Is that Alice Cooper?
That was not distateful just factual.
She claims the company will get concessions, we hired her to fight for the members. We are giving up retiree medical, pension and outsourcing isnt that concessions. Alone, those three are more concessions then any other bankruptcy, now had all of the rest and this is a rape, which I think is against the law.
Your right she did say the company will get concessions and they will get them either way you vote. This is bankruptcy. And the company is going for all they can get in one swoop. You have a chance to save some of what we stand to lose by joining me and voting Yes on the TA, I know its a tough decision and I don't much like it either, but its the logical choice....best of luck to you
The deal is already being tweaked because the company and the company/union can failure coming to this vote.
Crawl back under the rock and hide and we will stand without you.
Your right she did say the company will get concessions and they will get them either way you vote. This is bankruptcy. And the company is going for all they can get in one swoop. You have a chance to save some of what we stand to lose by joining me and voting Yes on the TA, I know its a tough decision and I don't much like it either, but its the logical choice....best of luck to you
What's a high dollar attorney charge a union for going on camera and reading a written message? Oh wait the company is flipping the bill as long as they get a yes vote.
Hmmm does Jim Little have access to preliminary vote results. He sure is pushing alot of propaganda.