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No More Pretzels

It's not just the 3 cents that is at issue here. Try 3 cents x 150,000 pax per day times 365 days per year. The savings comes to 1.64 million per year. It adds up.
hay gurl! I guess I will add my $.03. It really isn't that big of deal...those pretzels are stale anyway...but, it cracks me up that CO has the 2nd strongest balance sheet behind only WN and they serve meals in coach for free. Tempe doesn't know how to manage an airline. And it would be one thing if US was making great improvements for premium customers, but, alas, it is not. It is so far behind.

I flew CO today, MCO-CLE, FC and flight is less than 2 hours I recall. US serves nothing MCO-PHL. In FC on CO the service was pre-departure drink, hot towel, nuts, Ruben sandwich, lentil soup, fruit bowl, milano cookies, glassware, silverware, cloth napkins

Look at what US offers and compare. It is laughable. How can CO do that and be so strong and US can't hand out $.03 stale pretzels in Y????? :blink:
While they are at it ........the sandcastle can get rid of the tuberculosis sponges and baby changing mats (pillows and blankets). It's not like they are ever cleaned or replenished anyway.

If they are intent being cheap - then let's go all the way.

I just got off a flight where a F/C passenger on the red-eye about two hours into the flight walked (or sleepwalked) back to the coach cabin and then proceeded to "relieve himself" on a unsuspecting (and sleeping) family of three (two adults and a very young child).They were all asleep (as they had flown in from Vietnam and connected to the red-eye) and were on their way to visit family.

Imagine being exhausted from a trans-pacific flight and then being awakened out of a sound sleep by someone from First Class relieving them self on you and your family while on one of our spacious reconfigured Airbus.

I am sure they will always remember their experience flying the mighty LCC.

The CAPT requested security to meet the flight......no one showed.

After the flight Weds night, I say we replace all the Aircraft seats with benches, and all the carpet with rubber mats so we can hose it down after every flight. It quick, economical, and now part of the enhanced RCA Program......

Pretty much an excellent example of the type of operation we are running and the clientèle we are NOW attracting.

Take the pretzels we HAVE MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS :angry:
Since de-regulation, the airlines have been turning into glorified buses/trains. This morphing is just completing it's turn.
I just got off a flight where a F/C passenger on the red-eye about two hours into the flight walked (or sleepwalked) back to the coach cabin and then proceeded to "relieve himself" on a unsuspecting (and sleeping) family of three (two adults and a very young child).

How many seats can fit into space wasted on lavatories?

How much money can be saved by not having to dump the lavs?
I flew CO today, MCO-CLE, FC and flight is less than 2 hours I recall. US serves nothing MCO-PHL. In FC on CO the service was pre-departure drink, hot towel, nuts, Ruben sandwich, lentil soup, fruit bowl, milano cookies, glassware, silverware, cloth napkins

Look at what US offers and compare. It is laughable. How can CO do that and be so strong and US can't hand out $.03 stale pretzels in Y????? :blink:

Let's see if that lasts if fuel prices stay this high or go even higher. While I'm not proud of what has happened to service on board many US flights....I'd rather have less service than be out of a job! I've flown other legacy carriers and quite honestly they are all the same with the exception of CO......but again I'm sure in time CO will be making some changes too! Unfortunately, Airlines anymore are just providing safe and convenient travel from point A to B.....the rest is just fluff.
CO is one the only legacy to still provide free food in coach since 9/11, it is all about good management, something they have, unlike US.
CO is one the only legacy to still provide free food in coach since 9/11, it is all about good management, something they have, unlike US.

I buy revenue tickets on CO quite often to go home, you're right they do offer food for free in coach for now.....a sandwich, chips, and a piece of fruit. Don't get me wrong I like CO, however, the one problem I have with CO is that several of their planes I've been on all smell like urine. EWW....on several different occasions I've had to endure that gawd awful smell the entire flight, one of the A/C was a brand new 757-300 online for a couple of days only :blink: What's up with that! I've heard that from other people who've flown them also. Not saying that their entire fleet is that way, but bad enough to have to experience it on several different trips! :down: In the end it's all the same, nobody's perfect! 🙄
Those pretzles stink anyway. The cost is probably more than $0.03 when you actually figure in the expenses of replenishment, and time it takes to collect the extra garbage. Now Floyd, Gloria, and rest of the galley crew will have an additional 10 minutes in free time to get a few more suduku puzzles in since they dont actually have to serve the pretzles and pick the empty bags up out of the seatbacks.

Id say get rid of the pillows and blankets too. They are like a disease factory.

The only thing that concerns me here is that this really doesnt solve what has to be a bigger problem. WN, and B6 pay their employees more than US, serve premium snacks and still manage to charge less for their flights while making more money. I think US has to be cutting in the wrong places. There is something that has to cause US to have less of a margin, and I really doubt it is the snacks. That is probably where the cuts need to start, and it can't be employees salaries, since the other airlines all seem to pay better.
guess none of you have ever flown spirit. they sell everything and i mean everything. soda's for $3.water for $3 ,coffee out of a styro for $3. and it ain't even dunkin doughnuts. i could give a rats ass if they take off the prestzels just don't go taking anymore of my pay. sorry guys but it's the way the industry is headed. the company is looking at everything to try to cut cost. stay tuned for more to come. once these electronic handhelds are in full force the possibilities are endless. get use to it.