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New lanyards

If what you say is the case somebody had best be documenting it photographically, as a "Dress Code" require consistency in order to be legal. You can't single out portions of a group based on say an unapproved necktie in one crew base and not in another. This would also apply to lanyards as well I would think. I bet if USAPA looked into it they could get a very cheap watch in bright yellow. Since a watch is required & I'm betting the color is NOT specified it would be a nice middle finger to Jerry Glass, who whether the west knows it or not is coming for them too and he's got the "Big Iron on His Hip."

As of mon. the PHL cp office was still looking for clarification on the badge backer issue. Please don't think me unpatriotic but as to patriotic ties unless they are of the same style then we don't look uniform in our uniforms nor do we look uniform if some are wearing hats and others not, nor do we look uniform if some are wearing the uniform tie and some are wearing the patriotic tie! Not to mention shoes, loafers, oxfords, boots, cowboy boots and on and on. And belt buckles which you can no longer get from the provider with the airline logo on it.

REALLY! So it's okay for you to "break a rule" by doing a hair plug commercial in uniform? 🙄


Pilots who are still wearing yellow lanyards are disobeying a company directive and are insubordinate. These pilots are placing them self at risk, once the pilot's Chief Pilot's Office has the new lanyards. The July 31 USAPA PHL Domicile Update said, "we were informed that (Bill) Pollock was starting next week (as the new PHL Asst. Chief Pilot) to assist with what they anticipate to be a sharp increase in disciplinary cases."

When is it ok for a person to break a rule?
If what you say is the case somebody had best be documenting it photographically, as a "Dress Code" require consistency in order to be legal. You can't single out portions of a group based on say an unapproved necktie in one crew base and not in another. This would also apply to lanyards as well I would think. I bet if USAPA looked into it they could get a very cheap watch in bright yellow. Since a watch is required & I'm betting the color is NOT specified it would be a nice middle finger to Jerry Glass, who whether the west knows it or not is coming for them too and he's got the "Big Iron on His Hip."
Great idea.

You guys can look like even bigger douches.

Go for it.
[quote name='767one' timestamp='1312463948' post='819

Really! You guys think this is about yellow lanyards and trying to figure out a way around the restriction. Is there any doubt why the company is eating your lunch at every turn?

Wear a yellow watch, use a yellow pen, heck don't wash your shirts and let the pits get yellow stains. Until you figure out what this is really about you are wasting your time and the company loves it. Tango down!

Yeah this is about the company trying to control you, control your thinking and have the advantage at the table... Why do you think DP has the soap box bully pulpit at the crew news... ..

the wach or a lance armstrong live strong sound good.
Yeah this is about the company trying to control you, control your thinking and have the advantage at the table... Why do you think DP has the soap box bully pulpit at the crew news... ..

BINGO! This whole lanyard thing is all about Union Busting pure and simple. A distraction designed to intimidate.

Now what would be interesting is for USAPA to wait until the lanyard guidelines are published and they will be in order for the Company Thugs to do their thing. Once the guidelines are out I'll guarantee there is something that will NOT be covered and then it can be exploited.

Thing that comes to my mind is a 2nd badge with Doug's mug shot from his recent scrape with the law hanging from the Lanyard. That should get some attention internally and in the media.
Yeah this is about the company trying to control you, control your thinking and have the advantage at the table... Why do you think DP has the soap box bully pulpit at the crew news... ..

the wach or a lance armstrong live strong sound good.

Last I thought I lived in AMERICA.... a free country... freedom of speech.... This company is treating its employees as if we live in the USSR!

My toilet chain lanyard works just fine for me!
Once again you all dont know the First Amendment, it only stops the Government from restricting free speech, a private company can set policies and procedures that are totally within the law and you have to follow them.

They have the right to have a uniform policy and enforce it.
Last I thought I lived in AMERICA.... a free country... freedom of speech.... This company is treating its employees as if we live in the USSR!

My toilet chain lanyard works just fine for me!
You act as if you have no choice but to be here. You don't have to work here and if you don't like the policies and working conditions you have three basic choices - quit, comply or face reprimand for violations. If you play for the NFL, you wear the uniform they give you, if you join the police force, you wear the uniform they require, if you flip burgers at DQ, you wear the uniform they require, if you work at US Airways, you wear the uniform they require. But you still have a choice. If you live in a communist country, then you have far fewer choices. We do live in a free country and companies are free to enforce their own uniform policies in any way they see fit.
You're a good union pilot!

No. He is a great pilot, first. (Speaking from experience) Then, he is a union supporter. The fact that you cannot discern the difference speaks to your ignorance and just plain stupidity. Your comments, without westie push-back, colors all the other westies as dumb as you seem.
Last I thought I lived in AMERICA.... a free country... freedom of speech.... This company is treating its employees as if we live in the USSR!

My toilet chain lanyard works just fine for me!

Yes you do have the freedom of speech. But US Airways is a company and can dictate what an employee wears while working for said company. In other words speak free all you want on your own time but while on company time do as your told. Not a hard concept to follow unless your a union employee.
Easy there tough guy. Auto-correct is a ####.

But if grammar is all you have to go after then fine by me.

God only knows I two would lash out at trivial things like grammar if I had given away my pension, cut my pay too nothing, given up on DOH, and suffered threw a miserable career.

So if it makes you feel better, I've allowed you more opportunity to help you through your life with the previous paragraph. It should make you feel good about yourself to find more errors in my writing.

Oh, and f off.

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