SH,If what you say is the case somebody had best be documenting it photographically, as a "Dress Code" require consistency in order to be legal. You can't single out portions of a group based on say an unapproved necktie in one crew base and not in another. This would also apply to lanyards as well I would think. I bet if USAPA looked into it they could get a very cheap watch in bright yellow. Since a watch is required & I'm betting the color is NOT specified it would be a nice middle finger to Jerry Glass, who whether the west knows it or not is coming for them too and he's got the "Big Iron on His Hip."
As of mon. the PHL cp office was still looking for clarification on the badge backer issue. Please don't think me unpatriotic but as to patriotic ties unless they are of the same style then we don't look uniform in our uniforms nor do we look uniform if some are wearing hats and others not, nor do we look uniform if some are wearing the uniform tie and some are wearing the patriotic tie! Not to mention shoes, loafers, oxfords, boots, cowboy boots and on and on. And belt buckles which you can no longer get from the provider with the airline logo on it.