No Word From The Nmb Today

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Name: Rover 1
Employer: NWA
Date: Saturday September 11, 2004
Time: 03:14:43 AM

Yeh......Alaska maintenance contracted out 100%. It's already been that way at Southwest. The same is coming at NWA and United. Why? Management says they can get the same quality at lower cost by contracting it all out. Great. So much for your pie in the sky approach. Your $60.00 an hour figure for mechanics was always fantasy. The simple fact is as much as we all like the wages, we are pricing ourselves out of the job and this farming out of heavy maintenance is the proof in the pudding......everyone that voted for this loser of a wannabe union needs to think real long and hard about what they're really doing here......
The simple fact is as much as we all like the wages, we are pricing ourselves out of the job and this farming out of heavy maintenance is the proof in the pudding......

You can all ways move to Mexico to get work. Or find another job in another field. Better yet implement the COLA then you will really be getting paid wht you are worth. :lol:
Why do Strake, NW and CIO continue to overlook the fact the IAM at United agreed to unlimited outsourcing BEFORE AMFA took over representation?

USAir is on the verge of contracting out ALL heavy maintenance. Let's see the mighty IAM stike USAir when the BK judge abbrogates the union agreements!
Hopeful said:
Why do Strake, NW and CIO continue to overlook the fact the IAM at United agreed to unlimited outsourcing BEFORE AMFA took over representation?

USAir is on the verge of contracting out ALL heavy maintenance. Let's see the mighty IAM stike USAir when the BK judge abbrogates the union agreements!

The judge wont have to abrogate the contract, the IAM will just like the TWU did.

Look at our contract. We were busted but we still pay dues. Most non-union workers do better than we do. We dont have a union, we have the TWU.
why is it amfa(PUKE) always wanna blame someone else for thier lack of ability to STAND UP now instead of when ALL the M&R work is gone???
O i forgot amfa(PUKE) is "line a&p only" nobodt else deserves a job.
i believe everyone who works for the airline industry deserves a good paying job & that is what we are talking about right?? or are we going to keep talking about what can be changed in the by-laws or in a constitution or in a contract that can not be changed until '06? the TWU is working towards keeping the work in house, working to keep jobs & as long as the work is coming BACK in house (much to dismay of the amfa(PUKE) SCABS) the MAJORITY of the people are happy with what is going on. if in fact you SCABS would vote for a real leader in the up coming election instead of your puppet union buster bush. BTW booby boy you can reat ausre that the SCABmaster dAAve helped get RTW in Oklahoma by voting for in order to get his SCAB outfit in @ AA another project FAILED!!!! even going to DC to be a "witness for the job protection act" a few years ago to stand up AGAINST the working man....that is a SCAB if i have ever heard of one & because of that & the fact that he & his SCABS here in Oklahoma pushed RTW there is a very good chance that bush & his union bustin cronies will push for a NATIONAL RTW bill then what you gonna do? yeah booby boy the very same SCAB that posted the pix of Kerry.......your kinda man huh? or should i say SCAB for that is what he & amfa (PUKE) stand for...........gets some real guts & stand up for LABOR UNIONS dump your union busting amfa(PUKE) ways & stand up.
you always talk democracy but you are FAR from it pushing away the very people who save jobs but, you amfa(PUKE) SCABS don't care about others. it is all about ME get this SCABmaster!!!!!!!!!NO VOTE NO amfa(PUKE) check this out......
typical scabscraper: can't answer the question about the IAM giving away the store BEFORE AMFA got in!

If you all think that once UAL and USAIR outsource the whole nine yards, and AA will be the last one standing not contracting out a majority of maintenance, you are dreaming.

Just like when USAir and UAL unload their pension obligations, if you think AA will be the last continuing traditional pension plans while owing $3.5 billion to the plans, you are dreaming.

The TWU will have us work for minimum wage as long as they retain representation and collect union dues.

So I suppose its good unionism for TWU supporters to only care about the main bases and screw the line stations, something you accuse the AMFA supporters of doing.

Good for you, not the other guy, eh scabscraper?

BTW, scabscraper, the TWU has already been notified that the smaller Class2 and 3 stations will be closing and mechanics laid off.



