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new uniform pieces

If I am in violation of "outing" someone...then Flygirl74 is in violation of the following:

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use the USaviation.com Message Boards to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate[/u][/color], abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by USaviation.com.

A ZERO TOLERANCE policy in place in regards to postings that are arguably defamatory displaying intent to draw ridicule, possibly being untrue, and damaging to a person's reputation. If any postings fall within this criteria, they will be deleted without hesitation.

Didn't you just contradict yourself??? Yah know the part about invasion of privacy???
Tried to log on to order uniforms this AM. Guess what did not work. Called Twin Hill and nice lady that ans phone asked me series of questions ....then asked me how long have you been an airport ? Then proceeded to tell me that she has had many calls about employees that are not in the system. Strange that I logged into their website made an appointment got two reminders of my fitting date and now I am not in the system. She told me to call my supervisor and I told her I was the supervisor and she said well HONEY I am lost, PLEASE check back in few days and we will see if you are a valid US AIRWAYS employee........
I tried on the all weather coat in phoenix and it's nice. I really didn't care for the raincoat, so I didn't order it. The all weather coat (winter coat) is very nice.

Wait, now I am really confused. Do some bases have the coats and others don't?

From the Hanger


The fit lines have opened and the clothes are flying. We are looking forward to seeing all of you there.

Just some added information:

When placing your order on the TwinHill web site please remember that you have to use your NEW US Airways ID.
Uniforms Links

Fittings... Fittings & Fittings!!

Also, it is not mandatory to place your uniform order within 24 hours of your fitting. However, TwinHill is asking that you do it as soon as possible after your fitting so they can begin processing your orders for shipping. Uniforms will start shipping approximately the fourth week of November.

Many of you that have been to your fitting have seen pictures of the new third tie for men and the new third scarf for women, but have not found them on the web site for order. TwinHill has confirmed that as of the evening of October 10 they will both be on the website. If you have already placed your order and would like to go back and order or change your order for one of those items you may do so by calling the TwinHill customer service number and an associate will help you.

We have heard from many of our female flight attendants about not having the "all weather coat " and the "rain coat" available at the fit lines. The information I have received from Corporate and TwinHill management is that both of the coats had been redesigned and were not able to be made in mass production to accommodate the number of sizes that were necessary for the fit lines. They have told me that when the ladies order their coats they should use the same size as their blazers or at most one size up. As an added note, while at the fit line if you ask to see the men's "all weather coats" and "rain coats" you will be able to see and feel the material as they are made of the same materials.

We will continue to update you as the fit line continues through the month with any updates that will help you through your New US Airways Uniform experience.

Thank you for taking the time to be informed.

AFA MEC US Airways Uniform Chairs

Brian Morgan BMorgan@afausairways.org
Candi Covelli CCovelli@afausairways.org
Don't take this the wrong way, but I have seen a lot of F/As that are screwing the things on backwards... that would most certainly tear your shirts. You are using them with the flat part against the fabric right?

I don't like that the new stuff has the logo sewn in and the wings... it doesn't look right.


No, the prong is to wide. Pushing it through the shirt is what is ripping it.
I just got home from the fitting in CLT.

They didn't have the all weather coats.

I do like the feel of the fabric for the slacks but I'm going to have to get used to the low waist. I'm not used to wearing low waisted pants and they felt funny to me.

I liked the shirts and the way the collars lay. They are a little taylored and should give most people a nice shape. And long. The mock was pretty comfortable too. I liked the 3/4 sleeve shirt too.

The blazer is a lighter weight than our current blazer. I do not like the blue ribbon on the cuff. It looks cheap.

I still think the dress looks like a cafeteria uniform. (serve ya' sir? pop of chewing gum)

The winter scarf is very nice.

The scort looks really nice on petite women. It drapes nicely.
I'm kind of retired from the company but I keep following whats going on since I still have travel benefits but what the hell is the deal with the Star Trek looking shirts and the Jogging suits. I don't understand what kind of look this ompany is going for. I mean if your flying passengers to LAS for the next Comicon convention they might overlook the silly looking uniforms but of course they might also be dressed up like Klingons themselves but the Jogging suits baffle me. Unless your gonna bust out with some Yoga poses mid flight they make no sense..... No I've got it..... Biggest Looser....... US Airways plans on being the biggest Looser....... no wait they already are.
Our new uniforms are appropriate for the niggest joke of an airline (sometimes) flying. So embarrassing. Can't wait to get a new job.
I thought the new scarf and tie for men would be on the TwinHills website tonight? I'm curious to see it. I don't like the striped tie. I mean you pair that with the striped shirt. Sheeeeesh lines and colors all OVER the place. Oh well it is what it is. Why not give us visors to wear too so we can look like the frygirl or the fryguy from the arches with our aprons on. 🙄 The more I look at the raincoat it reminds me of Angie Dickinson in Dressed to Kill. :lol: