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No More Pretzels

Hay Gurl!

I have been on over 50 CO flights this year and I have never noticed that...their planes are immaculate. I don't sit in Y though, so maybe the smell is for the people in the back of the bus.

Im telling you they're planes are immaculate, in fact this one had probably only flown a couple of flights, but, as clean as they are, the only thing that I remember is the SMELL. Maybe you're right.....or just maybe it is the people in coach! :lol: Geez, and I thought US's clientele had gone in the toilet! I'll say it again....in the end ALL of the Airlines are the same and not immune to issues of their own!
B) Dude, you can afford steak?
So big and thick that I made a sandwich for lunch with the leftovers, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don’t work for US anymore.

Anyway, I’m amazed some employees here are taking the side of Tempe and blaming the cost of fuel for cheapening the product.

Again, does US not have a fuel surcharge?
So big and thick that I made a sandwich for lunch with the leftovers, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don’t work for US anymore.

Anyway, I’m amazed some employees here are taking the side of Tempe and blaming the cost of fuel for cheapening the product.

Again, does US not have a fuel surcharge?

The pretzels are a pain in the arse. It's hard to find room for them on the cart, they fall everywhere, they slip out of my hands, I have to pick up wrappers and I see crumbs everywhere which I hate, people put the wrappers in their cups when I collect trash and they bounce out all over me or the other pax, they are stale and nasty, do I need to go on? It's less work on us. People complain about them anyway and half the time pax hand them back to me and tell me they don't want any pretzels. We're already the K-Mart of the skies, so what is one more thing...Now if we could just get those pillows and blankets off.

BTW, while we don't always agree with what mgmt does, the sooner we accept the fact that they will do what is in the best interest for them and only them regardless of what is right for the employees or the customers and no matter how much we complain to them about it, the better off we will be. If we dwell on their every move, then we will just be miserable and it will drive us crazy. We may not like it, but it is what it is. As long as DP doesn't start taking away what little pay I make, I'm not going to worry about it.
THIS IS BULLS**T...The only reason I'm fricking willing to put up bouncing around the system to get where I want is because of the Snack Mix AND NOW they're taking it away...I wonder who gave them the idea to eliminate $0.03 snacks.

What next? $1.00 for Sodas?

HAHA - - Whatever, SA7, unfortunately, if we start charging for seat cushions you're still gonna have to smile and say thank you. Nothing should be bullsh*t to someone whose ticket costs less than the gas it costs to get them there...... 🙂
How come when people buy an airline ticket they expect more than a seat from point A to point B?

When I go to the movies, I buy a ticket and expect to see a movie -- if I want to eat or drink, I have to pay for it -- I can't use my "passes" for new movies, or certain times or dates -- I carry a coat or sweater, just in case I need to adjust to the temperature... Back in the day, balcony seats, when there were balconies, weren't "as good" of view and were cheaper. If I wanted a better seat, I had to pay more to sit down front. Why should an airline pax expect more than what they paid for? I carry my own snacks (more healthy, too) and buy water at the airport (a little more expensive, but that's the way it is and I cope) and bring my own pillow and, even a blanket on certain trips. It's not hard to do and it's so much more comforting to know where MY pillow was last and that the pillowcase is clean and so is the pillow inside!

I'm not too keen on the "selling" stuff on board. I don't know if the cost to haul it around and the administrative costs are truly worth it. And, I flew Skybus, one round-trip. And even if they had not gone out of business I swore I would never fly them again...but it had nothing to do with the "sales" on board -- it had to do with agents that had no concept what-so-ever of "customer service" (they were downright mean to the gal in front of me and apathetic towards me) and the fact that it took 50 minutes to get my checked bag after getting off the plane in Bellingham, WA. (Bellingham is NOT a busy airport. It has 3 or 4 Horizon prop-jobs a day and 1 or 2 Allegiant flight to LAS). Skybus' shoestring ground crew unloaded the bags onto the ramp and then proceeded to board and load and push the outbound flight, reload the inbound bags onto the carts and bring the luggage to baggage claim. This was all visible through the windows -- and we couldn't do anything about it.

But, I digress...

I know the flying public has all been "trained" to have certain expectations -- well, the best thing we can do is manage those expectations -- that's what Southwest's secret is -- under-promise and over-deliver -- how can anyone complain about that? In many markets, their tickets are no less expensive than anyone else's -- but they have created a perception that they are somehow cheaper and therefore, you cannot have any expectations. They didn't do this overnight, either.

Some people talk about the "quality" of the passengers on USA; well, the "quality" of the entire US population has gone downhill over the past 10-15 years, IMO. When my sister-in-law wore black flip-flops to a funeral and dressed very casual -- because she didn't care what anyone else thought -- I knew we were trouble -- as this, apparently, is the direction a lot of people have headed. (in most cultures, you dress up for a funeral to show respect for the deceased...anyways) The "casualization" of America is the brunt of many jokes, but SO true. And, I believe one of the reasons it seems like the clientele is of a more "casual" level then ever on USA is because of the influx of pax from the left-coast and surroundings, which historically has been more casual than the right coast.

Just my .03 ...
I can hardly wait to see what the next round of executive bonuses will be.....
Deepdown I don't give a Rat's Arse about pretzels.

I do care about not having them for the main cabin pax, but I understand the reality of the current economic situation. Sorry, folks.

That said, You have to look at what the pretzels represent.

Oh, please. What do they represent? You receive 4 pretzels in a bag, and most people hand them back. You're reaching now, and it is almost comical. While I most certainly do not agree with the way Tempe has handled everything, this is a BAG of pretzels. Drive by a gas station and look at the prices, maybe that'll put it in perspective.

