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New lanyards

The company's data is broken down to the individual Captain.

So they know what taxi times are for each Captain involved on the work action along with other metrics.

I've been told there is so much data that Cleary is frozen as to how to proceed.

I believe this because of the lack of comm coming out of USAPA and Sehams refusal to take this case. He's not working the injunction.
Once again you all dont know the First Amendment, it only stops the Government from restricting free speech, a private company can set policies and procedures that are totally within the law and you have to follow them.

They have the right to have a uniform policy and enforce it.
Your probably right. Until now I don't believe they have enforced there uniform policy. That Yellow land yard must bug them more than Yellow pit rings I see from time to time. What an outfit......
Anyone got an extra yellow lanyard they'd be willing to part with?
If I had a spare I would give it to you but it seems like the more pressure the company applies regarding the lanyards the more popular they are!


so apparently the company calls up China and tells them we need 30,000 of the cheapest lanyards you have, I know one person's whose broke in less than a day. lol what a joke just cause some lanyard puts a burr under their saddle.
so apparently the company calls up China and tells them we need 30,000 of the cheapest lanyards you have, I know one person's whose broke in less than a day. lol what a joke just cause some lanyard puts a burr under their saddle.

I think the company enjoys the bitter division between east n west, until a percieved concerted effort to affect the things their bonus'es are tied to developes. The yellow Lanyards seems to be the "Tie that binds", so its off with the unity, and back with the bonuses.
As expected Cleary and gang blinked. All of that bluster and in the end, NOTHING. Cleary saw his weak leadership demonstrated by the east pilots abandoning the yellow lanyards in favor of their jobs. Cleary told everyone to take the yellow lanyard off.

Another weak threat that failed by the usapa leadership.You east guy really should be embarrassed by Cleary and gang. The company just spanked usapa.
Another yawner from Cleary.

All bark no bite. Looks like ge played chicken with the company and lost.

Smart move backing down. We would have seen alot of easties on the street by the end of the year.
It's funny how the company is worried about lanyards and arm bands, but turns away when they see people still wearing america west uniforms!
Another yawner from Cleary.

All bark no bite. Looks like ge played chicken with the company and lost.

Smart move backing down. We would have seen alot of easties on the street by the end of the year.

NEVER MIND.........

You cannot have my lanyard....You can only take it from my cold dead
hands.... I will never give it up...It is a pure shining example of my
commitment to my union brothers.

We will never give in, we will never quit, we will continue to wear
this in solidarity with our union brothers and sisters to continue the
fight to the bitter en....

Oh???!!!! It's just a cartridge casing on the world wide battlefield
of labor management struggle?

Ohh that's different... Never mind. (Think Gilda Radner as Emily Latella)


Fellow Pilots:

On July 19th I wrote to you concerning Management's latest assault on
our rights to communicate, that of the new lanyard and badge backer
directive. I am attaching that President's Message to this one because
it contains key information relevant to the discussion (or you can
click here to read it). It is well worth a re-read as we think this
issue through; please take a moment to take a look at it now. In that
letter, we advised you to continue to wear your lanyards until ordered
to remove them by your supervisor. Because of the specific
communications that has come from Management, it is clear they are
intent on taking hostages on this issue. It is likewise critical that
we deny them that opportunity.

The lanyards are a symbol of our solidarity behind our safety
campaign. Management knows that. What they do not yet understand is
that they are powerless to strip us of that solidarity. Desperately,
all they can do is admit to you that it bothers them when we think and
act together and to attempt to punish you for daring to challenge
their flawed safety culture. And so, in an attempt to provoke you,
they have tried to pick a fight with us over the mere symbol of that
solidarity. The unity exists not because of the lanyards but because
of their questionable actions. You have the depth of airline
experience to know that we are in the right. If Management truly
wanted to fix the latent problems here, then they need to look at
their own actions and not at our lanyards.

There is no doubt that management by retaliation and intimidation is
the failed technique of choice at Team Tempe. They are looking for
hostages to weaken your resolve as we tackle the separate but critical
projects of our safety campaign and our contract negotiations. The
lanyards have served their purpose - their use has demonstrated to our
fellow pilots, to Management, and to our fellow employees that the
pilots are unified in pursuing the safety initiatives that will
reclaim our flawed safety culture - a culture desperately in need of
"intervention" according to Dr. Terri von Thaden. The lanyards are
spent cartridges along the battle field. Put them in your trophy case.
We must deny Management any opportunity to create an easy hostage
target, and this issue could well be one of them. Management's
admission of our solidarity constitutes surrender. They have failed
with this effort because they are further from winning the hearts and
minds of the pilots than ever before. Intimidation is a last desperate
act in a series of failed motivational techniques.

You may absolutely be assured that very soon you will be provided
numerous alternative methods of showing support for your union. Thank
you for your strong conviction and for staying engaged. This is the
very reason we are discussing this issue at all. Management has shown
their weakness yet again - they do not want you engaged.

Solidarity has won many a war far greater than this one. I have great
faith that each of you holds the long view of the war and that the
skirmishes along the way will be held in the perspective of that


Captain Michael Cleary
There is no doubt that management by retaliation and intimidation is
the failed technique of choice at Team Tempe. They are looking for
hostages to weaken your resolve as we tackle the separate but critical
projects of our safety campaign and our contract negotiations
. The
lanyards have served their purpose - their use has demonstrated to our
fellow pilots, to Management, and to our fellow employees that the
pilots are unified in pursuing the safety initiatives that will
reclaim our flawed safety culture - a culture desperately in need of
"intervention" according to Dr. Terri von Thaden. The lanyards are
spent cartridges along the battle field.
Put them in your trophy case.
We must deny Management any opportunity to create an easy hostage
target, and this issue could well be one of them. Management's
admission of our solidarity constitutes surrender. They have failed
with this effort because they are further from winning the hearts and
minds of the pilots than ever before.
Intimidation is a last desperate
act in a series of failed motivational techniques.
What spin! Do you suppose he crafted this himself or does he have a team of his own? The tone of the rhetoric matches what one would have heard blaring from an old Soviet loudspeaker or printed on handbills in some Stalingrad basement during the Great Patriotic War. I'm impressed.

I especially liked the part about "separate but critical projects of our safety campaign and our contract negotiations". Is there anyone here that can honestly and openly say he believes this? As if the taxi times and write-up rates wouldn't have dropped like a stone the day any contract were ratified...

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