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No More Pretzels

you know i LOVE you, FlightChic...but, at the rate of $0.03 per bag, pretzels are a negligible expense. and, in this case, they are a cost cutting excuse for an abject lack of creativity in raising primary revenues.

I am no Tempe fan, but add up the cost, flight after flight, with fuel at $122/ barrel. We are losing money hand over fist and need to stop the bleeding. Can you not bring a bag of pretzels for $.50? How should they be more creative, have floor shows in first class? Better yet, ask us for more pay cuts like Frontier did to its employees today? Actually, Frontier did not "ask", they "told" their employees.....

ancillary revenues have never catapulted a failing business model into profitability...*cough* skybus...*cough*

failing business model? So I would guess that CO and the rest have a failing business model as well, due to the cost of gas? Get real... It's a bag of pretzels with 4-6 mini pretzels in it..... Grab a Clif bar at Whole Foods.... Whether the ancillary revenues keep us viable or not, they are at least being proactive....

we all know what's next...and, to be honest, i'd rather pick up pretzel bags than fart around for change for a bag of "premium" (if the wine selection is any indication) sam's choice peanuts.
I'll sell candy, nuts, pizza with a smile, I don't care, but the fact is that airlines are not able to price their product where they can turn a profit. As Trav72 said, take the train... no one has a problem paying in the cafe car.......

Other airlines will follow, just sit tight.....
The only thing that concerns me here is that this really doesnt solve what has to be a bigger problem. WN, and B6 pay their employees more than US, serve premium snacks and still manage to charge less for their flights while making more money. I think US has to be cutting in the wrong places. There is something that has to cause US to have less of a margin, and I really doubt it is the snacks. That is probably where the cuts need to start, and it can't be employees salaries, since the other airlines all seem to pay better.

The premium snacks that WN and B6 give complimentary are just crackers, chips, nuts, and cookies.....not a big deal. The pretzels we serve everybody complains about or hands back to you when you set them down.....Again, no big deal.....I never have room for them on my side of the cart and quite frankly their a pain in the arse! I think there are a total of 5-6 mini pretzels in the bag anyway, not like it was a 4 course meal or anything! 🙄 Good Riddance! :up:
The premium snacks that WN and B6 give complimentary are just crackers, chips, nuts, and cookies.....not a big deal.
And I will bet you that in the next 6 months, those "complimentary snacks" will no longer be free...just like B6 charges for pillow/blanket now... where is the outrage on that? I assume that when US loses the free pillows and charges, it'll be no big deal, right? 🙄

Frontier cut out some free food a few months back...blah blah blah.... People, we are talking about pretzels and crackers in economy.... Stop at the store on your way to the airport..... 🙄

OTOH, I receive many compliments on the new, improved F product foods, both domestically and internationally..... can we move on now?
Since de-regulation, the airlines have been turning into glorified buses/trains. This morphing is just completing it's turn.
I disagree. The airlines are not "glorified", they are simply transportation, like the busses and trains. So, why are they expected to hold a higher standard than Amtrak? It's simple: In economy, you pay, just like the cafe car on Amtrak. Why all the uproar?

Inherently, humans are resistant of change. It's here, maybe not at every airline as of yet, but it is coming (domestically).
What I don't understand and I have asked this before is WHY are airlines held to a different standard than the train or bus? I just DO NOT see the difference. One is surface travel, the other rails and the plane in the air.

One does not have to spend a hour+ jumping thru hoops to get on a train or bus. One can carry whatever one wants (within reason) on the train/bus. I can take an open soda onto a train/bus. Train/bus seats are damn near as big (in some cases bigger) than what US has in domestic F. In some cases, one can resell a train/bus ticket.

The list goes on.

Inherently, humans are resistant of change. It's here, maybe not at every airline as of yet, but it is coming (domestically).

Not until LUV's hedges say it is. The problem that the legacies have is that the Y product is not subpar to WN and B6. People notice. I now fly anything possible under 500 miles on Southwest. I'm not alone. US has lost almost $200k in revenue from me since the East folks tried to futz with mileage earning requirements--and I'm not alone. But enjoy thinking that eliminating the $0.03 will save an airline with much larger problems.
Solid cactus is right...there is something missing from this equation. The " de-bundling" as they call it is going the route of RyanAir...pax fly for free because they get charged for everything else...and the planes become billboards.

I submit that when that happens, you are no longer truly in the transportation business...you're in advertising, or marketing, or something...but not air carrier ops.

DP has said publicly that he "can't raise fares on tickets" so we have to generate revenue by ancillary means.

I think thats BS...it's a copout. Every airline CEO needs to grow a set, step-up...and charge a fare that not only covers costs, but (and here's where it gets crazy..) ACTUALLY MAKES A PROFIT on the service provided.


