Until we negotiate it back in. We wont have to wait six more years for the opportunity if we vote No. Tick tock, they have till December, December 2012 is a lot better than Sept 2018.95 sen? It's going to get to 93 . I'm voting know like I did last time but your not being honest with yourself if you think a no vote is going to keep system protection. The term sheet the judge will impose clearly eliminates that
People act like abrogation can only happen in BK, Well during normal section 6 abrogation happens at the end of the cooling off period, the only difference is that during Section 6 abrogation we can legally resort to self help such as sick outs, work to rule, walk outs etc, in Sect 1113 they have declared that we cant until we are released by the NMB, but just because they say we cant it doesnt actually stop us from doing it. Like Mike Quill said, "You have to fight for it". Quill told the Judge to drop dead, we should follow his example if they insist on treating us like second class citizens. We have to be willing to "fight" the courts. Look at what they've done to Airline workers, no other worker and no other creditor can be put in the position the courts are putting airline workers in under C-11, If they want to apply the RLA then apply 1167 as well. If we walk in there with the Pilots and APFA I doubt the Judge will want to bring this unquestionably unfair, inequitable treatment of airline workers out into the light of day as the media starts questioning whats really going on here. I'm not niave enough to think the media is our friend but a story is a story, and if we all vote NO, and the Judge abrogates, and we all do what we need to do and show up and tell the judge what he can do with his injunction like Mike Quill did then they will want to know the story.