IMO they are yet another example of of a corporate culture that redefines Cheap and the price of everything,

Darn right the corporation is redefining the price of everything! They should have done this a long time ago! You see, for the fiftieth time, airlines are not able to charge enough to cover the cost of current daily operations, as they once could. Believe what you will, but if you think this "cheap corporate culture" is unique to USAir, sit back, grab a G & T, and watch what happens in the coming months. Oh wait, it's already happening at the OA's!

This is merely using fuel as an excuse to cut every amenity known to man.

Excuse? Nope. Reality. Are you saying they should continue giving away amenities that people are not paying for? Laughable. No other business does that. None.

They are telling us as customers they only want our business on their terms. Some would call that dictating to the customer. A tactic that doesn't usually work long term.

Wrong. They are simply offering the majority of the flying public what they are willing to pay for: a seat (and even that is a stretch). Anything else, you will be charged for. Simple. Just like the rest of Corporate America.

Thank you for your continued business.
Cutting out the pretzels is not the key to profitability for US. What is wrong with selling tickets at fares which at minimum break even? When some folks are paying $1.00+/mile to offset the fact that others are paying $.05/mile, it means that the system is broken. US is not in business to shuttle people around at a loss. If people stop flying, or fly less, so be it. As Art has previously stated, it's survival of the fittest.
When? Would they even sell the xoxo bars? 🙂
Ican't remember exactly a couple of years ago w/ the buy on board stuff....

Lets see.... I think there were cans of Pringles, candybars, beef jerky, don't remember
all everything was $3.00 each....

Cash only! LOL 🙄
HAHA - - Whatever, SA7, unfortunately, if we start charging for seat cushions you're still gonna have to smile and say thank you. Nothing should be bullsh*t to someone whose ticket costs less than the gas it costs to get them there...... 🙂

Don't you mean a SA4? Shannon I spend about $10 on Gas to get to/from the Airport...now if we're talking JetFuel it doesn't hurt US in any way in fact they are making more $ than flying that seat out empty...Don't criticize me for saying this but US is one CHEAP BA$TARD 🙂 I don't have a problem with the pretzels being removed I have a problem with the MESSAGE they sent...

"Oh it's so freaking cheap $0.03"

(Few Months Later)

"Oh it's so freaking expensive $0.03 we need to stop serving them in the main cabin"

It's Bulls**t 😉
They are telling us as customers they only want our business on their terms. Some would call that dictating to the customer. A tactic that doesn't usually work long term.

This sentence causes me to wonder how many businesses are really interested in doing business on the customer's terms other than businesses which, by nature, do customized business. I suspect the answer is not many. You either hire, or purchase from, the company or you don't. By paying for a product or service you are affirmatively agreeing to the product and the price by giving them money or other valuable consideration.
The reality is that eliminating the pretzels will save less than Scott Kirby's Salary and bonus. So several million customers will be given a sub par experience to save the equivelent of a Sr Executives Salary and Bonus. For me I'd rather have the pretzels for the customers than yet another arrogant airline executive on the payroll.

There we go. It's not about surviving the fuel crisis by saving through any means possible, it's about your tiff with Tempe. We'll have to wait and see how much of a huge bonus Kirby takes when USAir continues posting exorbitant losses, as is expected. On with your "Tempe tantrum"...

A botched Reservation Migration, DOT stats through the floor

What? No one is saying that Tempe has not made several serious mistakes, but what does that have to do with the price of fuel today? I remember you being so "pro employee"; shouldn't they be looking at any means possible to save money, thus saving jobs? Pick a side, dude.

Oh, and we're number 1 on time for April I believe. Ops getting better. It's blatantly noticeable, esp. in Phl. It's getting better, but keep singing the same tune to fuel your "Tempe tantrum"... (Go ahead, insert lame "kool aid" comments here; when I agree with mgmt I agree; when I don't, I don't....)

Instead of me driving by a gas station, why don't YOU fly coach on CO?

I have flown CO, lovely people, lovely service. Would love to have their Y product, but I do the best that I can with what I have, and will continue to do so. CO's time will come, you watch. Oh, and aren't you just miffed that they quickly followed USAir's $25 bag rule? Maybe you missed that press release? Are they maybe concerned about their "strong" balance sheet? Gosh, I hate when CO nickel and dimes me. 🙄 Come on....

Are you sure? where is the market research to support this? Skybus tried the a la carte model and tell me how many flights they had today? OH that's right NONE because they went under.
Comparing Skybus' business model to USAir. Brilliant. I won't bother responding.

As always, thank you for your business.
I think there's an expression that may be appropriate.

Do one thing, and do it well.

Example: SWA...they do domestic only, and they do it well. PAX generally know what to expect, and what NOT to expect...no surprises there.

US, does maybe "OK" domestically, or at least average +/-...and is making an attempt at bigger International ops...not sure how thats going...OK, I guess.

I think US is guilty of "half-stepping"...the 75's with winglets may be "economical" to run the shorter NA routes, but how's the pax "experience"?...if we are running a 75 against everyone's 76,330,777, or 74-400...we are losing the game on the INT'L front.

Maybe DP's going to try to get ahead here, but he better get on with some bigger planes soon, (unless UAL is closer than we think)
Maybe DP's going to try to get ahead here, but he better get on with some bigger planes soon, (unless UAL is closer than we think)
Big planes on their way... I believe 7 A330's starting around March of next year, and many more after that, but someone correct me if I am wrong...

In my opinion, the domestic route system is a 100% money loser for every single airline flying, possibly with the exception of WN, for obvious reasons. It's clear that capacity needs to go away to rationalize the fares, however painful it may be. I just hate to see anyone go through anything even similar to what the USAir employees have endured since 2001....

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