The reality is that eliminating the pretzels will save less than Scott Kirby's Salary and bonus. So several million customers will be given a sub par experience to save the equivelent of a Sr Executives Salary and Bonus. For me I'd rather have the pretzels for the customers than yet another arrogant airline executive on the payroll.
There we go. It's not about surviving the fuel crisis by saving through any means possible, it's about your tiff with Tempe. We'll have to wait and see how much of a huge bonus Kirby takes when USAir continues posting exorbitant losses, as is expected. On with your "Tempe tantrum"...
A botched Reservation Migration, DOT stats through the floor
What? No one is saying that Tempe has not made several serious mistakes, but what does that have to do with the price of fuel today? I remember you being so "pro employee"; shouldn't they be looking at any means possible to save money, thus saving jobs? Pick a side, dude.
Oh, and we're number 1 on time for April I believe. Ops getting better. It's blatantly noticeable, esp. in Phl. It's getting better, but keep singing the same tune to fuel your "Tempe tantrum"... (Go ahead, insert lame "kool aid" comments here; when I agree with mgmt I agree; when I don't, I don't....)
Instead of me driving by a gas station, why don't YOU fly coach on CO?
I have flown CO, lovely people, lovely service. Would love to have their Y product, but I do the best that I can with what I have, and will continue to do so. CO's time will come, you watch. Oh, and aren't you just
miffed that they
quickly followed USAir's $25 bag rule? Maybe you missed that press release? Are they maybe concerned about their "strong" balance sheet? Gosh, I hate when CO nickel and dimes me.
🙄 Come on....
Are you sure? where is the market research to support this? Skybus tried the a la carte model and tell me how many flights they had today? OH that's right NONE because they went under.
Comparing Skybus' business model to USAir. Brilliant. I won't bother responding.
As always, thank you for your business.