I'm sure thats covered in most MBA programs at most higher-level educational institutions in the US...no?
Clue by four, what are you going to do when southwest drops their award per trip to a point based system based on ticket price? It is coming! Not a single Legacy will be ofering the 500 miles by years end and Southwest will change theirs to give out less miles by next year.

Oh and I don't know what buses you ride but most Metros do not alllow any food or drink......
DP has said publicly that he "can't raise fares on tickets" so we have to generate revenue by ancillary means.

I think thats BS...it's a copout. Every airline CEO needs to grow a set, step-up...and charge a fare that not only covers costs, but (and here's where it gets crazy..) ACTUALLY MAKES A PROFIT on the service provided.


I'm sure thats covered in most MBA programs at most higher-level educational institutions in the US...no?
When the WN hedges run out, the industry will have an opportunity to "right" itself. Until then, they will continue to wreak havok at every other north american airline.
IMO, not a big deal. Just took a flight in Y today from STT-CLT and almost everyone around me had their own snack bags. The F/A even commented on how big our bag was. We travel enough to know to bring our own snacks (and we had quite a few leftovers from vacation so we had a good variety). Keep the pretzels. Its not worth getting upset over.
IMO, not a big deal. Just took a flight in Y today from STT-CLT and almost everyone around me had their own snack bags. The F/A even commented on how big our bag was. We travel enough to know to bring our own snacks (and we had quite a few leftovers from vacation so we had a good variety). Keep the pretzels. Its not worth getting upset over.

It is worth it for those "Clue by fours" that are out to get us, pretzels or not! 😛h34r:

Trust me, the 500 mile thingy, the pretzel thingy, the pillow thingy, the plastic cup thingy, will all be matched by the others down the road. So get all your USAir bash outta your system whilst you can...Ramble on.....

Oh yah, and one thing the FA's can still do: take the coach "preferred" list, and offer them a cocktail if u have time.... that's what it's all about, right?
One does not have to spend a hour+ jumping thru hoops to get on a train or bus. One can carry whatever one wants (within reason) on the train/bus. I can take an open soda onto a train/bus. Train/bus seats are damn near as big (in some cases bigger) than what US has in domestic F. In some cases, one can resell a train/bus ticket.

The list goes on.

Not until LUV's hedges say it is. The problem that the legacies have is that the Y product is not subpar to WN and B6. People notice. I now fly anything possible under 500 miles on Southwest. I'm not alone. US has lost almost $200k in revenue from me since the East folks tried to futz with mileage earning requirements--and I'm not alone. But enjoy thinking that eliminating the $0.03 will save an airline with much larger problems.

Yawn. U can buy soda in the airport after security. Next.

If you need a "large" seat, US still offers F, with more amenities than Y. So, if seat size is your concern, F is available at a premium. Remember, you did not mention service in F, you are comparing seat size on US to a train. Again, a larger seat can be had, for a price, on US.

I enjoy thinking that the pretzel elimination will add to a positive bottom line. While I hate that we have nothing to offer in Y, it does not affect the great customer service I give and will continue to give onboard. I would think that all the majors, not just US, have "much larger problems" since they are expected to post exorbitant losses this year? Or is USAir the only one subjected to the fuel prices, and the only one with that failed biz model? Wake up.

U cannot resell an Amtrak ticket; it is illegal as well. Next.

Are you seriously telling me that you fly WN, sometimes out of your way, because USAir took away the 500 mile thingy? All of the legacies are losing money, and unfortunately, I doubt US is the only one that is going to be doing the 'yanking' of perks in the coming months.
When the WN hedges run out, the industry will have an opportunity to "right" itself. Until then, they will continue to wreak havok at every other north american airline.

They do not have to run out, and since they continue to buy more that is not likely. All that has to happen is for Oil to stabilize for about a year and they will no longer be making money.
Update! Not only NW and UA, but it appears that AA does not offer free snacks in Y either? :shock:

The horror....
DP has said publicly that he "can't raise fares on tickets" so we have to generate revenue by ancillary means.

I think thats BS...it's a copout. Every airline CEO needs to grow a set, step-up...and charge a fare that not only covers costs, but (and here's where it gets crazy..) ACTUALLY MAKES A PROFIT on the service provided.


I'm sure thats covered in most MBA programs at most higher-level educational institutions in the US...no?

How many times have you seen fare increases recinded when not matched by the competition? The airline business is somewhat unique in that it only sells one thing - air transportation and that has a very limited shelf life. Since everyone's prices are out there on the internet available for everyone to see, there is almost no way to charge a premium on a commodity like an airline ticket. What you propose is a cartel of airlines who fix their prices (like an airline- OPEC). Under the CAB, the government basically ran the cartel by requiring approval over all fare changes and handing out domestic route authority to certain airlines. The government caved into the consumer who demanded that airlines be deregulated and allowed to charge whatever they wanted.

Now those same pretzel-starved consumers are complaining about getting exactly what they wanted.

Maybe merging with United will give US the market share necessary to influence fares across the industry. Maybe.

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