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New Safety Video

This is nothing. You should see the safety training videos they make us watch. They are humiliating. I feel humiliated watching them, and I feel humiliated for the people who make them, because they are awful.

It's a matter of image and proffesionali. Usairways always goes cheap
Delta is a class airline
This is nothing. You should see the safety training videos they make us watch. They are humiliating. I feel humiliated watching them, and I feel humiliated for the people who make them, because they are awful.

It's a matter of image and proffesionali. Usairways always goes cheap
Delta is a class airline

Glad to see some here agree with me not just rationalize and defend the hideous film.

Glad to see some here agree with me not just rationalize and defend the hideous film.


I'm not agreeing with you. Why so much hyperbole on something as meaningless as a video like this? It does what it's supposed to do. Just because US didn't have George Lucas produce it or spend millions on CGI and Dolby Surround Sound doesn't mean it's "hideous". If this is your standard for hideousness you should see the crap vids that some of the West pilots have churned out.
It's a matter of image and proffesionali. Usairways always goes cheap
Delta is a class airline

Excuse me for being skeptical of your grasp of "image" and "professionalism". In business, correct spelling and proper punctuation add immensely to both.
You are absolutly correct, AWA has turned this place into the laughing stock of the industry.
With no short amount of help from our self-sabotaging pilots, who as a badge of pride work for the industry's lowest wages. Laughing stock indeed.
notice 737823 has never told what bank he works for so we could opine about it.
No doubt US videos would be better if they had stolen from the taxpayers and sucked on the government teat for bailouts as the banks did.
notice 737823 has never told what bank he works for so we could opine about it.
No doubt US videos would be better if they had stolen from the taxpayers and sucked on the government teat for bailouts as the banks did.

Not germane to this line of discussion.

Oh, but it is Joshie. When you come on here to pick apart the airlines, you know who the posters are employed by.
Be a man, if you are one and fess up to who your employer is. Are you afraid that they may have some skeletons in their closet that may be exposed? Stop being a coward, and tell us...
Or do you enjoy the unfair advantage you have by not disclosing your proud company?
Oh, but it is Joshie. When you come on here to pick apart the airlines, you know who the posters are employed by.
Be a man, if you are one and fess up to who your employer is. Are you afraid that they may have some skeletons in their closet that may be exposed? Stop being a coward, and tell us...
Or do you enjoy the unfair advantage you have by not disclosing your proud company?

Not necessarily, people post on various forums not necessarily the forum for their employer. Others beside myself are not employed by the airlines but still post here. You're going to have to let this one go, it's none of your business and not germane to this discussion. I am employed by a large investment bank headquartered in New York that's all I'm saying. Draw whatever conclusions you'd like. I'm not going to entertain this line of discussion any further.

So its ok for you to go way off topic in any thread, bash US bash the IAM, what's a matter you scared to take some hear , I bet his bank took TARP money and he is scared to tell us.

You post lies, you post misinformation, you purposely post things to flamebait people, and you still post incorrect information when you were proven wrong and provided the facts, and you go way off topic all the time.

Guess you cant stand the heat.
I think that we have hit a nerve of Joshies. Perhaps a little bit of investigating will give us someting more to go on.
Let's get the ball rolling....
I am employed by a large investment bank headquartered in New York that's all I'm saying. Draw whatever conclusions you'd like. I'm not going to entertain this line of discussion any further.

Then I will. Does it really matter which investment bank he works for? An industry of unscrupulous paper-pushers who can make wealth only by virtue of manipulating other's. Certainly some firms are worse than others, and in many different ways, but like a band of thieves they share complicity among them. They understand only gain, and will heedlessly sacrifice any other value or virtue in order to obtain it; this they've demonstrated ad infinitum and by larger degrees as time goes on. They are the parasites that convince themselves that were it not for them their host could not survive. We know them well.

Should we really be surprised he's here? As he mentioned, he is like other non-interested trolls who are attracted here by the discord and negativity we sow among ourselves, like flies are attracted to the stench of filth. Given his professed occupation who could doubt that his recreation consists of bothering people that actually work for a living?

I don't care which investment bank he works for really, I'm more interested to know what kind of guy he is. So how about it Joshie, would you say you're more of a Patrick Bateman or a Gordon Gekko? Bernie Madoff maybe?

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