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New Vote o Video from Local Presidents

Why were you willing to send your AIP check back because you refused to accept money from AA corporate but you took a $3000 check from them for your pet project. You told everyone else to send back the AIP, I guess when it is something you want for you integrity doesn't come in to play.

Sell your soul for the "craft" right? No. It's called believing in a concept or an ideal. Many people work hard for the TWU and accept payment or wages for the services they provide. You call that dishonest and corrupt yet when you accept cash from organizations that want to have all aircraft maintenance outsourced and standards lowered (ARSA) and the corporate machine that is destroying our pensions, outsourcing our jobs, and refusing to pay the wage you want that's different.

Don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house Ken.

Many people work hard for the twu? There currently
are two types of people within the twu, one group consist
of people who work hard for the membership and tha
second group is one where people work hard to get into
the twu international/stay in the twu international. Big

Glass houses and stones? Is that anything like appointed
international officers who peddle a yes vote but do not
have to live under the concessions?

And you recommended we vote against the deal that would have put us above UA, CO, US, and DL for the last two years. BK was a scare tactic perpetrated by the Int'l and AA? No, it was a fact. Now we are faced with another decision and you come up with Bob Owen's Fun Facts to Vote By and we are supposed to believe you?

Once again put who above UA,CO and DL? Not anyone at the bases, or on day shift or afternoon shift on the line. Not any of our Title II guys no matter what hours they worked. The only ones would be those guys on nights who started after 8pm and before 5am. So if they started the guys at 1959 they would not have to pay them MRT which provided AA with the $1.50 cushion that they could use to claim that we made more. More spin from Overspin.

Am I scared to vote no? No but I am terrified that people will buy in to your BS stories again. Your comparison to UA only looks that way because the band of no voting, "we got balls" Presidents recommended to the membership that we could get a better deal and we believed you. AA AMTs getting paid less by any measure is directly attributable to the advice you and your buddies provided in 2010. Own it. You made a bad call then and you are making a bad recommendation now.

Thats your opinion, and you do so from behind an alias, I put my name to what I do or say.

You will not prove or show AA and the judge that the union will not take it and deserve more. To the contrary, you will back up AA's assertion in court that the union has been unwilling and unable to come to grips that costs are too high and they needed to change. That AA bargained with us for years and that the TWU membership was unwilling to make any compromises and that BK was the inevitable result.

Unwilling to make any compromises? You sound like management. Where have we not been compromising? We are at the bottom of the industry in all facets of pay. We are giving up the pension. We have the worst work rules as far as OT. We are allowing them to cut headcount by over 2000.

Judge Lane will abrogate and the outsourcing train will be pulling out of the station. Sure the TWU can keep talking but that is likely to start in 2013 in earnest followed by a few years of "good faith bargaining". Hey, maybe there will be a merger in between to really delay the process.

Judge Lane may abrogate, and after three failed votes and two organizations looking to unseat the TWU maybe Jim Little will realize that Dons plan of draging things out until we will accept anything, and punishing us for not accepting the 2008 extension or the 2010 agreement is a failure and will step in and take all Dons puppets out of the process and truly turn it over to the guys who know what the members want, or maybe a new union with something to prove will be here instead. The members voted down the 2010 agreement, then the International-Don, made sure we got nowhere by setting up a subcommitttee with no real power to negotiate till they filed for BK, we voted down the First Last best offer, and now we face yet another vote pushed out there by pretty much the same people who pushed for the 2010 TA. In most unions after one failed vote the people who recommended it are removed and no longer get to be on the committee, well our members have to wait for an election to do that and even then sometimes it doesnt happen, Nearly everyone who voted to bring the 2010 TA back who faced an election was removed so far, however some get to still stay on the committee even though they were voted out of office!!!

The pilots got them to lower the ask by 15%, then the flight attendants by 35% and neither of them are at the bottom of the industry like we are.

All the while you can keep typing on the internet about the NMB, AA, and the TWU all being against you and when who are still working pull up our pay statements they will stay say bottom wages with no end in sight.

A yes vote will guarantee that we will stay at the bottom for six more years.
Once again put who above UA,CO and DL? Not anyone at the bases, or on day shift or afternoon shift on the line. Not any of our Title II guys no matter what hours they worked. The only ones would be those guys on nights who started after 8pm and before 5am. So if they started the guys at 1959 they would not have to pay them MRT which provided AA with the $1.50 cushion that they could use to claim that we made more. More spin from Overspin.

Thats your opinion, and you do so from behind an alias, I put my name to what I do or say.

Unwilling to make any compromises? You sound like management. Where have we not been compromising? We are at the bottom of the industry in all facets of pay. We are giving up the pension. We have the worst work rules as far as OT. We are allowing them to cut headcount by over 2000.

Judge Lane may abrogate, and after three failed votes and two organizations looking to unseat the TWU maybe Jim Little will realize that Dons plan of draging things out until we will accept anything, and punishing us for not accepting the 2008 extension or the 2010 agreement is a failure and will step in and take all Dons puppets out of the process and truly turn it over to the guys who know what the members want, or maybe a new union with something to prove will be here instead. The members voted down the 2010 agreement, then the International-Don, made sure we got nowhere by setting up a subcommitttee with no real power to negotiate till they filed for BK, we voted down the First Last best offer, and now we face yet another vote pushed out there by pretty much the same people who pushed for the 2010 TA. In most unions after one failed vote the people who recommended it are removed and no longer get to be on the committee, well our members have to wait for an election to do that and even then sometimes it doesnt happen, Nearly everyone who voted to bring the 2010 TA back who faced an election was removed so far, however some get to still stay on the committee even though they were voted out of office!!!

