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New Vote o Video from Local Presidents

95 sen? It's going to get to 93 . I'm voting know like I did last time but your not being honest with yourself if you think a no vote is going to keep system protection. The term sheet the judge will impose clearly eliminates that
Until we negotiate it back in. We wont have to wait six more years for the opportunity if we vote No. Tick tock, they have till December, December 2012 is a lot better than Sept 2018.

People act like abrogation can only happen in BK, Well during normal section 6 abrogation happens at the end of the cooling off period, the only difference is that during Section 6 abrogation we can legally resort to self help such as sick outs, work to rule, walk outs etc, in Sect 1113 they have declared that we cant until we are released by the NMB, but just because they say we cant it doesnt actually stop us from doing it. Like Mike Quill said, "You have to fight for it". Quill told the Judge to drop dead, we should follow his example if they insist on treating us like second class citizens. We have to be willing to "fight" the courts. Look at what they've done to Airline workers, no other worker and no other creditor can be put in the position the courts are putting airline workers in under C-11, If they want to apply the RLA then apply 1167 as well. If we walk in there with the Pilots and APFA I doubt the Judge will want to bring this unquestionably unfair, inequitable treatment of airline workers out into the light of day as the media starts questioning whats really going on here. I'm not niave enough to think the media is our friend but a story is a story, and if we all vote NO, and the Judge abrogates, and we all do what we need to do and show up and tell the judge what he can do with his injunction like Mike Quill did then they will want to know the story.
It's a catch 22. If Tulsa votes it in then we have NO Article 42. Layoffs coming at companies discretion. So layoffs are coming anyway. 4200 layoffs? No way. There is overtime up the wazoo at the class 1 stations. You can not tell me that there is no overtime in Tulsa. Can someone explain this logic to the guys in Tulsa that are voting yes? Please use common sense here. Vote NO and lets continue to negotiate. The clock is ticking in our favor not the company. The company needs us to move the metal.

Exactly, a yes vote gives them six years to make the transition. A NO vote puts them into a squeeze.
Are you sure about that? I'm not so sure the judge abrogates the contract to the march term sheet.

The Judge abrogates and allows the company to impose new terms. So technically the Judge doesnt impose, he washes his hands, kind of like how Pontuis Pilate didnt actually put Christ on the cross.

In their effort to scare us the International lawyers have said that the company can do whatever it wants, they dont have to follow the Mar22 term sheet, but they could not produce anything supporting that or any examples of a company imposing anything harsher than what the company said they wanted to impose to the court.

Here's the catch, if they told the court this is what they needed and then did something else then they mislead the Court, which would embarrass the Judge and damage the credibility of both the company and the court. The Judge made his decision based upon what the company presented, had they told the court they were going to impose something harsher the Judge may have figured that such a move may incite rebellion and put the creditors assetts further at risk, he may have rejected the Motion. One thing is certain, lets say that happened, and the place blew up and thousands of passengers were left stranded as a result, the Judge would swear to the press that had the company said they were going to go that far in their motion he would have denied the motion. He would not take the blame.
It is my belief that the company will be able to implement what they want up to what is in the term sheet, although they can do whatever they want it will not be looked upon very positively by the court or creditors,lenders etc. Labor strife is not a good thing for any company in Bankruptcy!

I want to see this play out.. VOTE NO!!
It is my belief that the company will be able to implement what they want up to what is in the term sheet, although they can do whatever they want it will not be looked upon very positively by the court or creditors,lenders etc. Labor strife is not a good thing for any company in Bankruptcy!

I want to see this play out.. VOTE NO!!

I agree I say vote no and see what happens. If the judge abrogates I would think the company will sit down again and somewhat sweeten the deal but at least now we will know if we vote no again then mar term sheet will be imposed .

I don't believe however we will ever satisfy Owens and the others. AA had us right where they want us . If anyone thinks we are exiting bk as the highest paid amts they are smoking some good #### !
I don't believe however we will ever satisfy Owens and the others. AA had us right where they want us . If anyone thinks we are exiting bk as the highest paid amts they are smoking some good #### !
No one expects 100% yes vote but how about AA provide a contract that 83% of us would approve, which happens to be the average approval rating of the 5 TWU ratified groups. No, instead their target is 50% + 1 and keeping the M&R last in the industry.
who voted GD in office.

Not us, and he's not an AMT either. But he will stick a letter in our ballatts telling AMTs that they should not expect to come out of BK as well (compared to their peers) as FSCs, and all the other groups that ratified their deals. Have to wonder why the TWU feels that AMTs should be the only ones that agree to bottom of the industry wages for at least 6 more years? He wrote such a nice letter for AMT day, then, even though everyone else is coming out of this still pretty high as far as ranking with their peers he feels that we are worth $16,000 less than mechanics at UAL. If we were making $1 less we would still be at the bottom, but $16,000 less??? Thats more like having a different profession, not a different employer, we arent even close. Are our Fleet service clerks making $16,000 less than any of their peers? Its not even as if UAL is number 1. UPS is and they make $57,000 more than we do. UAL is near the bottom, only USAIR, the Airline our leaders picked as a merger partner is between AA, which is at the Bottom, and United, which is third from the bottom.
who voted GD in office.

The twu version of democracy voted him into office. You know democracy where YOU don't get to vote because if you did GD would never be elected into office.

The twu is a undemocratic, industrial catch all union that protects those who are appointed by never having them live under the concessions they urge the membership to accept.
The twu version of democracy voted him into office. You know democracy where YOU don't get to vote because if you did GD would never be elected into office.

The twu is a undemocratic, industrial catch all union that protects those who are appointed by never having them live under the concessions they urge the membership to accept.

There is a story I heard from the late Ed Wilson that GD was first appointed to International Rep. after the 1989 TWU Constitutional Convention in which he had a direct impact on the Delagate Counting regarding the International Officers. He was rewarded for helping save the incumbents from a difficult challenge on the Convention Floor. Upon return from that Convention, that was as mad and angry as I ever saw Ed Wilson.....FURIOUS!
There is a story I heard from the late Ed Wilson that GD was first appointed to International Rep. after the 1989 TWU Constitutional Convention in which he had a direct impact on the Delagate Counting regarding the International Officers. He was rewarded for helping save the incumbents from a difficult challenge on the Convention Floor. Upon return from that Convention, that was as mad and angry as I ever saw Ed Wilson.....FURIOUS!

Ah, the twu international national convention... the epitome of undemocratic self serving oportunists. The place where if a certain motion is not passed it gets voted on again and again till the wanted outcome is achieved.
Ah, the twu international national convention... the epitome of undemocratic self serving oportunists. The place where if a certain motion is not passed it gets voted on again and again till the wanted outcome is achieved.

You sure you are not talking about the company/international contract offers? 😱

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