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That was not distateful just factual.
She claims the company will get concessions, we hired her to fight for the members. We are giving up retiree medical, pension and outsourcing isnt that concessions. Alone, those three are more concessions then any other bankruptcy, now had all of the rest and this is a rape, which I think is against the law.
That was not distateful just factual.
She claims the company will get concessions, we hired her to fight for the members. We are giving up retiree medical, pension and outsourcing isnt that concessions. Alone, those three are more concessions then any other bankruptcy, now had all of the rest and this is a rape, which I think is against the law.

Your right she did say the company will get concessions and they will get them either way you vote. This is bankruptcy. And the company is going for all they can get in one swoop. You have a chance to save some of what we stand to lose by joining me and voting Yes on the TA, I know its a tough decision and I don't much like it either, but its the logical choice....best of luck to you
Your right she did say the company will get concessions and they will get them either way you vote. This is bankruptcy. And the company is going for all they can get in one swoop. You have a chance to save some of what we stand to lose by joining me and voting Yes on the TA, I know its a tough decision and I don't much like it either, but its the logical choice....best of luck to you

The deal is already being tweaked because the company and the company/union see can failure coming to this vote.
Crawl back under the rock and hide and we will stand without you.

One thing you keep failing to explain is why does the company need a yes vote and why does the deal keep getting better?

Is it because the company loves you and doesn't want you to live with 3/22 term sheet? AA has had more than one shot at forcing 3/22 on us, and each time, they have passed that up. Why is that?
The deal is already being tweaked because the company and the company/union can failure coming to this vote.
Crawl back under the rock and hide and we will stand without you.

I'm hearing everyone in your shop is voting for the TA but you....how's your island paper tiger?
I heard the same thing, can that be true? I also heard the some of the pilots were told the guys at bobs station are voting for it.
Your right she did say the company will get concessions and they will get them either way you vote. This is bankruptcy. And the company is going for all they can get in one swoop. You have a chance to save some of what we stand to lose by joining me and voting Yes on the TA, I know its a tough decision and I don't much like it either, but its the logical choice....best of luck to you

Not your typical BK, though. The company lost 241M, and if it wasn't for BK related restructuring costs the company would have posted a 95M profit......yes profit...since 2007. So, while you and others vote yes to the largest sellout of your CBA...the company will earn record profits, report record revenue, and see historical load factors. The company has made money on just the restructuring of lease agreements for aircraft and property. In essence, if the company would just manage the business just a little bit better.....they wouldn't need your $390M in savings, or the $1.25B in savings from employees. But, you are intent on listening to the TWU stooges, which includes lawyers, economists, and company paid representatives. Don't let history repeat itself by giving your blood, sweat and lives to the executive wing of the TWU & AA. They both will see bonuses on your behalf. You watch! And, when your locked in for 6 more years.....don't whine when that happens.
700 why are you posting the video?
Cause I saw it on the US page, thought it belonged here.
No matter what you post the no voters believe in hope. Hope that the judge will hammer AA. I would suggest buying a liquor store. You will make a lot of money off them after the judge does away with our contract.
What's a high dollar attorney charge a union for going on camera and reading a written message? Oh wait the company is flipping the bill as long as they get a yes vote.

Hmmm does Jim Little have access to preliminary vote results. He sure is pushing alot of propaganda.
What's a high dollar attorney charge a union for going on camera and reading a written message? Oh wait the company is flipping the bill as long as they get a yes vote.

Hmmm does Jim Little have access to preliminary vote results. He sure is pushing alot of propaganda.

What is amazing is how when the TWU or AA Management push for a Yes vote, the No votes go up.

I talked with a guy lunch that was on the bubble, he said over at Hangar 80 they saw the "514" print on the "Vote Yes" signs out on the street. and they all became No Voters. The TWU has zero credibility left and everytime the open their mouths the yes votes increase. Beautiful thing!

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