Harry Callahan
This may be the issue that finally unites east and west! Get rid of the freebies and start pricing the product in line with costs!
Yea, for sure we have better things to do than fight each other.
This may be the issue that finally unites east and west! Get rid of the freebies and start pricing the product in line with costs!
We are seeing fuel costs rise at alarming rates forcing our competitors to cease
operations, file chapter eleven, ground aircraft and reduce flying.
I just got off a flight where a F/C passenger on the red-eye about two hours into the flight walked (or sleepwalked) back to the coach cabin and then proceeded to "relieve himself" on a unsuspecting (and sleeping) family of three (two adults and a very young child).
I flew CO today, MCO-CLE, FC and flight is less than 2 hours I recall. US serves nothing MCO-PHL. In FC on CO the service was pre-departure drink, hot towel, nuts, Ruben sandwich, lentil soup, fruit bowl, milano cookies, glassware, silverware, cloth napkins
Look at what US offers and compare. It is laughable. How can CO do that and be so strong and US can't hand out $.03 stale pretzels in Y????? :blink:
That is a bunch of ...................... US just keeps getting worse & worse :down:
CO is one the only legacy to still provide free food in coach since 9/11, it is all about good management, something they have, unlike US.