But, hey, scabrscraper, doesn't affect you. you're in the coocoon of a main base!

scab scraper said:
why is it amfa(PUKE) always wanna blame someone else for thier lack of ability to STAND UP now instead of when ALL the M&R work is gone???
O i forgot amfa(PUKE) is "line a&p only" nobodt else deserves a job.
i believe everyone who works for the airline industry deserves a good paying job & that is what we are talking about right?? or are we going to keep talking about what can be changed in the by-laws or in a constitution or in a contract that can not be changed until '06? the TWU is working towards keeping the work in house, working to keep jobs & as long as the work is coming BACK in house (much to dismay of the amfa(PUKE) SCABS) the MAJORITY of the people are happy with what is going on. if in fact you SCABS would vote for a real leader in the up coming election instead of your puppet union buster bush. BTW booby boy you can reat ausre that the SCABmaster dAAve helped get RTW in Oklahoma by voting for in order to get his SCAB outfit in @ AA another project FAILED!!!! even going to DC to be a "witness for the job protection act" a few years ago to stand up AGAINST the working man....that is a SCAB if i have ever heard of one & because of that & the fact that he & his SCABS here in Oklahoma pushed RTW there is a very good chance that bush & his union bustin cronies will push for a NATIONAL RTW bill then what you gonna do? yeah booby boy the very same SCAB that posted the pix of Kerry.......your kinda man huh? or should i say SCAB for that is what he & amfa (PUKE) stand for...........gets some real guts & stand up for LABOR UNIONS dump your union busting amfa(PUKE) ways & stand up.
you always talk democracy but you are FAR from it pushing away the very people who save jobs but, you amfa(PUKE) SCABS don't care about others. it is all about ME get this SCABmaster!!!!!!!!!NO VOTE NO amfa(PUKE) check this out......

Well after reading that semi-literate rant I'll try and respond.

Tell us of your concern for line A&Ps when you guys were pushing to take away our line premium for more holidays.

By the way we rarely get any holidays off, so unlike you who gets paid for 8 hours while sitting at home or whatever we have to work the eight hours and only get paid four hours more than you. So we work eight hours for only four hours pay.

If you are so magnanimous how come you didnt care a lick about the thousands that you allowed the company to lay off by rolling back system protection? You claim that we dont care, thats not true, we care, we are willing to fight, you are the one who will not fight but will give and give as long as you can survive, the hell with everyone else.

RTW in Oklahoma is Daves fault? Maybe its more the fault of undemocratic unions like the TWU that turn working people against unionism. Why is unionism in decline? Because of crooks like Sonny Hall and Jim Little that lie and mislead their members so they can maintain a mutually profitable relationship with various corporations at the workers expense. Did you ever consider that? I dissagree with Dave on more than a few issues but its not his fault that Unions like the TWU turn working people against the whole concept of unionism.

"gets some real guts"? Well I surely wont find any around you will I? You call yourself a union man? Promoting concessions, thats your version of Unionism. Read a little bit of history my friend. Industry was rife with your kind of "unionism" before real unions become a force to be reckoned with, they used to call it "company unionism" The government passed laws against it. One of the steps they took was to forbid the company from financially supprting their in house unions, well what is that $3.1 million the TWU is getting? Company unions used the same tactic to get concessions for their master, "Oh we gotta give concessions or we will lose our jobs". Whatever happened to no concessions or we will strike, its called Mutally Assured Destruction and it kept world peace for 40 years and labor peace for 50. There is no battle with your brand of unionism, just submission. Scab, a scab is someone whop crosses a picket line to do another mans job, the TWU has made us all scabs. We just do it a different way, as the largest carrier with the biggest market advantage it is up to us to set the standard, instead we undercut everyone else.
I talked to a Delta mechanic today and he said the people getting laid off out of DFW are being offered $1000 per year of service severance. He said over 50% are taking the money and leaving the industry. The Alaskan Air people are being offered 2 weeks pay for every year of service. This is the result of 50 years of TWU and IAM performance. Why don't we here more about the good things TWU has done for the industry and less bull about what AMFA has done? Come on TWU show us where your strengths are. We have forced the other carriers to try and match our pay and benefits and they are not willing to work for that. Still TWU claims to be the strength of American Airlines well I can't disagree there. The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. 29 NMB 240, 251 NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Just another thing to think about guys whenthe carrier out sources there maintaince and closes there base they can't go back with out a large investment. When the company that does your maintaince wants to raise there price you have no choice but to pay. This also tends to put a great deal of pressure on the low cost carriers operation in that it increases the competition for the MRO's services. The down side is it's a dead end street. We have to keep the pressure on Industrial Unions have no place in the Airline Industry any more. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Scab scraper