The pilots got them to lower the ask by 15%, then the flight attendants by 35% and neither of them are at the bottom of the industry like we are.

A yes vote will guarantee that we will stay at the bottom for six more years.
Once again put who above UA,CO and DL? Not anyone at the bases, or on day shift or afternoon shift on the line. Not any of our Title II guys no matter what hours they worked. The only ones would be those guys on nights who started after 8pm and before 5am. So if they started the guys at 1959 they would not have to pay them MRT which provided AA with the $1.50 cushion that they could use to claim that we made more. More spin from Overspin.

Thats your opinion, and you do so from behind an alias, I put my name to what I do or say.

Unwilling to make any compromises? You sound like management. Where have we not been compromising? We are at the bottom of the industry in all facets of pay. We are giving up the pension. We have the worst work rules as far as OT. We are allowing them to cut headcount by over 2000.

Judge Lane may abrogate, and after three failed votes and two organizations looking to unseat the TWU maybe Jim Little will realize that Dons plan of draging things out until we will accept anything, and punishing us for not accepting the 2008 extension or the 2010 agreement is a failure and will step in and take all Dons puppets out of the process and truly turn it over to the guys who know what the members want, or maybe a new union with something to prove will be here instead. The members voted down the 2010 agreement, then the International-Don, made sure we got nowhere by setting up a subcommitttee with no real power to negotiate till they filed for BK, we voted down the First Last best offer, and now we face yet another vote pushed out there by pretty much the same people who pushed for the 2010 TA. In most unions after one failed vote the people who recommended it are removed and no longer get to be on the committee, well our members have to wait for an election to do that and even then sometimes it doesnt happen, Nearly everyone who voted to bring the 2010 TA back who faced an election was removed so far, however some get to still stay on the committee even though they were voted out of office!!!

The pilots got them to lower the ask by 15%, then the flight attendants by 35% and neither of them are at the bottom of the industry like we are.

A yes vote will guarantee that we will stay at the bottom for six more years.

I concur


Mark Tanner
DFW Inspector
Navy Corpsman/14th Marines
Their counter video attempt

Their counter video attempt


Paid for by the TWU International.
Many people work hard for the twu? There currently
are two types of people within the twu, one group consist
of people who work hard for the membership and tha
second group is one where people work hard to get into
the twu international/stay in the twu international. Big

Glass houses and stones? Is that anything like appointed
international officers who peddle a yes vote but do not
have to live under the concessions?
Did you accept $3,500 from the ARSA and AA? Yes or no Ken? Why can't you answer the question? Is it because it strikes right to the meat of the matter that it is you that lacks intergrity. You back whatever suits you in the right now with no consideration for the big picture. Ken the truth is that you accepted money from the very corporate people you say you revile on this blog and on other websites. You are in bed with an organization that wants to outsource our craft to China and south of the border. Give the money back Ken. Accepting money from AA and the ARSA for your bust is like getting a donation for the Aryan Brotherhood for a Holocaust Memorial. Give the money back Ken!
Imagine that......

She said nothing I didn't already know. Therefore what is the message intent?
To repeat what has already been said?

This was nothing more than a sad attempt to counter the VOTE NO video, and she didn't even tell you to vote yes.
She is trying to introduce fear and uncertainty without being held responsible for the outcome. This has been the tactic employed by the International for the twenty six years that I've been at AA. They deliver a message that clearly favors submission without actually saying it, so when the dust settles and you realize what you have done to your careers they can say "You voted for it. all I did was give you information. You never asked THAT question".

Today I suspect that the Presidents Council will get the hard sell on voting to endorse the International position on merging with USAIR. It will be a replay of the vote for endorsing the companys application for anti-trust immunity with BA. That worked out real well for our members.

I see nothing in it for us and feel as a Union we should be blasting USAIR management for not bringing their mechanics up to industry standards and we should not be trying to assist Horton, Parker and friends in building a megga carrier with super low mechanic wage rates and horrible work rules. We should not help Airline management undo the slight compensation recovery we have seen at United and Delta. We should tell USAIR come back and talk to us after they have talked to their Unions. The pilots have been without a contract at USAIR since 2007. We are stabbing all those Unions at USAIR in the back, so much for Union Solidarity in the AFL-CIO. Lead by example right?

Look at that peice of trash the International had Tom Roth make up, the side by side of other bankruptcies, it completely leaves out the fact that we gave up more than those carriers did without going bankrupt. It also omits the fact that in BK they were brought down to within a narrow range of what we are making and AA was the largest carrier in the world at that time. Nobody was brought to $57,000 less than the top wage and nobody was brought to around $8/hr below the largest carrier in the industry, that was left out of the chart that the International had made up.

To those who are getting nervous, look at the contract, look at what others are currently making and look at what the law says. The law is supposed to remove onerous terms from the debtor, not impose onerous terms on the creditors - and we are creditors. When the court tells Exxon that they must sell AA fuel for 40% below what others are paying because AA is bankrupt and therefore are entitled to unilaterally set terms then I will say , OK it sucks but thats the law and maybe we need to file for C-11 as well(sure the lawyers would love that) but they arent, they cant, it would never stand up outside the BK court. They all want us to roll over and accept this because its good for them, the less money that goes to us means there is more for them.
After all is said and done the union petitions to have all legal fees paid by the company. Does that make her just another company lawyer? Naw couldn't be
Once again you talk misinformation.

As you know the pilots group at US dont have a COMBINED CBA, they each have a CBA that they are working under, just not combined one.

US mechanic and related are in section 6 negotiations, first time since the merger.

And you know CBAs under the RLA dont expire, they become amendable.

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