Turbine Experience.

Has anyone flown anywhere lately? I have, nearly every week. Now this is the slow time of the year, kids back in school and the Holidays coming up. The Terrorists picked this time of year because of the low load factors, between the four aircraft there were only around 240 passengers, so the planes were less than half full. Every plane I get on is nearly or completely full. So in other words there isnt much excess capacity in the system anymore, compared to 2001 where nearly 70% of the seats were empty on 9-11. So if there was a time when the system could not absorb a strike of its third largest carrier, when there are fewer carriers than ever before, its now.

So go ahead keep spreading fear, the thing is that if we follow you all those bad things you say will happen if we fight back will happen if we dont. Members are already losing their homes, pulling their kids out of college, having cars repo'd, thats what a great job our union has done for them!
No, Bob told people to take out loans against their 401K and hold the cash. Brilliant suggestion when the stock market is performing poorly and you expect to remain gainfully employed to make the payroll-deducted repayments.

Not so bright when having no paycheck means you can't repay the note, and get thrown into default. The loan then becomes taxable income, and there's a penalty for early withdrawal, which comes out to around 33% by the time all is done.

It's better than living off a credit card, but not by much. Credit cards will get their money over time. IRS expects it paid in full by April.

401k funds are tax deferred, when you use the money you pay the tax, whether you take it out now or when you retire. I believe the penalty is 10%, thats a lot less than most Credit Cards, and the rest is the tax you pay as you would regular income, what you would pay anyhow if it wasnt put in the 401Kand thats if you dont pay it back. The fact is that many members have already hit up their 401Ks to keep their homes, it sucks but if we dont turn things around then thats where most of us are headed.

So lets say we give the company what they are asking for. We give up Retiree medical and agree to wages that fail to keep up with inflation and we dump the new guys onto the 401K match. Many of us are entering the period where our Kids are going to College, most will have to tap their 401Ks for that anyhow because our already reduced wages and skyrocketing medical costs have hindered our ability to stockpile cash. So by the time our kids get out of college we are approaching retirement, our pensions, which more than likely would be frozen long before we can retire by the new guys we dumped into a 401K match, would likely be further reduced or even completely eliminated as the company deducts their premiums for retiree medical from our pension checks. I've read of cases where some peoples entire pension check was used by the company to pay for retiree medical. They had to live off Social Security and work at McDonalds in their retirement despite having had the promise of Retiree Medical and a pension from their employer in exchange for lower wages. They take the lower wage then take what they promised in exchange and they get away with it.

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