You're such a putz. What is it you think John Kerry is gonna do for labor? As Christian, heterosexual, male - that is against: abortion, gun control, affirmative action, and higher taxes - I can't vote for Kerry. Democrats don't care about labor any more than republicans do. Democrats just try to make victims out of everybody and convince them they can help, which after 8 years of Clinton was DISproven.
so hey green dude tell me are you registered? to vote that is? or are you one of those uh what do you call 'em? those ones that take that uh, what do you call it?
section8? uh, wait a minute i'll think of it, you know those ones that don't wanna pay taxes,dues,etc. what do you call it? dang now it slipped my mind hummm i'll get it just stay with me green dude. in the mean time the topic is something about NMB coming in with a decision..........well, geen dude would you belive it won't come down 'til around oct. 1/2/3/4/5 ain't that a kick? just when y'all thought you were gonna get to start another....."card drive" dang the luck huh?
have you recently become a Christian? the last post i read on you was like some monster from the dark side & you needed to take some meds. man, i mean you were ready something. you ok now? i believe that if i had that kinda hate in me about my job i'd look else where. ah i got it now box8 no, now that i said it it don't look right. hummm a Christian. thats good green dude. where you church at?
do you have a drivers license? just asking 'cause those kinda people who belong to that..dang,sure wish i could think of that. well anyhow they don't believe that they should/need one. no, i don't think Kerry can do anything until he is elected but,with people like you out there that won't happen. there is just something about amfa(PUKE)/outsourceing/bush that make me sick. y'all knew what art.2f was inthe NW contract & you let it stay along w/LOA & when other people tried to tell you it was going to happen you said they are lying & that will never happen. then, guess what green dude? it did!!!!!!!!!!!!! 78%+ GONE!!!!hangars tore down/ jobs GONE!!!!& then y'all wanted to "rally the troops" go to MSP dress up so they don't know you(was it halloween?)AlaskaAir..NO MORE HVY BASE ALL ARE CLOSED!!!!
you see it yet green dude? O yeah it is IAM's fault/no, TWU/no,amfa(PUKE) that is where the burden lies. amfa(PUKE) the YUGO of the airline. like i said before who ya gonna call when the HVY stuff comes in??? some one of you SCABS talked about AA closing cities HELLO!!! if they ain't flying out y fly in? i think they call that business sense (i guess amfa(PUKE) calls it something else. blame the TWU???
what a bonified JERK. (ah, i got it now cross section 8 yeah that what it is.)
i believe Clinton did a good job of bringing the economy back to the black after what ronnie/georgie did to it for 12 rotten years but, i have to admitt i voted for ronnie the 1st time 'cause of his EMPTY promise of bringing the Bible back into the school as well as prayer.never happened....i learned. gun control? i love my gun too & Kerry don't want it & that along with abortion is NOT a platform, as is gay rights is NOT....however we here in tulsa have a evil one who likes to post sick "pinko" stuff & police blotter stuff....a real class act i call him SCABmaster others call him dAAve stewart O, yeah real class he's the one who one day said he saw an air plane & then & there he deciced instead of being a pilot wanted to be a WELDER duh!!! where did that come from? what a jerk!!!! but, you know what green dude? he's on your side :up: HAHAHAHA & he is vp of one of your locos!!!
nice work SCABS. yeah one time we just about had him OMG where would we be now. booby boy sorry you don't like my posts but, remember you aren't suspose to read 'em but, if you read this one PLEASE read mark inmans' post & tell him to clean it up i can't tell if he is here or there or their. is he talking about there? or their? he has me all cornfused...O, i know he been talking to suckman in afw.HAHAHAHAHA PUNK!!!! remember this green dude>>>>>>>>>>>>
Jeeze scabby, it must of taken you HOURS to peck out all that third grade twu drivel.

Did you ever wonder why your posts are constantly ripped on? Maybe because they're barely intelligiable, and they drive home the fact that your as base a twu moron as they come.

You might want to try another form of communication (a few grunts maybe), this one here is not workin' for you..... :blink:

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